Statistics about Health, Pharma & Medtech in United States
- Women covered by employer-sponsored insurance (by age group)
- Women who cannot afford to fill medical prescriptions (by insurance status)
- Nursing care spending in the United States by payer 2013-2021
- Americans' ethics ratings of healthcare professionals in the U.S. 2019-2023
- Share of U.S. adults with no dental visits for the previous year 2014-2017, by region
- Per-enrollee spending for Medicare in the U.S. 2002-2020, by gender
- U.S. women with employer based health insurance (by ethnicity)
- Women with individually-purchased insurance (by employment status)
- Medicaid: Percent of U.S. women covered
- Share of U.S. federal budget spent on Medicare 1970, 2020 & 2051
- Women with employer-sponsored health insurance coverage in the U.S. (by employment status)
- Hypertension control among Medicare enrollees in 2017, by rurality
- Sources of total personal healthcare spending by women in the U.S. 2020, by age
- Persons in families that had problems paying their medical bills in the U.S. in 2018
- Insurance fraud costs in the U.S. in 2022, by category
- Per-enrollee spending for Medicaid in the U.S. 2002-2020, by gender
- Trustworthiness of medical and health research spokespersons U.S. 2023
- Distribution of U.S. care costs for older people with Alzheimer 2011-2023 by payer
- Distribution of personal healthcare spending by American women in 2020, by service
- Total personal healthcare costs per person in the U.S. 2020, by gender and age
- Total personal healthcare spending per person in the U.S. 2002-2020, by gender
- Share of rural hospitals without maternity care in the U.S. 2024, by state
- Employer firm revenue in health care and social assistance by tax category 2001-2022
- Health insurance: women who are uninsured
- Patients' reasons for mistrust in physicians in the U.S. in 2021
- U.S. women covered by individually-purchased insurance (by age group)
- Share of U.S. healthcare organizations utilizing select payment models 2019
- Share of young people with health insurance in the U.S. 2008-2022
- Women voters trust in U.S. presidential candidates with abortion in 2024, by party ID
- U.S. womens' use of prescription drugs in 2022 (by insurance status)
- Civil recoveries paid from fraud and abuse cases under Medicaid 2012-2023
- State & local tax loss due to repeal of Obamacare 2019-2023
- U.S. voters' attitude towards abortion issue as of February 2024
- Physician assistant care qualities that make patients feel valued in the U.S. in 2023
- U.S. healthcare: share of research and development costs 1982-2018
- Patients in the U.S. who were afraid to speak up in a medical appointment in 2023
- Patients who felt they were not being heard by their doctor in the U.S. in 2023
- Importance of increasing federal funding for rural health research U.S. 2018
- Sympathies for Obamacare when first heard about among U.S. adults 2017
- Provider types with high number of convictions for abuse/neglect under Medicaid 2023
- Recoveries and expenditures from fraud cases under Medicaid 2023
- Kaiser Permanente's physicians 2007-2023
- Share of U.S. adults aged 65 and over with dental insurance in 2017, by age
- Gen Z's attitude towards engagement with healthcare in the U.S. 2023
- Percentiles of US population ranked by annual healthcare spending 2017
- U.S. adults opinion on development of health care system under Trump 2017
- Women with individually-purchased health insurance in the U.S. (by poverty level)
- Uninsured women in the U.S. (by ethnicity)
- Share of U.S. adults aged 65 and over with dental insurance in 2017, by ethnicity
- Top vendors by U.S. federal contract obligations in response to COVID-19 June 2020
- Adults who had cost problems related to healthcare US number 2005-2018
- Projected cost of cardiovascular disease in the U.S. 2015-2035, by disease type
- Provider types with highest number of convictions for fraud under Medicaid 2023
- U.S. adults opinion about consequences of repealing the Affordable Care Act 2017
- Number of people in the U.S. without health insurance 1997-2023
- Cost of cardiovascular disease average annual in the U.S. 2019-2020, by disease type
- Percentage of people in the U.S. without health insurance 1997-2023
- 2009 - U.S. employer-based healthcare coverage by age
- U.S. outpatient visits per insureds with diabetes, by age 2014
- Share of people in the U.S. without health insurance by age 1997-2023
- Distribution of surgeons that charged select amounts for LASIK in the U.S. in 2017
- Traditional Medicare spending per capita for select health conditions U.S. 2020
- Lacking control of diabetes in the U.S.
- Personal healthcare spending by major conditions in the U.S. 2013
- Costs of cardiovascular disease in the U.S. average annual 2019-2020, by cost type
- Opinion on health coverage development for US citizens since Obamacare 2017
- U.S. mental health spending by specialty and non-specialty 1986-2020
- Kaiser Permanente's nurses 2007-2023
- Health coverage: uninsured women by poverty level
- Older people with Alzheimer or dementia: U.S. aggregate care costs 2011-2023
- Competed federal contract obligations in response to COVID-19 U.S. June 2020
- Screening tests among Medicare insurance policy holders in the U.S. (women)
- U.S. adults and their knowledge of health policy regulations by age 2017
- Number of criminal convictions under Medicaid 2012-2023 by case type
- Customer experience satisfaction rate of the healthcare industry in the U.S. 2024
- Revenue of ComPsych through U.S. corporate wellness services 2011-2016
- U.S. adults' feelings about repealing the Affordable Care Act 2017
- Kaiser Permanente's employees 2007-2023
- Percentage of U.S. women who were uninsured for at least four years
- Other health insurance coverage in the U.S. by ethnicity (women)
- Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity funding in U.S 2013-2014
- Barriers to effectively combat the opioid epidemic U.S. 2018
- Personal healthcare spending by major acondition and age group U.S. 2013
- Level of trust in selected federal agencies in the U.S in 2023
- Level of trust in the NIH in the U.S. in 2024
- Elderly patients share that received high-risk drugs in 2016, by state
- Screening tests among Medicaid insurance policy holders (women)
- Federal contract obligations for leading goods in response to COVID-19 June 2020
- Number of veterans on the national psychosis registry in the U.S. in 2021
- Percentage of U.S. population without health insurance 1994-2019 by location
- Population without health insurance coverage by region 2019
- Veterans using VHA intensive mental health care in the U.S. in 2021, by facility
- U.S. women with Medicaid health insurance coverage (by ethnicity)
- Healthcare coverage: uninsured women in the U.S.
- Medicare Part D out-of-pocket insulin spending per prescription in the U.S. 2010-2020
- Substance abuse treatment spending in U.S. by provider 2009-2014
- LGBT+ Healthcare equality leaders in the U.S. in 2022, by state
- Percentage of U.S. population without health insurance coverage by ethnicity 2019
- Number of Medicare Part D insulin users in the U.S. in 2010-2020
- Percentage of U.S. population without health insurance coverage 1984-2019, by gender