Statistics about Society in United States
- Share of U.S. tertiary students studying social sciences, business and law 2014
- Share of U.S. tertiary students studying science, mathematics and computing 2014
- Work/study situation of recent graduates in the U.S. 2012
- Highest earning bachelor's degrees for African Americans 2014
- Frequency of time planned for reading activities during classes in the U.S. in 2016
- Percentage of African-American bachelor's degree holders 2014, by major | Statistic
- Fourth grade reading proficiency in U.S. public schools 2015, by state
- Top reasons for U.S. companies to hire MBA graduates in 2015
- Public high school dropout rate in the U.S. in 2012, by state
- Eighth grade reading proficiency in U.S. public schools 2015, by state
- Attitudes toward college in the U.S. based on ethnicity 2018
- Reasons for taking online courses U.S. 2018
- Attitudes toward college in the U.S. 2018
- SAT score differential between students with and without art education U.S. 1999-2015
- Personal reasons for choosing current college in the U.S. 2018
- Personal reasons among parents and students for choosing current college U.S. 2018
- Perceived value of education received compared to price paid U.S. 2018
- Average number of colleges where students applied, by ethnicity in U.S. 2018
- Living arrangements for undergraduate students in U.S. 2018
- Student gains from the independent reading in the U.S. in 2016, by reading benefit
- Activities for public school students to promote reading in the U.S. in 2016
- U.S. student digital study technologies usage 2016
- Adults' opinion on the effect of AI on education in the U.S. 2024, by age group
- U.S. student digital study technologies usage results 2016
- Full and part-time enrollment in colleges and universities in the U.S. in 2015
- U.S. online/physical colleges and programs chosen by students in 2015
- Number of colleges applied to by current and prospective students in the U.S. in 2015
- When college search began in the U.S. in 2015, by enrollment status
- Highest education level of the wealthiest Americans 2012
- Global survey: where MBA applicants see themselves in 10 years 2015
- Hiring rate of graduates and postgraduates in the U.S. from 2010-2012
- HR managers on why graduates are disadvantaged in the U.S. job market in 2012
- HR managers on why graduates have an advantage in the U.S. job market in 2012
- Recruitment process: availablity of graduates in the U.S. 2012, by job category
- Adults' opinion on the effect of AI on education in the U.S. 2024, by gender
- Traits perceived most important for a career in the U.S. in 2016, by importance
- U.S. American's opinion on how well a university degree prepares for jobs 2016
- Biggest perceived harms to U.S. workers in 2016
- Activities for students to promote reading in public schools U.S. 2016
- Share of Americans who thought their college experience was useful 2016
- Adults on how K–12 schools should handle AI advances in the U.S. 2024, by age
- U.S. students' decision on higher education when offered free community college 2017
- Students' pre-college beliefs confirmed by study experience in the U.S. in 2017
- U.S. students' favorite career resources in 2018, by gender
- Activities performed by students during job search in the U.S. in 2017
- U.S. student time estimate to find a job in 2018
- Time expected to pay back college debt after graduation in the U.S. in 2017
- Helpful factors that prepare U.S. students for their careers in 2018
- U.S. student career skills preparedness 2018, by student type
- Average amount of time spent weekly by U.S. students on job search in 2017
- U.S. student social media habit change in 2017
- Important factors that affected American student major choice in 2018
- Employer benefits preferred by students in the U.S. in 2017
- Underemployment rate of U.S. college graduates by major 2023
- College enrollment rate in the U.S. from by family income quartile 2000-2020
- Educational attainment in Oklahoma 2023
- Leading U.S. doctorate granting institutions 2021, by number of recipients
- Participation in U.S. public assistance programs by education level 2018
- Share of U.S. households in poverty, by type and education level in 2018
- Voting rates in the U.S., by age and education level 2016
- Perceived value of education compared to price paid by parents and students U.S. 2024
- Perceived value of education compared to price paid, in the U.S. 2024, by ethnicity
- First-professional degrees earned in the United States by ethnicity 2017
- Percentage of U.S. population who have completed high school or more 1960-2022
- University graduates' sacrifices when accepting first job in the U.S. 2012
- Main reasons to apply to an MBA or other graduate business program worldwide 2022
- MBA rankings used worldwide by applicants when selecting a program 2012
- Doctorate recipient numbers U.S. 2021, by major field of study
- Doctorate recipient numbers U.S. 2021, by field of study
- Share of doctorate recipients U.S. 2021, by parent's education level
- U.S. states that awarded the most doctorates 2021
- Doctorate recipient numbers in the U.S. 2021, by ethnicity
- Family income rates of U.S. students in postsecondary institutions 2007-2008
- Number of students in Ivy League schools in Class of 2028
- Perceived value of education compared to price paid, in the U.S. 2024, by school type
- U.S. educational attainment in Florida 2023
- U.S. educational attainment in Pennsylvania 2023
- U.S. educational attainment in Ohio 2023
- U.S. educational attainment in North Carolina 2023
- Educational attainment in New York 2023
- U.S. educational attainment in New Jersey 2023
- U.S. educational attainment in Illinois 2023
- Educational attainment in Georgia 2023
- Educational attainment in California in 2023
- Percentage of the U.S. population with a college degree, by gender 1940-2022
- Educational attainment in the U.S. 2022
- Number of engineering and science doctorate recipients U.S. 1957-2021
- Education level of individuals in the U.S. in by age group 2021
- Share of first-generation students in Ivy League schools in Class of 2028
- Universities attended by U.S. presidents by level of achievement 1751-1991
- Mean earnings in the U.S. 2023, by educational attainment and gender
- Cost of undergraduate tuition, room and board at Ivy League schools 2024/25
- Average share of lifetime earnings lost due to COVID-19 by race U.S. 2020
- Age distribution of doctorate recipients U.S. 2021
- Educational attainment in Massachusetts 2023
- Degrees earned in higher education U.S. 1950-2032
- Interest among students about international experiences by type U.S. 2020
- Median years to complete a doctorate U.S. 1995-2021
- White population share with at least a high school diploma by gender U.S. 1975-2018
- Leading reasons for employment among students during college U.S. 2013-2020