Statistics about Society in North America
- Fatalities in state-based conflicts in the Americas in 2019
- Life expectancy in North America 2022
- Government response to modern slavery in the Americas 2021, by country
- Prevalence of modern slavery in the Americas 2021, by country
- People in modern slavery in the Americas 2021, by country
- Prevalence rate of victims of modern slavery in the Americas 2021, by type
- Number of migrants who died or went missing in the Americas 2015-2024
- Immigrants from NAFTA countries into the U.S. 1986-2019
- Migration between Mexico and the U.S. from 1995 to 2010
- U.S. graduate business students' interest in online/hybrid programs 2023
- Impact of technology on PISA reading score in North America 2020, by type of tech
- The highest mountains in North America
- Great Lakes annual precipitation, evaporation, and runoff 1965-2014
- North America's biodiversity loss due to food lost and wasted as of 2017, by country
- North America's working hours lost due to heat stress by sector 1995-2030
- Share of North American bird species under extinction risk 2016
- Volume of gold and silver shipments from the Americas to Europe 1500-1800
- Estimated pre-colonization population of the Americas~1492
- Gender ratios in select countries after the Second World War 1950
- Number of slaves carried by each nation in the intra-American slave trade 1526-1841
- Gender ratios in select Allied countries after the Second World War 1950, by age
- Share of child slaves along select routes 1636-1867
- Distribution of age and gender of slaves on French ships by origin 1715-92
- Annual number of slaves transported from Africa to the Americas 1501-1866
- Global life expectancy from birth in selected regions 1820-2020
- Annual share of slaves who died during the Middle Passage 1501-1866
- Crude birth rate in selected regions 1820-2024
- Global life expectancy from birth in selected regions 1000-2020
- Average time taken for slave middle passage journey by region 1501-1866
- Number of slave embarkations during the intra-American slave trade 1526-1841
- Gender ratio of slaves along select routes 1636-1867
- Migrants recorded as dead or missing in the Americas 2014-2024
- Migrants recorded as dead or missing in the Americas 2014-2024, by route
- Cause of death of people in migrant trajectories in the Americas 2014-2024
- Refugees and asylum seekers in Central America and Mexico in 2022, by country
- North America's infant and toddler population, 2010 and 2015
- Population with access to clean drinking water in Europe and North America 2022
- Immigration to North America as of 2010, by religion
- Religious diversity in North America in 2010, by religion
- Wettest North American storms 2019