Statistics about Economy & Politics in OECD
- Index rank of barriers to entrepreneurship for select countries 2014
- Share of female entrepreneurs in OECD countries 2024
- Female to male entrepreneurs ratio in OECD countries 2023
- Share of female inventors in OECD countries 2019
- FDI inflows as a share of GDP in OECD countries 2022
- FDI outward stock as a share of GDP in OECD countries 2022
- Relative earnings of people with a primary education in OECD 2021, by country
- FDI outflows as a share of GDP in OECD countries 2022
- Distribution of tax revenues worldwide 2019, by type
- Development aid grants of private agencies and NGOs in OECD countries 2021
- Taxes on wealth worldwide 2019-2020, by country income level
- Amount of official development assistance (ODA) of OECD members 2022, by country
- Development aid grants by private agencies and NGOs in DAC countries 2000-2021
- FDI inward stock as a share of GDP in OECD countries 2022
- Ranking of OECD countries by real national minimum wage 2022
- Unemployment rate in OECD countries quarterly 2022
- Monthly unemployment rate in OECD countries 2022
- Taxes and social security contributions by country 2013
- Involuntary part-time employment in OECD countries 2022
- Unemployment rate forecast in OECD countries 2022-2025, by country
- Gender pay gap in OECD countries 2022
- Employment-to-population ratio in OECD countries 2022
- Income taxes and social security contributions in OECD countries 2010
- Largest recipients of ODA from DAC countries for production sector 2021
- Largest recipients of ODA unspecified for sector from DAC countries 2021
- Leading recipients of country programmable aid worldwide 2021
- Total ODA from DAC countries 2010-2022, by sector
- Largest recipients of ODA from DAC countries for economic infrastructure 2021
- Food aid from DAC countries 2021, by region
- Largest recipients of ODA from DAC countries for humanitarian aid 2021
- Recipients of food aid from DAC countries 2021
- Country programmable aid from DAC countries 2010-2021
- Largest recipients of ODA from DAC countries for social infrastructure 2021
- Total ODA from DAC countries 2021, by sector and region
- Food aid from the DAC countries 2000-2022
- Poverty gap in OECD countries based on disposable income 2021, by country
- Gini index in OECD countries based on disposable income 2022, by country
- U.S. GDP per hour worked 2000-2022
- Quintile share ratio in OECD countries 2021, by country
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per hour worked in all OECD countries 2001-2022
- Social justice - index of the OECD countries
- Selected OECD countries with the highest household saving rate in 2015
- Household net disposable income in OECD countries in 2018
- Gross domestic product (GDP) per hour worked in OECD countries in 2021
- OECD countries with the highest per capita household income 2021
- Weekly GDP growth rate in the OECD 2021-2023
- Forecast of inflation rate globally 2023-2025, by country
- Monthly inflation rate in OECD 2020-2024
- Quarterly forecast of inflation rate in selected countries worldwide 2022-2025
- Government R&D spending on defense in OECD countries 2021
- Average full-wage equivalent weeks of available maternity leave in OECD countries
- Average full-wage equivalent weeks of available paternity leave in OECD countries
- Relative earnings of people with a higher education in OECD 2021, by country