Statistics about E-Commerce in United States
- Late or non-delivery of online shopping orders in the U.S. 2017, by category
- U.S. late or non-delivery of online shopping order consequences 2017
- U.S. late or non-delivery of online shopping order reasons 2017
- U.S. late or non-delivery of online shopping order actions 2017
- U.S. international online shopping delivery problems 2017
- Return methods offered by retailers in the U.S. 2022
- E-retailer sales of leading toy brands in the United States 2017
- Average voice shopping order value according to U.S. adults 2018
- Main reasons to buy clothing and footwear on Amazon in the U.S. 2019
- Projected e-commerce sales share in the U.S. 2023, by product category
- Most popular categories for online purchases in the U.S. 2024
- Customers mobile vs. desktop device usage when shopping online U.S. 2018
- Leading search results for "drill" during Black Friday in the United States 2020
- Leading desktop online purchase experiences among U.S. retailers 2018
- U.S. Amazon retail e-commerce sales share 2016-2018, by product category
- Importance of discount & coupons in digital purchases in the U.S. 2018, by age group
- Most popular e-commerce sites during the holiday season in the U.S. 2023
- U.S. online shopping reach as of December 2017, by device
- U.S. online shopping product categories 2017, by age group
- Online research and shopping device preferences in the U.S. 2017
- Social media shopping frequency in the U.S. 2023
- Leading return policies when gift shopping according to U.S. internet users 2017
- U.S. social media content format purchase influence 2017
- U.S. cities ranked by average annual spending per Amazon buyer 2017
- Distribution of U.S. online shoppers 2017, by gender
- Distribution of U.S. online shoppers 2017, by household income
- Delivery method preference of U.S. online shoppers 2018, by age group
- U.S. monthly time spent online shopping 2017, by shopper type
- U.S. monthly online shopping sessions 2017, by user type
- Occurrence of apps during U.S. online shopping sessions 2017
- Leading app categories accessed before shopping online in the U.S. 2017
- Leading app categories accessed after shopping online in the U.S. 2017
- Leading apps accessed before shopping online in the U.S. 2017
- Leading apps accessed after shopping online in the U.S. 2017
- U.S. Amazon members acceptable maximum delivery time free shipping 2017
- Leading mobile online purchase experiences among U.S. retailers 2018
- Leading overall online purchase experiences among U.S. retailers 2018
- U.S. online shopping product categories 2015, by ethnicity
- U.S. Cyber Week AOV increase YoY 2019
- U.S. hobby and craft supplies online sales 2018-2021
- Most appealing factors for U.S. users to buy used clothes online 2020
- Retail e-commerce holiday season sales forecast in the U.S. 2024, by category
- U.S. visual user-generated content access prior to purchase 2021
- Leading results for "weights" on Amazon in the U.S. on Cyber Weekend 2020
- Leading results for "fitness tracker" on Amazon in the U.S. on Cyber Weekend 2020
- U.S. affluent holiday shopping device usage 2013-2016
- Expected social media usage for holiday shopping in the U.S. in 2024, by generation
- Leading online consumer electronics retailers in the U.S. 2018, by visits
- U.S. Amazon retail e-commerce GMV share 2016-2021
- Expected smartphone usage for holiday shopping in the U.S. in 2024, by generation
- U.S. third-party seller metrics 2019
- Most popular second hand online stores in the U.S: 2021
- U.S. consumer purchasing mostly online before and after COVID-19 2020, by category
- Projected website usage for online holiday gift shopping in the U.S. 2024
- Amazon employees 2007-2023
- Desktop spending on selected holiday shopping days in the U.S. 2008-2020
- Cyber Monday: e-commerce spending in the U.S. 2014-2020
- Cyber Week average online order value in the U.S. 2020, by device
- U.S. holiday season mobile shopping order and traffic share 2019, by week
- Appealing features of retail apps according to U.S. consumers 2019
- Leading online search results for toys during Black Friday in the United States 2020
- Reasons U.S. consumers express interest in new connected commerce experiences 2019
- U.S. Hispanic vs non-Hispanic digital buyer penetration Q1 2019 by device
- Leading search results for board games during Black Friday in the United States 2020
- Leading search results for card games during Black Friday in the United States 2020
- Leading U.S. smartphone holiday shopping features 2017, by urbanity
- Market share of iVOD movies 2012, by brand
- Free trial length of leading music streaming platforms in the United States 2020
- U.S. consumer spending on digital media at Amazon in the past 12 months 2017, by type
- ACSI - U.S. customer satisfaction with Google Play as of 2016
- U.S. consumer spending on digital media at Google in the past 12 months 2017, by type
- U.S. mobile download and in-app revenue distribution 2013-2016
- Most popular digital content products purchased online by U.S. consumers 2013
- U.S. Millennials digital media purchasing 2015
- U.S. consumer spending on digital media at Apple in the past 12 months 2017, by type
- U.S. mobile download and in-app revenues 2013-2016
- Estimated active users of Temu in the U.S. 2022-2023
- Revenue of ACV Auctions in the United States Q1 2020-Q1 2024
- Funding raised by Faire 2012-2022
- Leading B2B marketplace startups in the U.S. 2022, by capital raised
- Costco e-commerce monthly sales growth 2022-2024
- Marketplaces used by U.S. B2B buyers to research & purchase products 2018
- B2B sites researched prior to purchasing according to U.S. buyers 2018
- E-commerce sales of machinery and equipment wholesale trade in the U.S. 2006-2022
- E-commerce sales of electrical goods wholesale trade in the U.S. 2006-2022
- E-commerce sales of furniture wholesale trade in the U.S. 2006-2022
- E-commerce sales of U.S. motor vehicles and automotive equipment wholesale 2006-2022
- Wholesale trade small businesses planning to sell online in the U.S. 2021
- Total and e-commerce U.S. merchant wholesale trade sales excluding MSBOs 2006-2022
- Estimated value of Costco e-commerce sales 2020-2023
- E-commerce share of total U.S. merchant wholesale trade sales excl. MSBOs 2006-2022
- E-commerce as percentage of total U.S. furniture wholesale trade 2010-2022