Statistics about Consumer Goods & FMCG in United States
- Craft beer's retail dollar value in the U.S. 2011-2023
- Share of people who bought beer online in the U.S. in 2022
- Sales growth of flavored malt beverages in C-stores U.S. 2023, by brand
- U.S. non-alcoholic beer export volume 2015-2023
- U.S. non-alcoholic beer import volume 2016-2023
- U.S. volume sales of the leading microbreweries 2017
- Per-capita consumption of hard seltzer in the U.S. 2020-2029
- Total production of beer bottles in the U.S. 2000-2011
- Beer consumers in the U.S. 2022, by age
- U.S. beer import volume 2023, by packaging
- U.S. change in import volume of beer 2023, by packaging
- U.S. beer excise tax rates by state 2024
- U.S. volume sales of the leading contract craft brewers 2017
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in California 1994-2011
- DtC craft beer purchase frequency intention U.S. 2022
- U.S. beer sales of Modelo Especial and Heineken 2015
- Best perceived beer brands among men in the U.S. 2017, by Buzz Score
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Georgia 1994-2011
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Montana 1994-2010
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Missouri 1994-2011
- U.S. consumers' favorite beer brands 2013
- Beer sales value in the U.S. 2012-2016
- United States: sales of top domestic premium beer brands 2023
- Beer brand dollar sales growth U.S. 2024
- U.S. sales value of new beer products 2016, by vendor
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in South Carolina 1994-2010
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in South Dakota 1994-2010
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in New Mexico 1994-2010
- Total excise tax collections on malt beverages in the U.S. 1994-2012
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Hawaii 1994-2011
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Idaho 1994-2011
- Share of weekly craft beer drinkers in the United States in 2020, by age
- Share of weekly craft beer drinkers in the United States in 2020, by gender
- Share of weekly craft beer drinkers in the United States in 2020, by income
- U.S. malt beverage trade with the Middle East 2000-2011
- Sales growth of the leading craft beer brands in the U.S. 2017
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Tennessee 1994-2011
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Illinois 1994-2011
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in New Jersey 1994-2010
- Production of craft beer in North Carolina 2015/2016
- U.S. malt beverage trade with the Carribean 2000-2011
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Nevada 1994-2011
- Label claim effect on hard seltzer demand United States 2021
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Maryland 1994-2011
- U.S. infused beer sales share of leading vendors 2016
- U.S. infused beer sales value 2016, by vendor
- U.S. malt beverage trade with Africa 2000-2011
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Maine 1994-2011
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Pennsylvania 1994-2011
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Minnesota 1994-2011
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Vermont 1994-2011
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Nebraska 1994-2011
- Hard seltzer consumption locations United States 2021
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Ohio 1994-2011
- Hard seltzer preference reasons United States 2021
- Leading beer brands in the U.S. based on off-premise sales 2024
- Leading hard seltzer brands Twitter user gender share 2010-2021
- Leading hard seltzer brands Twitter user age share 2010-2021
- U.S. sales volume of the leading flavored malt beverage brands 2024
- Hard seltzer Twitter engagement 2019-2021, by brand
- U.S. craft beer dollar sales share 2015, by city
- U.S. volume sales of the leading domestic craft brewers 2014
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Oregon 1994-2010
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Oklahoma 1994-2010
- U.S. malt beverage trade with Asia 2000-2011
- Convenience channel share of beer sales in the U.S. in 2023, by segment
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Michigan 1994-2011
- Shipment total of malt beverages in the U.S. 1980-2012
- Craft beer sales value of leading styles in U.S. supermarkets 2016
- U.S. product shipment value of bottled beer and ale 2002-2016
- Shipments of malt beverages in Illinois 1990-2011
- Light beer brand preference in the U.S. from October 2017 to January 2018, by region
- Craft beer dollar sales share in U.S. supermarkets 2015, by state
- Craft beer dollar sales share in U.S. supermarkets in 2015, by style
- U.S. total beer volume sold 2012-2015
- Dollar sales change of beer in U.S. C-stores in 2018, by type
- U.S. shipment value of brewery products 2002-2016
- Grain products used in malt beverage production in the U.S. 2000-2010
- Top craft breweries in the South U.S. based on sales 2017
- Non-grain products used in malt beverage production in the U.S. 2000-2010
- Light beer brand preferences in the U.S. in 2016, by ethnicity
- U.S. beer volume sold 2015, by segment
- Drug stores: beer sales share in the United States in 2017, by type
- Dollar stores: per store beer sales in the United States from 2012 to 2017
- U.S. craft beer volume sold 2012-2015
- U.S. beer drinkers' rating of the factor local 2015, by age group
- Craft beer dollar sales growth in U.S. supermarkets 2010-2015
- U.S. craft beer production volume 2015-2020
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Rhode Island 1994-2010
- Non-grain products used in malt beverage production in the U.S. 2000-2010
- Beer dollar sales share in U.S. supermarkets 2012-2016, by segment
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Indiana 1994-2011
- U.S. beer market: leading domestic beer brands 2017, based on sales
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Louisiana 1994-2010
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in New Hampshire 1994-2010
- U.S. malt beverage trade with Oceania 2000-2011
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Kentucky 1994-2010
- Consumption of beer, wine, and spirits in Iowa 1994-2011
- Sales value of hard soda root beer in the U.S. 2015/2016
- Sales share of hard soda in the U.S. 2016, by channel