Statistics about Construction in Turkey
- Construction industry's share in GDP in Turkey 2015-2023
- Construction expenditure share in fixed capital investments in Turkey 2015-2023
- Construction industry spending in Turkey 2015-2023
- Annual growth rate of the construction industry in Turkey 2015-2023
- Number of employees in the construction industry in Turkey 2015-2023
- Value of foreign construction projects of contractor firms from Turkey 2010-2023
- Quarterly growth rate of the construction industry in Turkey Q1 2020-Q2 2024
- Construction backlog of Rönesans Holding 2015-2017
- Breakdown of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) contracts in Turkey 1986-2023
- Manufacturing revenue in Turkey 2013-2022
- EBITDA of Rönesans Holding 2015-2017
- Opinion on the quality of airport infrastructure globally 2023, by country
- Production index of civil engineering constructions in Turkey 2014-2016
- Monthly construction cost index of roads and railways in Turkey 2015-2024
- Opinion on the quality of rail infrastructure globally 2023, by country
- Monthly construction cost index of civil engineering in Turkey 2015-2024
- Forecast: road and motorway construction revenue Turkey 2008-2018
- Forecast: bridge and tunnel construction revenue Turkey 2008-2018
- Forecast: surface and underground railway construction revenue Turkey 2008-2018
- Forecast: water project construction revenue Turkey 2008-2018
- Forecast: utility project construction revenue Turkey 2009-2018
- Forecast: fluids utility project construction revenue Turkey 2009-2018
- Forecast: revenue surface & underground railway construction Turkey 2009-2020
- Forecast: revenue bridge and tunnel construction Turkey 2009-2020
- Opinion on the quality of major and local road network worldwide 2024, by country