Statistics about Society in Sweden
- Number of civil partnerships in Sweden 2012-2022
- Average age at first marriage in Sweden 2013-2023, by gender
- Number of marriages in the Nordic countries 2011-2021
- Number of new marriages in Sweden 2013-2023
- Number of divorces in Sweden in 2022, by age group
- Number of divorces in the Nordic countries 2013-2023
- Average length of marriage in Sweden 2012-2022
- Number of civil partnership dissolutions in Sweden 2012-2022
- Number of divorces in Sweden 2010-2023
- New marriages in Sweden 2022, by age group
- Average age of expats in the Nordic countries 2018
- Emigrations from Sweden in 2023, by country of destination
- Frequency of interacting with immigrants in Sweden 2017, by situation
- Rejected asylum applications in Sweden 2013-2023
- Immigration in the Nordic countries 2000-2022
- Emigration in the Nordic countries 2000-2022
- Opinion on refugees from Ukraine in Sweden 2022
- Asylum seekers per 1,000 inhabitants in the Scandinavian countries 2015
- Share of people with international connections in Sweden 2018
- Number of granted student residence permits in Sweden 2013-2023
- Decisions on asylum applications from unaccompanied minors in Sweden 2012-2022
- Most important factors for successful integration of immigrants in Sweden 2017
- Number of Swedish citizenship acquisitions 2022, by age groups
- Number of refugees in Sweden 2022, by country of origin
- Level of success of local integration of immigrants in Sweden 2017
- Share of expats moving for love into the Nordic countries 2018
- Opinion on immigrants becoming citizen & member of national community in Sweden 2018
- Number of unaccompanied minors seeking asylum in Sweden 2013-2023, by gender
- Ways to promote successful integration of immigrants in Sweden 2017
- Foreigners at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the Nordic countries 2010-2023
- Actors responsible for the successful integration of immigrants in Sweden 2017
- At-risk-of-poverty rate among foreign-born citizens in the Nordic countries 2011-2023
- Number of asylum applications in Sweden 2012-2023, by gender
- Number of immigrants to Sweden in 2023, by age group
- Number of male asylum seekers in Sweden 2023, by country of origin
- Extent to which fostering immigrant integration is necessary in Sweden 2017
- Number of female asylum seekers in Sweden 2023, by country of origin
- Share of expats living in the Nordic countries 2018, by gender
- Foreign-born population in Sweden 2023, by country of birth
- Number of Swedish citizenship acquisitions 2012-2022, by gender
- Number of Swedish citizenship acquisitions 2022, by former citizenship
- Asian citizens living in Sweden 2022, by country of birth
- Immigrants from the Americas in Sweden 2020, by countries of birth
- Migration flow of Sweden 2010-2023
- Opinion on acceptance of immigrants being employed/unemployed in Sweden 2018
- Number of unaccompanied minors seeking asylum in Sweden 2022, by country of origin
- Asylum applications from unaccompanied minors from Ukraine in Sweden 2022-2023
- Immigrants in Sweden 1990-2015, by reason for residence permit and region of birth
- Number of residence permits granted in Sweden 2023, by type of permit
- At-risk-of-poverty rate in Sweden 2013-2023, by place of birth
- Emigration from Sweden 2013-2023, by citizenship
- Emigration from Sweden 2013-2023
- Immigration as a problem or opportunity according to people in Sweden 2017
- People living in overcrowded households in Sweden 2013-2022, by region of birth
- Number of asylum decisions and grants in Sweden 2023, by country of origin
- Opinion on acceptance of immigrants speaking/not speaking Swedish in Sweden 2018
- Number of residence permits granted in Sweden 2013-2023
- Level of success of national integration of immigrants in Sweden 2017
- Number of asylum applications from Ukraine in Sweden 2022-2024
- Obstacles for successful integration of immigrants in Sweden 2017
- Fertility rate in the Nordic countries 2000-2023
- People at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Sweden 2010-2020, by birthplace
- Number of asylum applications from unaccompanied minors in Sweden 2013-2023
- Number of Swedish citizenship acquisition 2013-2023
- Number of residence permits granted unaccompanied minor refugees in Sweden 2010-2020
- Number immigrants to Sweden 2023, by country of birth
- Number of asylum applications in Sweden 2015-2020
- Foreign-born population of Sweden 2009-2023
- Immigration to Sweden 2010-2023
- Immigration to Sweden 2013-2023, by gender
- Number of asylum applications in Sweden 2023, by country of origin
- Net migration in the Nordic countries 2000-2022
- European foreign-born citizens in Sweden 2022, by country of birth
- Number of granted student residence permits in Sweden 2020, by citizenship
- Number of citizens born in Africa living in Sweden 2022, by country of birth
- Number of asylum decisions in Sweden 2023, by decision
- Number of refugees in Sweden 2012-2022
- Number of asylum applications in Sweden 2013-2023
- Number of granted family reunification residence permits in Sweden 2018-2023
- Number of Japanese residents in Sweden 2014-2023
- Share of female police officers in Sweden 2022, by region
- Survey on trust in the police in Sweden 2016
- Number of police officers per 100,000 inhabitant in Sweden 2012-2022
- Survey on the ability of the Swedish Police to solve crimes 2016
- Number of police officers in Sweden 2022, by age group
- Survey on trust in the police in Sweden 2016, by gender
- Trust in the police in Sweden 2017-2023
- Number of police officers in Sweden 2022, by age group and gender
- Number of emergency calls to the Swedish Police 2013-2020
- Number of police officers in Sweden 2012-2022
- Number of police officers in Sweden 2022, by region
- Share of women in leading positions in the Swedish Police 2012-2022
- Survey on trust in the police in Sweden 2016, by age
- Average age of the population in Sweden 2012-2022, by gender
- Foreign-born population in Sweden 2023, by region of birth
- Share of elderly population in Sweden 1970-2023, by age group
- Number of single-person households in Sweden 2012-2022
- Death rate in the Nordic countries 2000-2023
- Men living in single-person households in Sweden 2022, by age group
- Number of households with one child in Sweden 2012-2022