Statistics about Retail & Trade in Sweden
- When consumers in selected countries expect the best discounts to be available 2021
- Most important criteria for consumers when choosing which food to buy in Sweden 20/21
- Important sustainability criteria when choosing which products to buy in Sweden 2020
- Consumers searching online before fashion shopping in store in Sweden 2021, by age
- Sweden: skis for winter spots export value 2018-2023
- Sporting equipment retail store sales in Sweden 2014-2021
- Turnover of sports goods manufacture in Sweden 2013-2020
- Percentage change in retail sales of sports articles in Sweden in December 2008-2018
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the Sports Equipment market Sweden 2019-2029
- Forecast: recreational and sports goods rent and lease revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Household consumption expenditure on sport and camping equipment in Sweden 2008-2022
- Total assets of Thule Group 2019-2023
- Operating income of Thule Group 2019-2023
- Sales share of Thule Group 2022-2023, by product category
- Net income of Thule Group 2019-2023
- Percentage change in retail sales of toys in Sweden in December 2007-2016
- Number of employees of The Walt Disney Company Nordic 2014-2022
- Turnover of The Walt Disney Company Nordic 2014-2022
- Distribution of toys retail sales in Sweden 2016, by month
- Leading operators in sports and leisure products industry in Sweden 2015, by turnover
- Distribution of sports and leisure retail sales in Sweden 2016, by month
- Net sales of Thule Group 2019-2023
- Estimated annual revenue of Scentsy 2016-2022
- Number of employees of Coop in Sweden 2014-2018
- Net revenue of Hemköp in Sweden 2012-2021
- Revenue distribution of ICA Sweden 2021, by business area
- Operating margin of ICA Sweden 2014-2021
- Net sales of ICA Gruppen 2012-2021
- Number of employees of ICA Gruppen 2021, by segment
- Operating margin of ICA Gruppen 2012-2021
- Number of Rimi stores in the Baltic states 2021, by country
- Number of organic products available in Coop stores in Sweden 2014-2017, by label
- Sales of ecological products in grocery stores in Sweden 2006-2016
- Gluten-free products offered per grocery store in Norway and Sweden 2015-2016
- Net revenue of Coop in Sweden 2014-2017, by type of business
- Number of stores of Coop in Sweden 2017, by store
- Number of organic food products available in Coop stores in Sweden 2014-2018
- Sales of ICA stores in Sweden 2021, by format
- Operating profit of Rimi Baltic 2014-2021
- Sales of Rimi stores in the Baltic states 2021, by country
- Average number of production sites for corporate brand products of ICA Gruppen 2021
- Net revenue of the Axfood Group in Sweden 2012-2021
- Net sales of Rimi Baltic 2014-2021
- Number of employees of Rimi Baltic 2014-2021
- Net sales of ICA Sweden 2014-2021
- Number of employees of ICA Sweden 2014-2021
- Distribution of net sales of ICA Gruppen 2021, by segment
- Number of ICA stores in Sweden 2021, by format
- Net revenue of the Axfood Group in Sweden 2021, by operating segment
- Net revenue of Willys in Sweden 2012-2021
- Average number of employees of Willys in Sweden 2014-2021
- Number of Willys stores owned by the Axfood Group in Sweden 2014-2021
- Distribution of grocery shops that customers go to in Sweden 2017-2018
- Average number of employees of Hemköp in Sweden 2014-2021
- Revenue of Axfood retail stores in Sweden 2023, by region
- Turnover share of retailers in Norway and Sweden 2015, by retailer size
- Lactose-free products offered per grocery store in Sweden 2015-2016, by store type
- Net revenue of Coop in Sweden 2014-2017
- Turnover of organic food products in ICA grocery stores in Sweden 2010-2020
- Sales value of selected retail stores in Sweden 2023
- Revenue of Coop retail stores in Sweden 2023, by region
- Revenue of ICA retail stores in Sweden 2023, by region
- Number of Axfood retail stores in Sweden 2023, by region
- Drivers for choosing a grocery store in Sweden 2016
- Number of Coop retail stores in Sweden 2023, by region
- Number of ICA retail stores in Sweden 2023, by region
- Market share of selected grocery retailers in Sweden 2023
- Operating profit of Coop Sverige 2014-2022
- Net sales of Coop Sverige 2013-2022
- Average number of employees of Coop 2013-2022
- Number of stores of Reitangruppen in Sweden 2011-2020
- Share of organic products of the total products sold by Coop in Sweden 2013-2020
- Number of Hemköp stores owned by the Axfood Group in Sweden 2014-2021
- Number of product lines in selected retailers in Norway and Sweden 2016, by category
- Turnover of Reitangruppen in Sweden 2011-2020
- Forecast: electrical household appliances wholesale revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: solid, liquid and gaseous fuel wholesale revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: housewares sales agents revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: agricultural and textile sales agents revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: motor vehicle parts & accessories wholesale revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: agricultural machinery wholesale revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: mining and construction machinery wholesale revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: computer equipment and software wholesale revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: electronic equipment wholesale revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: textile industry machinery wholesale revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: office furniture wholesale revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: metal and metal ore wholesale revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: industrial equipment sales agents revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Number of Axfood Närlivs stores owned by the Axfood Group in Sweden 2014-2016
- Operating profit of Dagab in Sweden 2014-2018
- Net revenue of Axfood Närlivs in Sweden 2014-2016
- Forecast: construction material wholesale revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles revenue in Sweden 2010-2022
- Net revenue of Dagab in Sweden 2014-2023
- Forecast: plumbing and heating equipment wholesale revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: chemical product wholesale revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: non-specialized wholesale trade revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: machine tool wholesale revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: industrial resources sales agents revenue Sweden 2008-2018
- Forecast: clothing and footwear wholesale revenue Sweden 2008-2018