World’s Top GreenTech Companies 2026 America’s Top GreenTech Companies 2026

This year, for the first time, TIME and Statista will debut a ranking of the World's Top GreenTech Companies, alongside the second annual ranking of America's Top GreenTech Companies, with results expected to be published in March 2025.

The goal is to give readers insights into a quickly-growing and highly relevant industry, helping them make environmentally conscious consumption decisions, and pointing investors to promising investment opportunities.

The rankings will be based on an aggregated scoring model rating each GreenTech company based on the analysis and weighting of relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Would you like your company to be considered? Click the button below to pre-register for the next application process. The application period will start in September 2025.

If you have any questions regarding the application form (not answered in the FAQ below), please contact Andreas Korte at Statista via



Q: Is there a fee for application?

A: No, the application is free of charge.

Q: Which companies are eligible?

A: To be considered for the ranking a company must focus primarily on developing and providing green technologies, products or services that help mitigate or reverse the impact of human activities on the environment. Only companies headquartered in the United States are eligible for the "America's Top GreenTech Companies" ranking.

Q: Do I have to pay to appear on the published lists?

A: No, however, all winners interested in showcasing and advertising their achievement will have the opportunity to acquire the official "World's Top GreenTech Companies 2025" / "America's Top GreenTech Companies 2025" logo to incorporate into their marketing strategy.

Q: Are the top lists funded by a greentech company or commissioned by a specific customer?

A: No, the lists are a journalistic publication, funded, directed, and supported by TIME and Statista.

Q: How are the winning companies identified?

A: The final rankings will be based on an aggregated scoring model rating each greentech company based on the analysis and weighting of relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Q: Am I allowed to share the link to this application website with others?

A: Yes, you may share this link with others.

Q: Until when is it possible to participate?

A: The application period runs from September 25th to November 22nd, 2024.

Q: When will the top lists be published?

A: The final lists are planned to be published in March 2025.

Q: How do I know if my company is among the winners?

A: The final lists will be published on the TIME's website. In addition, the winning companies will be notified by mail shortly before the publication.



About Statista:

Statista publishes reputable rankings and company lists with high profile media partners across the globe. This research and analysis service is based on the success of, the leading data and business intelligence portal providing business relevant data, consumer surveys, and market reports.