Statistics about Society in United States
- Electoral college votes in 1800 U.S. presidential election
- Market share of largest spirits producing states in the USA 1917-1922
- Longest voting streak by each state in U.S. presidential elections 1789-2020
- Prohibition: Congress voting share on 18th Amendment in the USA 1917
- Population of the United States 1610-2020
- U.S. adult opinions on paying reparations to slave descendants in 2019 by politics
- Voter turnout among Asian voters in U.S. presidential elections 1996-2020
- Electoral college votes in 1796 U.S. presidential election
- Number of slave and free laborers in the United States 1800-1860
- Population of the Border States in the American Civil War 1860-1870
- British American and West African slave prices in pounds sterling 1638-1775
- Slave imports into Thirteen Colonies by state and year 1768-1772
- United States cotton production and area 1790-1988
- Hiroshima & Nagasaki: U.S. opinion on justification 2020, by age group
- Number of casualties at the Battle of Chickamauga 1863
- United States: arable crop output 1866-1988
- Annual number of lynchings in the U.S. by race 1882-1968
- Populations of the United States and Soviet Union during the Cold War 1970-1990
- GDP per capita in the U.S. and Western Europe 1950-1998
- Share of global foreign direct investment by region of origin 1973-2000
- Number of executive orders signed by U.S. presidents 1789-2024
- Voter turnout among 18-24 year olds in U.S. presidential elections 1964-2020
- Number of casualties at the Battle of Gettysburg 1863
- United States: population share by ethnic status 1900
- Distribution of votes in the 1856 US presidential election
- Total imports, total exports, and trade balance of the U.S. 1790-1970
- Recorded number of slaves who built or worked at the White House 1792-1850
- GDP growth in the U.S., Japan and Europe in select periods 1950-87
- Industrial production growth in the U.S., Japan and Europe per decade 1961 1990
- GDP growth in the U.S., Japan and Europe per decade 1961 1990
- Coal and petroleum output by major power during the Second World War 1940
- Migration from Asia to the US 1820-1957
- Americas: petroleum production 1860-1988, by country
- Migration from the Americas to the US 1820-1957
- Distribution of votes in the 1828 US presidential election
- Distribution of electoral college votes in the 1876 US presidential election
- Distribution of votes in the 1880 US presidential election
- NASA's budget allocation 1980-1989, by category
- Distribution of votes in the 1980 US presidential election
- Documented migration to the US 1820-1957 by decade
- Documented migration to the US 1820-1957 by continent and decade
- Comparison of population in Brazil and the U.S. 1500-2050
- U.S. adult opinions on paying reparations to slave descendants in 2019, by gender
- Party affiliation of U.S. presidents 1789-2021
- Population of the United States in 1900, by state and ethnic status
- Population of the Confederate States in the American Civil War 1860-1870
- Number of casualties at the Siege of Vicksburg 1863
- American Civil War: population of the Union states 1860-1870
- Number of casualties at the Battle of Antietam 1862
- Number of casualties at the Battle of Chancellorsville 1863
- Number of casualties in major battles in the American Civil War 1861-1865
- Life expectancy at birth in the U.S. and Soviet Union 1970-1988, by gender
- Number of casualties at the Battle of Shiloh 1862
- Popular vote difference in U.S. presidential re-election campaigns 1832-2020
- Number of migrants to the United States from Great Britain 1820-1957
- Share of electoral votes for major parties in US presidential elections 1860-2020
- Number of U.S. presidential visits to each country 1906-2021, by president
- U.S. GARIOA grant and loan payments by country and year 1946-1967
- Index of agricultural wages in the United States 1818-1948
- United States: tobacco output and land use 1866-1988
- U.S. opinions on paying reparations to slave descendants in 2019 by region
- U.S. adult opinions on paying reparations to slave descendants in 2019 by age
- U.S. adult opinions on paying reparations to slave descendants in 2019 by income
- Naval restrictions placed by the Five-Power Naval Limitation Treaty 1922
- U.S. loans and grants to Asian countries 1946-1961
- Change in GDP in the U.S and European countries 1929-1938
- Change in industrial production in the U.S and European countries 1929-1938
- Dow Jones: average and yearly closing prices 1915-2021
- Dow Jones: annual change in closing prices 1915-2021
- United States: agricultural and nonagricultural labor force 1900-1970
- Wheat exports of the U.S., Canada, and Argentina 1852-1988
- United States: arable crop production area 1866-1988
- United States: net migration of farm population 1921-1970
- Slave imports to the Thirteen Colonies by origin and year 1768-1772
- United States: marriage rates 1920-1970
- Index of industrial wages in the United States 1785-1988
- Interwar period: manufacturing index in selected American countries 1923-1944
- United States: number of strikes and workers involved 1881-1975
- United States: historical total unemployment and unemployment rate 1890-1988
- Nonagricultural employment in the United States 1900-1943
- Comparison of population growth across the world 0-1998
- Comparison of GDP growth in Brazil and the U.S. 1500-1998
- Comparison of GDP per capita growth in Brazil and the U.S. 1500-1998
- Electricity output by major power during the Second World War 1940
- Fertility rates in select Allied countries during and after World War II 1939-1950
- WWII: Soviet industrial output as a share of U.S. and German output 1940
- Average weekly earnings in manufacturing industries in the U.S. 1914-1969
- United States sugar beet output 1909-1988
- Increase in hourly wages in the US during the Spanish Flu Pandemic 1900-1928
- Value of total U.S. exports of goods and services by sector 1790-1970
- Changes in homicide and suicide rates during Prohibition in the US 1900-1950
- Number of children of U.S. presidents 1789-2021
- Duration of NASA's manned Apollo missions1969-1972
- Number of U.S. presidents born in each state 1789-2021
- Ireland's GDP per capita as a share of GDP per capita in the EU and U.S. 1973-2000
- Distribution of votes in the 1912 US presidential election
- Distribution of votes in the 2012 US presidential election
- GDP per capita in emerging economic powers 1870-1913
- Share of global exports of technology-intensive products 1965-84
- Cement output and metal-working tools by major powers during Second World War 1940