Statistics about Life in United States
- Impact of Affordable Care Act on American families
- Survey on respect for overweight persons 2011
- Smokers who consider themselves addicted 2013
- Types of toys to be purchased for Christmas in 2009
- Accuracy of one's own social media representation 2013
- The best inventions from the past 85 years
- Americans' willingness to personally waterboard a suspected terrorist 2014
- Survey on waterboarding as a means of torture 2014, by political affiliation
- Survey regarding U.S. troops in Afghanistan in 2014
- U.S. gun households from 1994 to 2015
- U.S. students who were in a physical fight, by gender and ethnicity
- Financial situation of U.S. adults 2013, by annual income
- Development of the U.S. since the Declaration of Independence 2013
- Reasons for not having health insurance 2013
- U.S. students carrying a weapon on school property in 2017, by gender and ethnicity
- U.S. poll on the existence of a supreme being as the creator of the universe 2014
- Generation X preference for organic foods 2010
- U.S. gun households in 2011, by political affiliation
- Willingness to pay more for U.S.-made than for imported products 2013
- U.S. survey among Generation X on financial products owned 2012
- Safety and effectiveness of childhood vaccines 2014
- Time period since a cat or dog was living in American households 2012
- Likeliness of owning a cat in the future 2012, by marital status
- Family pets owned during childhood 2012
- Likeliness of owning a dog in the future 2012, by marital status
- Share of Americans with piercings or henna tattoos 2012
- Survey on respect for smokers 2011
- Keeping of New Year's resolution for 2018, by generation
- Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday as a national holiday 2011
- Romantic New Year's resolutions for 2018, by gender
- U.S. students who were injured with a weapon at school 2019
- Survey among non-smokers on smoking 2015
- Survey on black cats as harbingers of bad or good luck 2013
- Age at which Americans began smoking 2013
- Gender preference for children in the United States in 2011
- Americans who have tried marijuana 1969-2023
- Amount of money spent by Americans taking their pets to the vet in 2011
- Americans' assessment of the harmfulness of smoking 2017
- Number of attempts to quit smoking 2013
- Survey on the legality of smoking 2017
- New Year's resolution of Americans for 2022
- Survey on being denied a raise at work because of gender in 2013, by gender
- Living standards of young adults and their parents at the same age in the U.S.
- Americans being able to make major purchases in 2013
- Reasons of U.S. converts to become Mormon in 2011
- Inheritance rights for partners and spouses of homosexuals in the U.S. in 2012
- Americans' opinions about animal shelters euthanizing pets
- Survey on willingness to work despite significant lottery win
- Public approval of Ben Bernanke as Federal Reserve Chairman in the U.S. 2014
- Importance of a job or career that benefits society in the U.S. in 2011
- Pets owned by Americans in 2015, by type
- Age at which Americans stopped believing in Santa Claus
- Americans who use marijuana 2013-2023
- Importance of selected family and career goals in the U.S. in 2011, by age group
- Share of adults who made a New Year's resolution in the United States 2014
- The richest U.S. presidents by net worth in 2010
- Americans' understanding of waterboarding 2014
- Participation of Generation X in clubs or organizations 2011
- Moral acceptance of selected issues by US Mormons
- States with the highest share of very religious residents in the U.S. in 2011
- Cosmetic surgery treatments Americans are interested in in 2010
- Particular beliefs of Mormons in the United States in 2011
- Share of U.S. Mormons who pay tithing to their church in 2011
- Men's grooming activities reported by women in the U.S. 2015
- Opinions on Joe Biden among American teenagers 2021
- Reasons for not having a tattoo in the US in 2017, by age
- Amount of done piercings by Americans in 2017
- Pierced body parts of Americans in 2017, by age
- Influence of U.S. politicians' behavior in American citizens behavior 2014
- Preference of cutlery to eat Asian meals in the U.S. in 2014
- Survey on companies' hiring policy towards smokers in U.S. 2014
- Preference of Hispanics for identifying as Hispanic or Latino in 2011
- Americans' opinion on the United States in comparison to other countries 2011-2017
- Survey on higher health insurance rates for significantly overweight people in U.S.
- Sources of retirement income in the U.S. 2016, by generation
- Americans who regretted getting a tattoos 2021, by generation
- Relevance of religion as an answer to today's problems 2014
- Tattooed Americans 2017, by gender
- Women's satisfaction with getting engaged/married in the U.S. in 2014
- Popularity of tribal tattoos in the United States in 2017
- Number of tattoos in the U.S. in 2017, by age
- Americans who like Japanese style tattoos in 2017
- Popularity of Japanese tattoo designs among Americans in 2017, by age
- Popularity of geometric tattoo designs among Americans in 2017
- Popularity of geometric tattoo designs among Americans in 2017, by age
- Americans who like geometric tattoos in 2017, by gender
- Popular women tattoo designs in the U.S., by gender
- Reasons for getting a tattoo in the U.S. in 2017, by gender
- Reasons for getting a tattoo in the U.S. in 2017, by age
- Number of tattoos in the U.S. in 2017, by gender
- Amount of skin tattooed in the U.S. in 2017
- Popularity of water color tattoo designs among Americans in 2017, by age
- Tattooed body areas of Americans in 2017, by gender
- Tattooed or pierced body areas of Americans in 2017, by type of modification
- Upper arm tattoos popularity among Americans in 2017
- Percentage of body tattooed of Americans in 2017, by gender
- Upper arm tattoos popularity among Americans in 2017, by age
- Popularity of forearm tattoos among Americans in 2017
- Percentage of body tattooed of Americans in 2017, by type of body modification
- Popularity of forearm tattoos among Americans in 2017, by age