03.06.2013 Statista supports German Infographics Award

03/06/2013 Statista supports German Infographics Award


The German Institute for Economic Research in cooperation with Statista and further media, business and science partners will present the first German Infographics Award (Deutscher Infographik Preis, DIP) in 2013.


Hamburg, June 3, 2013 – It is almost impossible to imagine today's media landscape without infographics. They visualize facts, illustrate interesting correlations and are simply entertaining to look at. The process of creating infographics is a form of art and involves experts from various different fields such as graphic designers, data journalists, advertisers, consultants and scientists. Due to their growing popularity on the internet with all its possibilities of sharing, distributing and publishing content, infographics have continuously evolved over the past few years and now come in a great variety of different shapes, sizes and designs. Yet, the creative work behind the charts has hardly been recognized. The German Infographics Award is about to change that.


At Statista, one of the leading statistics portals worldwide, infographics are an important part of day-to-day operations. Tables, bar charts and line graphs form the core business of the company, that has been offering an infographics service for journalists and bloggers since 2011. “Our data journalists together with our team of graphic designers create an interesting ‘Chart of the Day’ on a daily basis,” says CEO Dr. Friedrich Schwandt. “Journalists and bloggers are free to use them to enhance their articles.” With this in mind, it certainly made sense for Statista to get involved in the development of the German Infographics Award.


Open to admission are German-language charts with a publication date between July 1, 2012 and August 31, 2013. Awards will be presented in the categories Science, Business, Media and Independent (independent applicants, newcomers) as well as for outstanding research efforts. Winners will receive 3,000 euros each. Prizes will not be awarded to companies, institutions or publishing media but directly to the data journalist or team of journalists behind the chart. Participation in the competition is free. The award ceremony will be held in Berlin in the first quarter of 2014.


About the German Inforgraphics Award

The German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin in cooperation with Statista and other partners from the business, media and scientific world will present the first German Infographics Award in 2013. Prizes will be awarded in the categories Science, Business, Media and Independent with awards including prize money of 3,000 euros each. A further award will be presented for outstanding research achievements. If you would like to find out more about the German Infographics Award, please refer to the German website http://www.deutscherinfografikpreis.de


About Statista

Statista.com is one of the leading online statistics portals worldwide. Around 65 employees work in the offices in Hamburg and New York – among them database experts, data journalists and statisticians. The company was chosen as Startup of the Year 2008 and received the renowned Gruenderpreis of the Financial Times Germany in the same year. In 2010, it was voted a Place of Innovation and European winner of the Red Herring award. In 2012, Statista was among the finalists for the German Gruenderpreis.



Mathias Brandt, Media Relations, Statista, Tel.: +49 (0) 40/4 13 49 89-13, mathias.brandt@statista.com