Africa's Fastest-Growing Companies 2025

This will be the fourth time that the Financial Times (FT), in partnership with Statista, seek to identify the fastest-growing African companies from 2020 to 2023. The ranking will be published as a special report, in the FT and on in May 2025 (2024 edition). 

The “Africa’s Fastest-Growing Companies” report highlights the critical role of innovative, dynamic companies in driving the 21st-century global economy. These firms create jobs and maintain market competitiveness. 

Potential candidates may be contacted by Statista or apply directly via the registration button below.

It is as easy as this
  • Register with Statista by January 31st, 2025
  • Verify your revenue data by January 31st, 2025
  • Enjoy and benefit from your company’s success!
  • New business opportunities
  • Employer branding
  • Effective media coverage
  • Reputation
  • Access to more than one million facts

Register here



Why should my company participate?

New business opportunities: Inclusion in the Africa’s Fastest Growing is a visible and public acknowledgment of your company’s performance that extends far beyond your specific industry and country. It will also generate attention for your business on the part of potential partners, customers and investors around the world.

Reputation: Corporate growth usually generates demand for new employees. Being featured in the high-profile Africa’s FT ranking will increase awareness of you as an employer and of your potential.

Effective media coverage: FT Reporters will write about standout companies, specific sectors and trends which dominate business in Africa. The ranking will be published as a supplement within the weekday edition of the FT newspaper and the full rankings will appear online.

Employer branding: All companies that make it into the list may use the award logo for marketing purposes upon payment of a licence fee. Your company will still be able to communicate the award , free of charge, as long as it does not use the official label.


Who is eligible? 

In order to be included in the ranking your company must meet the following criteria: 

  • Revenue of at least US $100,000 generated in 20201
  • Revenue of at least $1.5 m generated in 20231.
  • Independence (the company is not a subsidiary or branch office of any kind).
  • Operational headquarter in one of the African countries. 

Countries that do not use the dollar to express revenues should provide average local currency value equivalent over the course of the relevant fiscal year

How do I register?

1. Online registration
Please register with Statista by January 31st, 2025. Alternatively, you can download the form from the list below and send it to upon completion.

2. Verification of revenue information
Your revenue data needs to be verified. Please use this form for this purpose. The form must be signed in person by a managing director or a member of your executive committee (CEO or CFO). It must then be sent to Statista by email, fax, or mail by January 31st, 2025.


  Form of Registration as PDF document
  Verification Form as PDF document

  Form of Registration as PDF document
  Verification form as PDF document

  Note of independence

Contact details
Should you have any additional questions or would otherwise like to contact us, please email


Disclaimer: The Financial Times and Statista retain the right to change the criteria and/or produce new criteria at any point in the project’s lifetime.