Statistics about Agriculture in Turkey
- Number of people employed in agriculture in Turkey 2022, by sub-sector
- Wages of male agricultural workers in Turkey 2023, by province
- Monthly producer price index of agricultural products in Turkey 2020-2024
- Year-on-year change in PPI of agricultural products in Turkey 2019-2024, by month
- Average wages of male seasonal agricultural workers in Turkey 2010-2023
- Average wages of seasonal agricultural workers in Turkey 2010-2023
- Average wages of permanent agricultural workers in Turkey 2010-2023
- Average wages of permanent female agricultural workers in Turkey 2010-2023
- Volume of raw milk produced in Turkey 2020-2023, by type of animal
- Wages of female agricultural workers in Turkey 2023, by province
- Share of agricultural holdings operating own land in Turkey 2016, by holding size
- French agri-food exports to Middle-Eastern countries in 2018
- Daily wages of agricultural workers in Turkey 2023, by province and gender
- Monthly agricultural input price index in Turkey 2019-2024
- Gross production value of agriculture in Turkey 2000-2022
- Gross domestic product (GDP) of agriculture industry in Turkey 2002-2022
- Export and import value of agrofood products in Turkey 2002-2022
- Use of chemical fertilizers in Turkey 2009-2023
- Value of agricultural raw material imports into Turkey in 2016, by country
- Volume of poppy production in Turkey 2000-2023
- Average wages of female seasonal agricultural workers in Turkey 2010-2023
- Average wages of permanent male agricultural workers in Turkey 2010-2023
- Share of agricultural exports from Turkey 2022, by product category
- Share of the agricultural sector in total employment in Turkey 2010-2022
- Leading import partners of agricultural raw materials into Turkey 2016, by country
- Production of chickpeas in Turkey 2010-2023
- Agricultural land used for organic wheat & spelt framing in Turkey 2013-2016
- Volume of cereal produced in Turkey 2001-2023
- Volume of barley produced in Turkey 2001-2023
- Amount of olives harvested for table use in European countries and Turkey in 2016
- Volume of wheat produced in Turkey 2001-2023
- Production of dry beans in Turkey 2010-2023
- Volume of cucumbers produced in Turkey 2007-2023
- Volume of leguminous vegetables produced in Turkey 2018-2023, by type
- Volume of onions produced in Turkey 2007-2023
- Agricultural land used for organic farming of maize & corn in Turkey 2013-2016
- Volume of tomatoes produced in Turkey 2007-2023
- Sown area of cereals in Turkey 2000-2023
- Self-sufficiency rate of cereals in Turkey 2022-2023, by type
- Export volume of nuts from Turkey 2022-2023, by product
- Self-sufficiency rate of nut products in Turkey 2022-2023, by product
- Production volume of maize in Turkey 2013-2015
- Volume of fruits produced in Turkey 2018-2023
- Volume of nuts produced in Turkey 2018-2023, by type
- Harvested area for wheat in the Middle East by country 2021/2022-2022/2023
- Production volume of apples in Turkey 2007-2023
- Production volume of hazelnuts in Turkey 2007-2023
- Global share of wheat production of the Middle East by country 2022/2023
- Five year average change in wheat production in the Middle East by country 2022/2023
- Regional distribution of wheat production in the Middle East by country 2022/2023
- Volume of wheat production in the Middle East by country 2022/2023
- Yield of wheat production in the Middle East by country 2021/2022-2022/2023
- Amount of green tea produced in Turkey 2007 to 2017
- Crop production index in Turkey 2005-2022
- Fruit and nut prices in Turkey in 2017
- Production of dry pulses in Turkey 2010-2023
- Value of marketable fruits, beverage and spice crops produced in Turkey 1995 to 2017
- Value of marketable crop production in Turkey 1995 to 2017
- Value of marketable vegetable production in Turkey 1995 to 2017
- Volume of vegetables produced in Turkey 2018-2023
- Volume of root and tuberous vegetables produced in Turkey 2023, by type
- Production volume of olives in Turkey 2007-2023
- Production of lentils in Turkey 2010-2023, by type
- Agricultural land used for the production organic apples in Turkey 2013-2016
- Yayla Agro Gida Sanayi Ve Tica liabilities 2021 to 2023
- Area of organic agricultural land in Turkey 2022, by region
- Organic agricultural production volume in Turkey 2022, by region
- Number of organic agriculture producers in Turkey 2022, by region
- Yayla Agro Gida Sanayi Ve Tica total assets 2021 to 2023
- Forecast: crop production support activities revenue Turkey 2008-2018
- Yayla Agro Gida Sanayi Ve Tica net cash 2021 to 2023
- Average price of tomatoes in Turkey 2008-2023
- Yayla Agro Gida Sanayi Ve Tica operating profit 2021 to 2023
- Yayla Agro Gida Sanayi Ve Tica net income 2021 to 2023
- Yayla Agro Gida Sanayi Ve Tica gross profit 2021 to 2023
- Yayla Agro Gida Sanayi Ve Tica employees 2021 to 2022
- Yayla Agro Gida Sanayi Ve Tica total equity 2021 to 2023
- Yayla Agro Gida Sanayi Ve Tica revenue 2021 to 2023
- Price of sheep milk in Turkey 2010-2023
- Agricultural land used for fruit, beverage, and spices in Turkey 2010-2023
- Size of agricultural land used for vegetables in Turkey 2010-2023
- Price of silk cocoons in Turkey 2010 to 2017
- Price of hen eggs in Turkey 2010 to 2019
- Price of wool in Turkey 2010-2019
- Price of goat milk in Turkey 2010-2023
- Forecast: freshwater aquaculture revenue Turkey 2008-2018
- Forecast: marine fishing revenue Turkey 2008-2018
- Volume of sea fish caught in Turkey 2008-2023
- Leading sea fish types landed for human consumption in Turkey 2023
- Aquaculture production volume in Turkey 2005-2023
- Production volume of sea products in Turkey 2005-2023
- Production volume in fishing industry in Turkey 2000-2023
- Production volume in the fishing industry in Turkey 2000-2023, by type
- Volume of sea fish caught in Turkey 2023, by type
- Production volume of capture fisheries in Turkey 2008-2023
- Forecast: marine aquaculture revenue Turkey 2008-2018
- Forecast: freshwater fishing revenue Turkey 2008-2018
- Amount of flower bulb production in Turkey 2013-2018
- Forecast: wood sawmilling and planing revenue Turkey 2008-2018
- Forecast: wood-based panels manufacturing revenue Turkey 2008-2018