Statistics about Society in Worldwide
- Global area covered by glaciers, by region 2024
- Share of economic damage caused by natural disasters 2023, by continent
- Share of protected mangrove areas worldwide by region 2020
- Area of coastal mangroves worldwide 1996-2020
- Largest megacities worldwide 2023, by land area
- Global tree cover loss 2023, by leading country
- Ranking of global cities according to GCPI in livability category 2023
- Global primary forest loss 2023, by leading country
- Primary forest loss worldwide 2001-2023
- Industry revenue of “land subdivision“ in Ohio 2012-2024
- Volcanic eruptions - people affected worldwide up to 2016
- Annual carbon flux in forest worldwide 2001-2023, by climate domain
- Share of assessed animal and plant species threatened in 2020
- The world's largest reservoirs according to volume
- Natural disasters with the most fatalities worldwide 2023
- Five ports where the most kilograms of ivory was seized between 2009 and June 2014
- Worldwide killings of land and environmental defenders 2012-2022
- Global forest size 1990-2021
- Global forest share with long-term management plans 2020, by region
- Biggest earthquakes worldwide 1980-2023, by economic damage
- Highest mountain in each continent globally 2023
- Progress towards national biodiversity targets 2011-2022, by selected region
- Largest earthquakes worldwide 1900-2024, by magnitude
- Mangrove cover area worldwide 2020, by region
- Global protected forest size and area allocated for specific uses 2020
- Biggest glaciers in the world 2022
- Global forest carbon stock and carbon density 1990-2020
- Percentage of the global Ecological Footprint of the top five countries in 2014
- Natural disaster victims worldwide 2023, by type
- World's lowest land depressions
- Select statistics on global melting icecaps and sea level rise 1990-2017
- Freshwater fish species on IUCN Red List 2020
- Countries with the highest Biodiversity Habitat Index (BHI) 2022
- Main threats to trees worldwide 2020, by activity
- Death toll in great earthquakes 1900-2023
- World's largest deserts
- Share of urban area allocated to streets globally 2020, by city
- Endemic tree species richness worldwide 2021, by country
- Ranking of global cities according to GCPI 2023
- Number of natural disasters worldwide 2023, by type
- Global tree cover loss 2023, by dominant driver
- Countries with the highest Species Habitat Index (SHI) 2021
- Mountains with the highest peaks in the world 2023
- Global tree cover loss 2001-2021, by climate domain
- Share of tree species worldwide 2021, by conservation status
- Main uses for trees worldwide 2020
- Share of global tropical primary forest loss 2022, by country
- Global per capita ecological footprint 2017, by region
- Global forest share of habitable land 1700-2018
- Global number of natural disasters 2023, by country
- Global deforestation 1990-2020, by climatic domain
- Industry revenue of “land subdivision“ in Washington 2012-2024
- Deepest lakes in the world
- Change in animal species 1970-2014, by biogeographical realm
- Natural disasters with the most victims worldwide 2023
- World's longest mountain ranges
- The number of organisms discovered in the world up to 2023
- Share of arable land in countries worldwide 2015
- Global share of living species threatened with extinction 2023, by type
- Biodiversity: species on the Red List 2023
- Ten largest river drainage basins worldwide 2021
- Forest size as a percentage of total land area 2020, by country/territory
- Number of earthquakes worldwide 2010-2024, by Richter Scale gradation
- Ranking of the world's highest mountains as of 2012, by death toll
- WWII: pre-war territory of selected Allied and Axis countries and possessions 1938
- Global number of earthquakes 2000-2024
- Quality of life - cities around the world
- Biggest natural disasters worldwide 1900-2023, by economic damage
- Perceived share of energy consumption from renewable sources by country 2018
- Shark attacks worldwide 2023, by country
- Ranking of global cities according to GCPI in environment category 2023
- Shark attacks worldwide 2000-2023
- Global famine death rate 1900-2010
- Whaling worldwide - number of whales killed 1985-2022
- Global planted forest size as a share of total forest area 2020, by region
- Global forest breakdown by climatic domain 2020
- Annual tree cover loss worldwide 2001-2023
- Number of people affected by major dry landslides worldwide up to 2016
- Metropolises - global share of inhabitants
- Natural disasters - countries with the most fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants 2016
- Number of natural disasters worldwide
- Protected terrestrial area, by region 2000-2017
- Percentage of coral reef areas worldwide as of 2011, by region
- Countries with the largest coral reef area as of 2011
- Annual net benefits from coral reef related goods and services 2011
- Percentage of coral reef area threatened in 2011, by country
- Countries with the largest percentage of coral reef area 2011
- Marine protected areas for coral reefs worldwide 2011, by region
- Industry revenue of “land subdivision“ in Georgia 2012-2024
- Global land and environmental activist killings by country 2022
- Percentage of coral reef area in marine protected areas (MPAs) 2011, by region
- Longest rivers of the earth
- Percentage of coral reef area in marine protected areas (MPAs) 2011, by country
- Percentage of coral reef area threatened 2011, by region
- Global environmentally friendly habits of adult respondents June 2018
- Living Planet Index 1990-2018
- World's widest waterfalls 2016
- Global fatalities due to volcanic eruptions by cause 1500-2017
- Global deforestation level by country 2000-2021
- Land and environmental defenders killed worldwide by sector 2022