Statistics about Health, Pharma & Medtech in Sweden
- Net sales of Apotek Hjärtat in Sweden 2014-2023
- Number of employees of Apotek Hjärtat in Sweden 2014-2023
- Number of Apotek Hjärtat pharmacies in Sweden 2014-2023
- Number of outpatient pharmacies in Sweden 2023, by owner
- Number of Apoteket AB pharmacies in Sweden 2010-2023
- Customer satisfaction with latest pharmacy visit in Sweden 2016-2023
- Pharmacy revenue share in Sweden 2023, by type of product
- General perceptions towards vaccine importance in Sweden 2022
- Respondents knowledge of antibiotics in Sweden 2018
- Cervical cancer screening rate in Sweden 2008-2022
- Vaccination coverage of polio among two year olds in Sweden 2014-2021
- Coverage of tuberculosis vaccine of children in Sweden 2014-2021
- Coverage of MMR vaccine of children in Sweden 2014-2021
- General perceptions towards vaccine safety and effectiveness in Sweden 2022
- Share of girls vaccinated* for HPV vaccine in Sweden born 2002 to 2006
- Public attitude towards vaccines in Sweden 2018-2022
- Coverage of hepatitis B vaccine of children in Sweden 2014-2018
- Vaccination coverage of pneumococcus of children in Sweden 2014-2018
- Vaccination coverage of Hib among two-year-olds in Sweden 2014-2018
- Share of children vaccinated for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis in Sweden 2013-2023
- Share of children vaccinated against measles in Sweden 2012-2022
- Importance of preventive care according to consumers and providers worldwide 2023
- Opinion about compulsory vaccinations in Sweden 2018
- Population covered by public or private health insurance in Sweden 2003-2013
- Number of elderly granted care service in Sweden 2019, by type
- Number of disabled granted home help service in Sweden 2009-2019
- Expenditure on elderly care as a proportion of GDP in Sweden 2016-2022
- Expenditure on elderly care in Sweden 2016-2022
- Expenditure on elderly care in Sweden 2022, by type of service
- Elderly residing in special housing in Sweden 2019, by type of housing
- Number of elderly residing in special housing in Sweden 2009-2019
- Number of recipients of LSS service in Sweden 2019, by type of service received
- Prevalence of overweight and obese in Sweden 2024, by age group
- Life expectancy at birth in Sweden 2003-2013, by gender
- Perceived health status in Sweden 2008-2023
- Share of overweight and obese people in Sweden 2008-2024
- 5 most common health complaints in Sweden 2016
- Share of overweight people in Sweden 2024, by gender
- Individuals following a healthy lifestyle in Sweden 2018, by habit
- Greatest source of happiness of people in Sweden 2019
- Poisonings of youths in Sweden 2018, by type
- Number of patient deaths on the organ transplant waiting list in Sweden 2021-2023
- Number of cardiac arrest cases in Sweden 2017, by gender and age group
- Collected and dispensed resources of Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund 2008-2018
- Organ transplantation activity per million population in Sweden 2021-2023
- Number of patients active on organ transplant waiting list in Sweden 2021-2023
- Neonatal mortality rate in Sweden 1980-2015
- Share of births to teenage mothers in Sweden 1980-2022
- Share of overweight or obese people in Sweden between 2021-2024, by county
- Poisonings of children under 10 years in Sweden 2018, by cause
- Most common pharmaceuticals for poisoning of children under 10 years in Sweden 2018
- Poisonings of adults in Sweden 2018, by type
- Happiness level of people in Sweden 2019
- Average price of illicit drugs in Sweden in 2017, by drug
- Median number of days of MDMA usage in selected Nordic countries 2019
- Survey on obtaining drugs from darknet in the Nordic countries 2018
- Share of cardiac arrest cases in Sweden 2018, by cause
- Most common products for poisoning of children under 10 years in Sweden 2023
- Share of smokers among COPD patients in Sweden 2019, by stage and gender
- Share of respondents cannabis use in Sweden 2018, by gender and age group
- Attitudes towards blood donation in Sweden 2018
- Consumption volume of cannabis in the Nordic capitals 2018
- Attitudes towards organ donation in Sweden 2018
- Share of people feeling happy in Sweden 2011-2019
- Infant mortality rate in Sweden 1980-2018
- Suicides in Sweden in 2023, by age group and gender
- Share of smokers among asthma patients in Sweden 2015-2020 by gender
- Distribution of body mass index in Sweden 2023, by gender
- Knee replacement procedures conducted in Sweden 2011-2020
- Number of individuals with at least one sick leave in Sweden 2009-2023
- Share of individuals who had sick pay in Sweden 2023, by cause
- Share of population smoking or snusing daily in Sweden 2023, by age and gender
- Share of population in good health in Sweden 2023, by gender and education
- Share of population in bad health in Sweden 2023, by age and gender
- Share of population in long-term illness in Sweden 2023, by age and gender
- Share of population in good health in Sweden 2023, by age and gender
- Smokers in Sweden 2022, by frequency
- Distribution of body mass index in Sweden 2023, by age group
- Distribution of body mass index in Sweden 2023
- Cataract surgeries conducted in Sweden 2010-2020
- Sickness absence for employees in Sweden 2017-2024
- Sickness absence for employees in Sweden 2017-2024, by gender
- Suicide rate in Sweden 2009-2023, by gender
- Number of individuals with at least one heart attack in Sweden 2008-2022
- Number of individuals with at least one heart attack in Sweden 2008-2022, by gender
- Number of deaths caused by heart attacks in Sweden 2008-2022
- Number of deaths caused by heart attack in Sweden 2013-2022, by gender
- Share of newborn with low birth weight in Sweden 2022, by weight
- Share of cannabis users in Sweden 2022, by age group
- Drug-related deaths in Sweden 2023, by age group
- Work absences due to illness in the Nordic countries 2010-2022
- Internal displacements of people from weather-related disasters in Sweden 2014-2019
- Masectomy procedures conducted in Sweden 2010-2020
- Hysterectomies conducted in Sweden 2010-2020
- Share of survivors after cardiac arrest in hospital in Sweden 2008-2022
- Share of individuals with sleeping problems in Sweden 2022, by age group
- Share of individuals with sleeping problems in Sweden 2020, by age group and gender
- Share of smokers among asthma patients in Sweden 2015-2018
- 5 most common health complaints among men in Sweden 2016
- Source for trustworthy information on antibiotics Sweden 2018