Statistics about Society in Spain
- Crude death rate in community of Madrid 2000-2023
- Fertility rate projections for the Community of Madrid 2024-2038
- Number of deaths in Spain 1975-2023
- Number of births in Spain 2006-2023
- Life expectancy in Spain 2009-2023
- Fertility rate in Spain in 2023, by autonomous community
- Average age at maternity in Spain in 2023, by region
- Crude death rate in Catalonia 2000-2023
- Projection of life expectancy for 65-years-old women Spain 2024-2073
- Projection of life expectancy for 65 years old men Spain 2024-2073
- Historical number of births in Spain from 1975-2023
- Number of deaths in Spain in 2023, by month
- Number of births in Spain in 2023, by age of mother
- Birth rate in Spain in 2023, by autonomous community
- Number of deaths in Spain in 2023, by age group
- Number of births in Spain 2023, by month
- Number of deaths caused by drowning Spain 2023, by region
- Deaths due to drowning per month Spain 2023
- Inequality in distribution of expected length of life in Spain 2010-2022
- Crude birth rate in community of Madrid 2000-2023
- Number of deaths in Spain 2006-2023
- Mortality rate in Spain 2006-2022
- Historical number of births in Spain from 1900 to 1970
- Crude birth rate in Catalonia 2000-2023
- Rescued pets age in Spain in 2023
- Street dogs rescued Spain 2013-2023
- Cybercrimes against sexual freedom in Spain 2023, by type of legal proceeding
- Rescued dogs fate in Spain in 2023
- Registered child pornography cases in Spain 2010-2023
- Street dogs and cats rescued Spain 2008-2023
- Street dogs returned home Spain 2008-2023
- Spain: number of kidnapping cases 2008-2022
- Street cats rescued Spain 2013-2023
- Counterfeit goods seized by Customs by type Spain 2015
- Missing runaway unaccompanied foreign minors in Spain 2023, by age
- Persons at risk of sexual exploitation and trafficking in Spain 2014-2023
- Number of deaths caused by homicide by gender Spain 2005-2018
- Spanish victims of human trafficking 2019-2023, by purpose of trafficking
- Annual number of sexual offenses by minors in Spain 2017-2023
- Victims of human trafficking in Spain 2023, by purpose of trafficking
- Labor trafficking victims in Spain 2023, by region
- Sex trafficking victims in Spain 2023, by gender and age
- Number of deaths caused by assaults in Spain 2006-2022
- Labor trafficking detainees in Spain 2023, by nationality
- Spaniards' opinion on effectivity of law against gender violence 2020
- Labor trafficking victims in Spain 2015-2023
- Cases of unaccompanied foreign minors reported as missing in Spain 2019, by status
- Sex trafficking victims in Spain 2023, by nationality
- Labor trafficking victims in Spain 2023, by nationality
- Labor trafficking victims in Spain 2023, by gender and age
- Court of Justice trust level in Spain 2019, by age group
- Court of Justice trust level in Spain 2019, by gender
- Crime rate in Spain 2023, by autonomous community
- Spaniards opinion on the level of corruption 2019, by area
- Spaniards opinion on the level of corruption 2019
- Court of Justice trust level in Spain 2019, by ideology
- Court of Justice trust level in Spain 2019, by educational attainment
- Court of Justice trust level in Spain 2019
- Number of people convicted of arson in Spain 2013-2023
- Children victim of human trafficking in Spain 2016-2023
- Number of crime in Catalonia 2023, by province
- Number of sexual assaults with penetration in Catalonia 2019-2023
- Crime rate in Catalonia and Spain 2011-2023
- Transport used by human trafficking victims in Spain 2002-2018, by direction
- Number of people detained in the municipality of Madrid 2021-2023, by district
- Human trafficking victims in Spain 2023, by type
- People detained for sex trafficking in Spain 2023, by nationality
- Sex trafficking victims in Spain 2016-2023
- Sex trafficking victims in Spain 2023, by region
- Reasons for pet abandonment in Spain in 2023
- Number of guardianships in Spain 2013-2017
- Adoptions of boys by age in Spain 2017
- Share of adoptions by gender Spain 2017
- Adoptions of girls by age in Spain 2017
- Number of domestic adoptions by gender Spain 2017
- Number of children in foster families Spain 2013-2017
- Number of minors awaiting safeguard assignment Spain 2013-2017
- Annual number of ex lege custodies in Spain in 2013-2017
- Children accommodated in extended families Spain 2013-2017
- Share of adoptions by age in Spain 2017
- Minors in foster families by family type in Spain 2017
- Muslims in Spain 2023, by nationality
- Muslims in La Rioja 2019, by nationality
- Spanish and foreign Muslims in Spain 2023, by autonomous community
- Muslims in Spain 2023, by autonomous community
- Divorces: prices by type Spain in 2019
- Spaniards opinion on subrogation 2019, by age group
- Share of minors helped by the protection system in Spain 2017 by age
- Minors by nationality and gender in Spanish child protection system 2017
- Share of minors in foster families by category in Spain 2017
- Child protection system: minors by age and gender in Spain 2018
- Minors by nationality in Spanish child protection system 2017
- Number of domestic adoptions by age Spain 2017
- Number of minors in care homes Spain 2013-2017
- Minors without disabilities in foster families by gender in Spain 2017
- Share of minors leaving foster families by reason Spain 2017
- Main reasons for minors to leave foster families in Spain 2017
- Number of minors in foster families by age and gender in Spain 2017
- Number of foreign children in foster families by gender in Spain 2017
- Lowest unemployment rates in Spain by province 2023