Statistics about Health, Pharma & Medtech in United Kingdom
- Melanoma mortality rate in England 2020, by region and gender
- Melanoma skin cancer mortality rate in the United Kingdom 1974-2019, by gender
- Kidney cancer mortality rate in the United Kingdom 2019, by gender and country
- Kidney cancer mortality rate in the United Kingdom 1974-2019, by gender
- Deaths caused by injury and poisoning in England and Wales 2021, by gender and age
- Chronic renal failure mortality rate in England and Wales 2001-2020, by gender
- Asthma mortality rate in England and Wales 2000-2020, by gender
- Asthma mortality rate in England 2020, by region and gender
- Pneumonia mortality rate in England 2020, by region and gender
- Pneumonia mortality rate in England and Wales 2000-2020, by gender
- United Kingdom: liver cirrhosis due to NASH deaths 2000-2017, by gender
- Medication usage for urologic conditions in the United Kingdom 2018
- Medication usage for treating musculoskeletal conditions in the United Kingdom 2018
- Patients on health registers in Northern Ireland 2022-2024
- Opinion on impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2020
- Multiple sclerosis newly diagnosed in the United Kingdom 2014, by age
- Opinion on paid leave for employees who self-quarrantine in the United Kingdom (UK)
- Urologic conditions in the United Kingdom 2018, by age
- Views on the measures the government should take against coronavirus in the UK 2020
- Multiple sclerosis prevalence in the United Kingdom (UK) 2014, by age
- Coronavirus concerns in the United Kingdom (UK) in March 2020
- Knowledge of the coronavirus in the United Kingdom (UK) in March 2020
- Share of people avoiding certain activities due to fear of coronavirus in the UK 2020
- Trust in released coronavirus data in the United Kingdom (UK) in March 2020
- Share of daily activities modified due to the fear of coronavirus in the UK 2020
- Opinion on preventive actions needed to manage coronavirus in UK 2020
- Views towards responsibility for managing the spread of coronavirus in the UK 2020
- Opinion on likelihood of a global recession due to coronavirus in the UK 2020
- Individual's concern about coronavirus (COVID-19) in Great Britain in March 2020
- Lifestyle changes made due to coronavirus in Great Britain March 2020
- Opinion on precautions employers should take for coronavirus in the UK
- Types of precautions taken by individuals against coronavirus in the UK 2020
- Opinion: ability of public services to tackle coronavirus in Great Britain in 2020
- Prevalence of back pain in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2019, by country
- Medication used by individuals with metabolic conditions in the United Kingdom 2018
- Medication usage for psychiatric conditions in the United Kingdom 2018
- Reasons for hiding Parkinson's symptoms United Kingdom in 2016
- Reason for diabetics hospital admission in England and Wales in 2015
- Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and hospitalizations in the UK 2022
- Parkinson's disease: need to hide symptoms United Kingdom in 2016
- Reaction after receiving diagnosis of Parkinson's disease in the United Kingdom 2016
- Autoimmune conditions diagnosed in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018, by age
- Confidence in the NHS to respond to a coronavirus outbreak in Great Britain 2020
- Multiple sclerosis prevalence in the United Kingdom (UK) 2014, by country
- Individuals with Parkinson's disease in the United Kingdom 2016, by region
- Neurological conditions in the United Kingdom 2018, by age
- Respiratory conditions in the United Kingdom 2018, by age
- Metabolic conditions in the United Kingdom 2018, by gender and age
- Personal measures taken to prevent COVID-19 virus contamination Great Britain 2020
- Opinion on governmental measures for COVID-19 virus in Great Britain 2020
- Most trustworthy source of coronavirus information in Great Britain as of March 2020
- Rating of the government for communication about coronavirus in Great Britain in 2020
- Cancer conditions in the United Kingdom 2018, by age
- Opportunity to ask questions about treatment for cancer patients and caregivers 2015
- Most common worries for hemophilia patients worldwide as of 2023
- Most common symptoms of hemophilia worldwide as of 2023
- Main patient goals for managing hemophilia worldwide as of 2023
- Negative impacts of hemophilia on patients' life worldwide as of 2023
- Great Britain: opinion on recent lockdown changes as of May 2020
- Great Britain: opinions on clarity of government coronavirus slogans as of May 2020
- Healthcare workers offered testing for COVID-19 in the UK 2020
- UK: self perceived reasons among health workers for not getting a COVID-19 test 2020
- Share of caregivers negatively impacted by hemophilia care worldwide as of 2023
- Children with type 1 diabetes in England and Wales 2013/14, by auto-immune condition
- Smoking status of children with type 1 diabetes in England and Wales 2013/14
- Glycated hemoglobin measurement England and Wales 2018-2019, by diabetes duration
- Waiting time for healthcare workers to get COVID-19 test results in the UK 2020
- Quality of treatment option information for cancer patients and caregivers 2015
- Health worker's reasons for inability to access offered COVID-19 tests in the UK 2020
- Origin of inbound transmission lineages of COVID-19 in the UK 2020
- Most common emotional experiences of hemophilia patients worldwide 2023 by frequency
- Share of hemophilia patients often feeling anxious worldwide as of 2023
- Patients with pulmonary hypertension in the United Kingdom (UK) 2015, by diagnosis
- COVID-19 pandemic: Share of persons worried about rioting and looting 2020
- Public opinion on contact tracing apps during the COVID-19 crisis in the UK, by age
- Public opinion on contact tracing apps during the COVID-19 crisis in the UK 2020
- Public opinion on contact tracing in relation to privacy in the UK in 2020
- Public opinion on contact tracing in relation to privacy in the UK in 2020, by age
- Opinion on government priorities during coronavirus response in Great Britain 2020
- Approval rating of the government's coronavirus response in Great Britain March 2020
- COVID-19 pandemic: Share of persons worried about their mental health 2020
- Opinion: methods to stop the spread of coronavirus in Great Britain 2020
- Actions taken by hemophilia patients due to their condition worldwide 2023
- Reported impact of coronavirus on personal and family health in Great Britain 2020
- Individuals with Parkinson's disease in the United Kingdom 2016, by age
- Great Britain: opinion on when the government should loosen the lockdown 2020
- Attitude towards government easing lockdown for certain groups in Great Britain 2020
- Individuals with Parkinson's disease in the United Kingdom 2016, by time diagnosed
- Opinion on priority areas when easing lockdown restrictions in Great Britain 2020
- Work-related acne cases in Great Britain 2000 to 2011, by gender
- Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in England 2020, by age and gender
- Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in the United Kingdom (UK) 2023
- COVID-19 pandemic: Share of persons with a most severe impact on their finances 2020
- Prevalence of hip osteoarthritis in over 45 year olds in the UK 2019, by country
- Prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in over 45 year olds in the UK in 2019, by country
- Level of concern around developing cancer in Great Britain in 2019
- Children diagnosed with asthma in England 2018, by gender and age
- Level of concern around developing cancer in Great Britain in 2019, by age
- Reasons for delay telling work colleagues about Parkinson's diagnosis in the UK 2016
- Time when individuals disclosed their Parkinson's diagnosis to others in the UK 2016