Statistics about Transportation & Logistics in Sweden
- Fatalities in traffic accidents in Sweden 2010-2020, by gender
- Monthly number of cross-country scooters in use in Sweden 2019-2020
- Most common modes of transportation for commuting in Sweden 2024
- Most used mobility services in Sweden 2024
- Norway: public DC electric vehicle charging points by charging speed 2020-2023
- Norway: public AC electric vehicle charging points by charging speed 2020-2023
- Forecast: motor vehicle maintenance and repair revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Volume in the electric vehicles market Sweden 2017-2029
- Revenue in the electric vehicles market Sweden 2017-2029
- Average price per unit (PPU) in the electric vehicles market Sweden 2017-2029
- Number of road deaths in the Scandinavian countries 2007-2017
- Forecast: road freight transport revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: taxi operation revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: urban and suburban passenger land transport revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Duration of daily commute in Sweden 2024
- Forecast: incidental land transport service activities revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Revenue in the Electric Vehicles market Sweden 2017-2029
- Most used car sharing brands in Sweden 2024
- Ride sharing/hailing / online taxi usage by brand in Sweden 2024
- Attitudes towards mobility in Sweden 2024
- Mobility service online bookings in Sweden 2024
- Profit of the Port of Trelleborg 2011-2019
- Number of passengers handled in the Port of Ystad 2016-2022
- Volume of freight handled at the Port of Gothenburg 2016-2022
- Volume of cargo handled in the Port of Trelleborg 2014-2022
- Net profit of Copenhagen Malmö Port 2014-2020
- Profit of Copenhagen Malmö Port 2014-2020
- Revenue of Copenhagen Malmö Port 2014-2020
- Volume of goods handled in Swedish ports by types of cargo 2022
- Number of employees of Copenhagen Malmö Port 2016-2020
- Ship passengers handled at Copenhagen Malmö Port 2014-2020
- Number of passengers handled in the Port of Trelleborg 2016-2022
- Number of passengers handled in the Ports of Gotland 2020-2021
- Passengers handled at the Port of Stockholm 2014-2019
- Revenue of the Port of Trelleborg 2011-2019
- Net sales per employee of Copenhagen Malmö Port 2014-2019
- Volume of containers handled in Sweden 2000-2020
- Number of port calls of ferries at Copenhagen Malmö Port 2014-2018
- Volume of general cargo handled at Copenhagen Malmö Port 2014-2018
- Emission of greenhouse gases from domestic shipping transport in Sweden 2010-2018
- Number of passengers handled at the Port of Gothenburg 2016-2019
- Number of cruise calls at the Port of Gothenburg 2016-2019
- Number of vessel calls at the Port of Gothenburg 2014-2019
- Ranking of ports in Sweden 2018, based on vessels’ gross tonnage
- Ranking of ports in Sweden 2018, based on merchant vessel calls
- Ranking of ports in Sweden 2018, based on handled petroleum
- Ranking of ports in Sweden 2018, based on container throughput
- Ranking of ports in Sweden 2018, based on number of handled motor vehicles
- Number of new cars handled at Copenhagen Malmö Port 2014-2019
- Ranking of ports in Sweden based on cruise calls 2022
- Passengers handled at the Port of Kapellskär 2014-2019
- Number of employees at the Ports of Stockholm 2014-2019
- Revenue of the Ports of Stockholm 2014-2019
- Passengers handled at the Port of Nynäshamn 2014-2019
- Number of employees at the Port of Trelleborg 2011-2019
- EBIT of the Port of Trelleborg 2011-2019
- Revenue distribution of the Port of Trelleborg 2019, by segment
- Volume of liquid bulk handled at Copenhagen Malmö Port 2014-2019
- Volume of dry bulk handled at Copenhagen Malmö Port 2014-2019
- Monthly number of sea rescue cases in Sweden 2019
- Profit of the Ports of Stockholm 2014-2019
- Number of roro units handled at Copenhagen Malmö Port 2014-2019
- Ranking of ports in Sweden based on cruise passengers 2022
- Roro cargo volume handled at the Ports of Stockholm 2014-2019
- Volume of cargo handled at Copenhagen Malmö Port 2014-2022
- Volume of goods handled at the Port of Kapellskär 2014-2019
- Volume of unloaded goods handled between Swedish ports 2018, by commodity
- Volume of loaded goods handled between Swedish ports 2018, by commodity
- Transport performance of goods handled between Swedish ports 2018, by commodity
- Volume of loaded and unloaded goods in Swedish ports 2018, by region
- Sweden: personnel costs of the water transport industry 2012-2021
- Sweden: number of employees in the water transport industry 2012-2021
- Seaborne container throughput at the Port of Helsingborg 2014-2020
- Goods volume handled at the Port of Helsingborg 2019-2020, by cargo type
- Ranking of ports in Sweden 2018, based on volume of unit freight
- Ranking of ports in Sweden based on handled ferry passengers 2022
- Volume of goods handled at the Port of Nynäshamn 2014-2019
- Number of employees of Port of Gothenburg 2014-2019
- EBIT of Port of Gothenburg 2014-2019
- Profit of Port of Gothenburg 2014-2019
- Net turnover of Port of Gothenburg 2014-2019
- Volume of energy products handled at the Port of Gothenburg 2016-2019
- Number of new cars handled at the Port of Gothenburg 2016-2019
- Number of roro units handled at the Port of Gothenburg 2016-2019
- Container throughput at the Port of Gothenburg 2016-2019
- Ranking of ports in Sweden based on handled passenger cars and buses by ferry 2022
- Passengers handled at Ports of Stockholm 2014-2022
- Freight throughput at the Port of Helsingborg 2014-2022
- Number of passengers handled in the Port of Visby 2021-2022
- Number of cruise passengers in Sweden from 2013-2017
- Passenger traffic in Swedish ports 2017-2022
- Forecast: water transport equipment rent and lease revenue Sweden 2009-2018
- Seaborne container throughput at the Ports of Stockholm 2014-2019
- Revenue of the Port of Helsingborg 2014-2020
- Profit of the Port of Helsingborg 2014-2020
- Employee numbers of the Port of Helsingborg 2014-2020
- Forecast: incidental water transport service activities revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Passengers handled at the Port of Helsingborg 2016-2022
- Largest ports in Sweden based on volume of goods handled 2022
- Volume of goods handled at the Port of Stockholm 2017-2022