Statistics about Technology & Telecommunications in United States
- Total mobile broadband connections in USA & Canada 2008-2015
- United States mobile phone users 2010-2020
- United States mobile phone penetration 2012-2020
- Services provided for resale: revenues of U.S. wireless data providers
- Services provided for resale: telecommunication revenues of U.S. paging service providers
- Services provided for resale: revenues of U.S. wireless telephony carriers
- Cellular telephone services: personal consumption expenditure
- Monthly WiFi data usage in the United States 2016, by age group
- Share of smartphone sales in the U.S. 2012-2013, by operating system
- Tablets by screen size in the United States 2017
- Most used smartphone apps by type in the U.S. 2023
- U.S. smartphone OS penetration 2011, by age group
- U.S.: distribution of residential wireline long distance minutes
- U.S.: Distribution of residential interstate wireless minutes
- U.S.: Distribution of residential intrastate wireless minutes
- Survey 2011 - US moms who let their kids use their iPhone
- U.S.: Duration of residential wireless calls
- U.S.: Duration of residential wireless interstate calls
- U.S. smartphone sales - market share in 2011, by OS
- U.S.A.: duration of residential wireless intrastate calls
- Smartphone internet traffic in the U.S. in 2012, by operating system
- Cellular telephone services: personal consumption expenditure
- Mobile data penetration rate in the U.S. 2000-2009
- Android - Distribution of app usage
- Android vs iPhone mobile owners in the U.S. 2013, by gender
- Anroid vs iPhone mobile owners in the U.S. 2013, by race
- Android vs iPhone mobile owners in the U.S. 2013, by age
- Android vs iPhone mobile owners in the U.S. 2013, by education
- Smartphones: operating systems and device manufacturers 2012
- Market share operating systems U.S. smartphone sales 2013-2019, by month
- Number of U.S. households with only wireless telephone services since 2007
- U.S. Wireless telecom carriers: number of employees 1990-2008
- Handset manufacturers offering: total number of handset models in the U.S.
- Time spent under contract with a mobile phone service provider in the U.S. 2017
- US: Galaxy S20 model preferences among general population and photo enthusiasts 2021
- Cell phones vs smartphones: usage trends in the U.S. 2012
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone to record video in 2012, by gender
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone to record video in 2012, by age
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone to record video in 2012, by ethnicity
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone to record video in 2012, by education
- Survey: perceived impacts of cell phones on daily life in the U.S. 2012
- Survey: attitudes towards cell phones and smartphones in the U.S. 2012
- Survey: positive impacts of cell phones and smartphones in the U.S. 2012
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone for email in 2012-2013, by income
- Survey: negative impacts of cell phones and smartphones in the U.S. 2012
- Reasons for not buying a smartphone in the U.S. 2012, by age
- Survey: advantages of owning a cell phone in the U.S. in 2012
- Survey: disadvantages of owning a cell phone in the U.S. in 2012
- Survey: advantages of owning a cell phone in the U.S. in 2012, by age
- Reasons for not upgrading to a smartphone in the U.S. in 2012
- Survey: positive impacts of cell phones in the U.S. 2012, by age
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone to record a video in 2012, by income
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone for email in 2012-2013, by ethnicity
- Receiving complaints about cell phone habits in the U.S. 2012, by age
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone to take pictures in 2012, by income
- Apple vs. Samsung: U.S. smartphone market share by T-Mobile Q1 2010-Q4 2011
- Tablet ownership in the U.S. in 2012-2013, by household income
- Tablet ownership in the U.S. in 2012-2013, by education level
- Activities undertaken by U.S. cell phone users on their mobile phone in 2012
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone to take pictures in 2012, by gender
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone to take pictures in 2012, by age
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone to take pictures in 2012, by ethnicity
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone to take pictures in 2012, by education
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone for email in 2012-2013, by age
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone for texting in 2012-2013, by gender
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone for texting in 2012-2013, by age
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone for texting in 2012-2013, by ethnicity
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone for texting in 2012-2013, by income
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone for texting in 2012-2013, by education
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone for email in 2012-2013, by education
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone for email in 2012-2013, by gender
- Survey: negative impacts of cell phones in the U.S. 2012, by age
- Sexting behaviour: receiving, sending or forwarding sexts in the U.S. 2012, by age
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 - U.S. tablet sales by quarter 2011-2012
- U.S. consumer opinion on the shift toward larger-sized smartphone displays 2017
- 3D-ready phones in the U.S. from 2010 to 2015
- Smartphone usage by content
- Tablets - purchase intentions
- Satisfaction of iPad owners in the US 2011
- Smartphones - customer satisfaction rating
- Mobile phone operators - U.S. market share
- Tablet usage - Comparison of media
- Smartphone buyers' loyalty towards their mobile provider in the U.S.
- Tablet usage in the U.S.
- Tablets - locations of usage
- Age distribution of U.S. smartphone owners 2011
- Text usage - U.S. youth
- Uses for mobile phones in U.S. classrooms as of April 2012
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone for listening to music in 2013, by gender
- U.S. cell phone owners who used their phone for listening to music in 2013, by ethnicity
- Tablets: U.S. user numbers and sales figures 2010-2015
- U.S. smartphone & feature phone penetration forecast Q2 2008-Q3 2011
- Use of cell phones and smartphones in the U.S. 2012, by specific activity
- Data volume caused by smartphones in the U.S.
- Share of U.S. teenagers with smartphone access 2018, by ethnicity
- Share of U.S. teenagers with smartphone access 2018, by household income
- Laptops vs. smartphones: device importance to U.S. consumers 2012
- Smartphones vs. tablet: device importance to U.S. consumers 2012
- United States: Android users reasons for not switching to an iPhone 13
- United States: iPhone users preferred smartphone brand alternatives