The Statista Infographics Bulletin

Up-to-date infographics for the editorial work

Statista operates, one of the world’s leading statistics portals. In our infographics department experienced data journalists and graphic designers create up-to-date infographics on all topics that are relevant to the media – in German, English, French and Spanish. Whether technology and economy, politics and society or sports and entertainment:
We provide exactly the facts and figures that you need in a clear and illustrative form.

Daily infographics on global issues

Complex topics visualized vividly.

Happy Holidays from Statista - Infographic
What Will Happen in 2025? - Infographic
Fireworks Made in China - Infographic
Champagne Champions - Infographic
America's Top New Year's Resolutions for 2025 - Infographic
(Known) Irregular Entries Are a Small Fraction of EU Migration - Infographic
Major Shifts in Irregular Border Crossings Along Key Routes - Infographic
Southern Border Apprehensions Down in FY2024 - Infographic

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