Statistics about Internet in United States
- Congressional stance on SOPA as of January 27, 2012
- Leading reasons for U.S. mobile users to share their data with companies 2019
- Hours of screen time allowed for children in the U.S. 2021-2022
- U.S. adults brands most associated with the metaverse 2022
- Length of first app use within an unlock session among U.S. smartphone users 2018
- Average hourly unlocks among U.S. smartphone users 2018
- Degree of kindness experienced online by U.S. internet users 2016, by age group
- U.S. parent opinion on who should protect children online 2020, by ethnicity
- Attitudes towards digital platform regulation according to U.S. internet users 2018
- U.S. adults who could live without the internet 2019, by generation
- U.S. adult perception of the internet's effect on their job 2019, by generation
- Teen internet access demographics in the U.S. in 2012, by race/ethnicity
- Internet usage time in the United States 2010-2016
- Types of internet access used by families with teens in U.S. in 2009
- U.S. teen internet and e-mail usage in 2008
- Survey - Search for health information on the internet
- U.S. internet users willing to pay for paid content in 2010
- Creating your own website - internet user types*
- Creating a site for others - types of internet users*
- Creating one's own blog - type of internet users*
- U.S. teens accessing inappropriate content online 2012
- Creations made of web content - type of internet users*
- Adult U.S. internet users who get news online 2012
- Locations of teen internet usage in the U.S. in 2007, by age group
- U.S. teen device preference for product research 2015
- Share of online use if free services and apps were to be paid for in the U.S. 2020
- U.S teens and adults on enhanced experiences in the metaverse 2022
- U.S. perspectives on the impact of the internet 2018
- Methods used by U.S. grandparents to communicate with grandchildren 2019
- Multi-platform U.S. online audience distribution 2013-2015
- Monthly minutes spent digital media channels in the U.S. 2016
- Mobile-optimized website usage of small U.S. business owners 2016
- U.S. household dial-up internet connection usage 2019, by state
- LGBT youth: number of close online friends 2011
- U.S. adults accessing 2010 political campaign news online, by income
- Women's reasons to visit websites regularly in 2014
- U.S. adults accessing 2010 political campaign news online, by education
- Important library services according to U.S. online learners 2014, by class type
- U.S. household internet download speed 2020
- U.S. Millennials leading activities 2022
- Internet access at home or at work in the United States 2016, by age group
- Share of household members in the United States who used Twitter regularly in 2022
- U.S. adults overall view on technology companies as of 2021
- U.S. public library technology and online services 2014, by urbanity
- U.S. public library technology and online services 2014
- Library service and website usage of U.S. online learners 2014
- U.S. households with computer and broadband access 2019
- Internet access at home or at work in the United States 2016, by household size
- Responsibility regarding online user data collection regulation in the U.S. 2019
- Responsibility regarding online user data collection regulation in the U.S. 2019
- Priority of U.S. Congress passing consumer online data protection 2019, by ethnicity
- Priority of U.S. Congress passing consumer online data protection 2019, by age group
- Priority of U.S. Congress passing consumer online data protection 2019, by gender
- Priority of U.S. Congress passing consumer online data protection 2019
- Library usage of U.S. online learners 2014
- U.S. population without internet 2019, by educational attainment
- U.S. population without internet 2019, by age group
- Rate of internet terminals in public libraries in the U.S. 2014, by state
- Offline rural U.S. households 2011, by reason
- Offline rural U.S. households 2011, by income
- Offline rural U.S. households: too expensive 2011, by income
- Offline rural U.S. households: no internet available 2011, by income
- Offline rural U.S. households 2011, by householders' age
- Offline principal city U.S. households: no internet available 2011, by age
- Offline U.S. principal city households 2011, by ethnic background
- Offline U.S. principal city households 2011, by householders' gender
- Offline U.S. principal city households 2011, by household type
- Hours of screen time allowed for children in the U.S. 2022
- Reasons for U.S. households not to use broadband internet 2015
- U.S. principal city householders without internet, by income in 2010
- Offline U.S. households 2011, by urbanity
- U.S. principal city householders without home internet, by employment
- U.S. urban areas - householders without home internet, by employment
- U.S. adult home internet subscription rate 2020, by gender
- U.S. households without internet subscription 2019, by state
- U.S. home broadband and dial-up internet connection usage 2017
- U.S. adults with household broadband access 2019, by gender
- Length of unlock sessions among U.S. smartphone users 2018
- U.S. adults who regard internet access as a human right 2019, by generation
- Offline rural U.S. households: no internet available 2011, by type
- U.S. consumer views regarding leading tech and internet brands 2017
- Share of household members in the United States who used YouTube regularly in 2022
- Internet users who used online dating services in the U.S. 2022, by age
- U.S. household wired high-speed internet connection usage 2019, by state
- Share of U.S. rural population with broadband access 2014-2016
- U.S. adults who worry about paying internet and cell phone bills during COVID-19 2020
- Daily online activities of adult U.S. internet users 2017, by gender
- Daily online activities of adult U.S. internet users 2017, by age
- U.S. consumer awareness of leading tech and internet brands 2017
- American households: online activities in the past 30 days 2022
- Daily online activities of female U.S. internet users 2017, by age
- U.S. Skype usage reach 2017, by age group
- U.S. Hispanic internet users 2015, by educational attainment
- Internet terminals in U.S. public libraries 2014, by state
- Leading smartphone activities for U.S. users 2023, by gender
- Internet access at home or at work in the United States 2016, by marital status
- Most important features of a U.S. news website - 2010
- U.S. generations: online travel information access 2012
- ACSI - U.S. customer satisfaction with 2002-2018
- Internet users who booked travel reservations online in the U.S. in 2022, by age