Statistics about Economy & Politics in MENA
- Founders of pre-seed startups MENA 2020 by education level
- Share of start-up funding value in MENA by country 2020
- Net working capital (NWC) of companies in the Middle East 2015 by country
- Time required to start a business in the GCC by country 2019
- Share of start-up funding deals value in MENA by Industry 2020
- Share of start-up funding deals in MENA by country H1 2020
- Share of start-up HQs in MENA by country 2019
- Leading venture capital startup funding deals MENA 2020
- Estimated value of undisclosed funding deals for start-ups in MENA 2014-H1 2020
- Organization's digital HR capability in the Middle East 2016
- Value of disclosed funding deals for start-ups in MENA 2014-H1 2020
- Quarterly value of non-mega funding deals for start-ups in MENA Q1 2018-Q2 2020
- Quarterly number of non-mega funding deals for start-ups in MENA Q1 2018-Q2 2020
- Quarterly number of startup deals MENA 2018-2018
- Quarterly value of startup funding MENA 2018-2019
- Year-on-year growth rate of startup funding MENA 2016-2019
- Number of exit deals for start-ups in MENA 2012-2019
- Business tax rate for Middle Eastern countries in 2012, by tax
- High risk areas of taxation for businesses in the Middle East 2016
- Quality of data available to support HR analytics in the Middle East 2016
- Gender distribution of early-stage entrepreneurs in Middle East & Africa 2013
- Number of funding deals for start-ups in Middle East H1 2018-H1 2023
- Distribution of investors by origin MENA 2015-2019
- Value of funding deals for the start-ups Souq and Careem in MENA 2015-2018
- Nascent entrepreneurship rate in the Middle East & North Africa in 2013, by country
- Investment plan for human resources in the Middle East 2016
- Established business ownership rate in Middle East & North Africa in 2013, by country
- Impact on attractiveness of UAE and Bahrain if corporate income tax introduced 2017
- IDO entrepreneurial activity in Middle East & North Africa in 2013, by country
- Net working capital days (NWC) in the Middle East 2015 by country
- Distribution milestones pre-seed founders want to achieve MENA 2020
- Necessity driven entrepreneurial activity in Middle East & North Africa in 2013
- New business ownership rate in Middle East & North Africa in 2013, by country
- Leading challenges for companies if VAT and CIT get introduced in the GCC by 2017
- Capability gap of organizations in the Middle East 2016
- Number of cumulative fintech startup launches in MENA 2002-2015
- Value of exit deals for start-ups in MENA 2012-2019
- Plans for leadership programs in the Middle East 2016
- Value of non-mega funding of start-ups Middle East H1 2018-H1 2023
- Cost of border compliance for exports in MENA by country 2019
- Cost of starting a business in MENA by country 2019
- Time needed to start a business in MENA by country 2019
- Number of procedures needed to start a business in MENA by country 2019
- Ease of doing business in MENA by country 2019
- Time needed for documentary compliance for imports in MENA by country 2019
- Cost of documentary compliance for imports in MENA by country 2019
- Share of males among startup founders MENA 2013-2018
- Ease of getting electricity in MENA by country 2019
- Days sales outstanding (DSO) of companies in the Middle East 2013-2015 by size
- Share of exit deals for start-ups in MENA by value 2012-2017
- Share of fundraise prior to exit deals for start-ups in MENA by value 2012-2017
- Likelihood of the introduction of VAT tax in the GCC by 2017
- Early-stage entrepreneurial activity rate in Middle East & Africa in 2013
- Difference between family and non-family businesses in the Middle East 2016
- Net working capital days (NWC) in the Middle East 2015 by industry
- Ease of dealing with construction permits in MENA by country 2019
- Cost of getting electricity in MENA by country 2019
- Prevalence of design thinking in HR and talent programs in the Middle East 2016
- Time needed for documentary compliance for exports in MENA by country 2019
- Company's understanding of practices in organization design in the Middle East 2016
- Effectiveness of the corporate learning function in the Middle East 2016
- Means to support employee development in the Middle East 2016
- Pre-seed startups raised funds MENA 2020
- Share of pre-seed startup MENA 2020 by development stage
- Ease of enforcing contracts in MENA by country 2019
- Cost of documentary compliance for exports in MENA by country 2019
- Cost of border compliance for imports in MENA by country 2019
- Electricity reliability in MENA by country 2019
- Total tax and contribution rate in MENA by country 2019
- Time needed to paying taxes in MENA by country 2019
- Number of tax payments per year in MENA by country 2019
- Ease of paying taxes in MENA by country 2019
- Ease of protecting minority investors in MENA by country 2019
- Ease of registering property in MENA by country 2019
- Ease of getting credit in MENA by country 2019
- Value of mega deal start-up funding H1 2019-H1 2023
- Share of cumulative fintech startup launches in MENA by sector 2015
- Secured venture capital deals MENA 2024, by country
- Improvement-driven opportunity entrepreneur activity in Africa and Middle East 2019
- Months of runway left for pre-seed startups MENA 2020
- New business ownership rate in Africa and the Middle East, by country 2020
- Founders of pre-seed startups MENA 2020 by age
- Established business ownership rate in Africa and the Middle East, by country 2023
- Business discontinuance in Africa and the Middle East 2023, by country
- Distribution of pre-seed startups MENA 2020 by country
- Necessity driven entrepreneurial activity in Africa and Middle East by country 2019
- Number of fintech companies in MENA 2024, by country
- Share of pre-seed startups raising capital MENA 2020
- Top ten countries with the most number of startups MEA 2024
- Number of tech startups in MENA 2024, by country
- Ratio of population to number of tech companies MENA 2024, by country
- Distribution of key customers type of pre-seed startups MENA 2020
- Pre-seed startups MENA 2020 by investor type
- Share of founders with startup founding experience MENA 2020
- Share of founders with managing experience MENA 2020
- Early-stage entrepreneurial activity in Africa and the Middle East, by country 2023
- Founders of pre-seed startups MENA 2020 by nationality
- Distribution pre-seed startups MENA 2020 by sector
- Share of founders with tech or product design background MENA 2020
- Philip Morris net revenue in the MEA 2020-2022, by type