Statistics about Finance & Insurance in United Kingdom
- Importance of bank branch accessibility nationally in the UK 2015
- Views on banking: customers worries related to switching bank accounts UK 2015
- Gender distribution of British adults using one and more than one bank in the UK 2015
- Complaints resolution by United Kingdom (UK) banks 2014
- Customer satisfaction: bank location convenience in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2014
- Bank customers priorities driving quality of online pages in the UK 2014
- High street banks: reasons customers do not welcome an increase in branches UK 2014
- Importance of charges levelled by main current account bank in the UK 2015
- Gen Z willingness to change primary bank in the UK 2019-2024, by quarter
- Key figures for OneSavings Bank 2018-2022
- Bank customer connectedness levels in the United Kingdom (UK) as of 2014
- High-income customers processes in banking affairs in the UK 2023
- Shawbrook Bank's Group and Company total assets in the UK 2013-2023
- British Shawbrook Bank division distribution of staff numbers 2015-2023
- Shawbrook Bank: cost to income ratio in the UK 2012-2023
- Shawbrook Bank profit before tax in the UK 2012-2023
- Gender diversity at the largest banks in the UK 2023
- HSBC Holdings key figures 2018-2023
- Share of banks concerned about sustainability in selected countries 2021
- Key figures for TSB Bank 2018-2023
- Importance of sustainability in banks' business strategy in selected countries 2021
- Share of banks concerned about sustainability in selected countries 2021, by type
- High-income customers willingness to change primary banks in the UK 2023
- High-income customer satisfaction with primary banks in the UK 2023
- High-income customers attitude toward personal finances in the UK 2023
- High-income customers primary banks in the UK 2023
- Key financial figures for TSB Bank 2018-2023
- Key financial figures for Tesco Bank 2019-2024
- Quarterly value of outstanding of Bank of England sterling bond holdings 2014-2022
- Global underlying profit of Lloyds Banking Group 2014-2023
- Shareholder equity value: Lloyds Banking Group globally in 2010-2023
- Global income of Lloyds Banking Group 2010-2023
- Global customer deposits of Lloyds Banking Group 2018-2023
- Global loans and advances to Lloyds Bank customers 2018-2023, by division
- Banking net interest margin of Lloyds Banking Group 2014-2023, by division
- Global income of UK Lloyds Banking Group 2018-2023, by division
- Barclays CO2 emissions 2012-2023
- Key figures for Tesco Personal Finance Group 2019-2024
- Division distribution of Barclays' global employees 2017-2023
- Global group net interest income of Barclays 2010-2023
- HSBC Holdings key financial figures 2018-2023
- Supplier diversity at State Street Corporation 2020-2021
- Operating income of Tesco Personal Finance Group 2018-2024
- Total equity of Tesco Personal Finance Group 2018-2024
- Total assets of Tesco Personal Finance Group 2018-2024
- Quarterly value of Bank of England sterling indexed long-term repo 2014-2022
- Quarterly value of international reserve assets at the Bank of England 2014-2023
- Basic earnings per ordinary share of Lloyds Banking Group 2010-2023
- Assets of all financial institutions in the UK 2002-2022
- Total assets of financial institutions in the UK 2002-2022
- Total assets of the central bank in the UK 2002-2022
- Total assets of central banks in select European countries 2022
- Total assets of banking sector in select European countries 2022
- Value of financial intermediation outside of the banking sector in the UK 2010-2022
- Assets of all financial institutions in the UK 2002-2022, by institution
- Board diversity at the largest UK banks 2024, by gender
- Number of credit institutions in the UK 2008-2023
- Largest banks in the UK 2001-2023, by market capitalization
- Return on equity of the banking industry in the UK 2012-2021
- Value of deposits at banks in the UK 2017-2028, by type of bank
- Net interest income of the banking industry in the UK 2017-2028, by type of bank
- Banking assets composition in the UK 2014-2023, by currency
- Bank assets as a share of GDP in the UK 2002-2022
- Total assets of financial institutions in select European countries 2022
- Headcount of Clydesdale Bank PLC Group 2015-2023, by role
- Quarterly value of assets on Bank of England's balance sheet 2013-2023
- Quarterly value of risk-weighted assets of the banking industry in the UK 2014-2023
- Annual operating expenses of the Bank of England 2014-2023
- Annual net interest income of the Bank of England 2014-2023
- Annual net income of the Bank of England 2014-2023
- Annual value of assets on Bank of England's balance sheet 2006-2023
- Key figures of the Bank of England in 2024
- Quarterly value of Tier 1 capital of the banking industry in the UK 2014-2023
- Quarterly value of CET1 capital of the banking industry in the UK 2014-2023
- Total assets of the Clydesdale Bank PLC 2014-2023
- Monthly operational lending facility rate of the Bank of England 2014-2023
- Monthly operational deposit facility rate of the Bank of England 2014-2023
- Bank of England types of assets held, according to balance sheet Q3 2022
- Number of bank branches in the UK 2012-2022
- Leading banks in the UK 2023, by customer satisfaction
- Total operating income of Clydesdale Bank PLC in the United Kingdom (UK) 2014-2022
- Risk-weighted assets of Clydesdale Bank 2014-2023, by asset type
- Lloyds Banking Group: customer deposits 2010-2023
- UK Lloyds Banking Group shareholders in 2010-2023
- Ratio of customers won or lost by Royal Bank of Scotland in the UK 2018-2023
- CET1 ratio of the NatWest group 2013-2023
- Mean gender bonus pay gap of leading banks in the UK 2023
- Net profit of the largest banks in the UK 2023
- Most valuable bank brands in the UK 2015-2024
- Mean hourly vs bonus gender pay gaps at leading banks in the UK 2023
- Median gender bonus pay gap of leading banks in the UK 2023
- Gender distribution of bonus payments in largest UK banks 2023, by gender
- Operating profit/loss of the Ulster Bank Rol 2012-2023
- Mean gender pay gap at Barclays in the UK 2023, by entity
- NatWest group total income of the Ulster Bank Rol 2012-2023
- NatWest group return on equity 2012-2023
- Number of employees at NatWest Group 2005-2023
- NatWest group operating expenses 2012-2023
- Market penetration of banks for UK large corporations in 2024
- Co-operative Bank total statutory profit or loss before tax in the UK 2012-2023