Statistics about Media in Spain
- Distribution of readers in Spain 2014, by number of books at home
- Frequency of certain reading habits as children in Spain 2014
- Average children's book price Spain 2007-2019
- Annual turnover of the leading retail book stores in Spain in 2019
- Number of commercial comic books published in Spain 2012-2019, by type
- Published book editions in Spain 1999-2019
- Leading books by sales in Spain 2014-2015
- Number of printed and sold books Spain 2004-2022
- Ranking of e-book publishers in Spain in 2019
- Import value of books from Europe to Spain in 2016, by country
- Average book price Spain 2013-2019
- Share of books sold during Sant Jordi in Catalonia 2018-2019
- Book sales value in Spain 2012-2016
- Export value of the publishing sector by geographical area Spain 2019
- Number of books imported from Asia to Spain by category 2019
- Export volume of the Spanish book industry to Brazil in 2019, by type of book
- Number of books exported from Spain to the EU by category 2018
- Import volume of the books imported from Europe to Spain 2016, by type of book
- Paper and digital books: average prices in Spain 2016, by subject
- Proportion of Spaniards in activities related to reading in 2019, by type
- Religion books exported from Spain to Latin America by country 2019
- Value of book exports from Spain to Asia 2019 by country
- Employees of the publishing company Wolters Kluwer España in Spain 2010-2016
- Number of books exported from Spain to the United Kingdom by category 2019
- Export value of the graphic sector Spain 2007-2019
- Spanish publishing industry: import value of books from North African countries 2015
- Published book editions by language in Spain 2017
- Published books in Spain 2010-2016, by company type
- Preferred sources of information for choosing a book in Spain as of December 2014
- Digital textbooks in Spanish in Spain 2020/2021, by type
- Italy: number of graduates not reading books, comparison with France and Spain
- Number of bookstores in Spain in 2015, by type
- Share of commercial comic books published in Spain in 2019, by size
- Number of books read in the last year in Spain as of December 2014
- Annual attendance at Barcelona International Comic Fair 2014-2019
- Share of published book copies sold in Spain 2004-2016
- Distribution of internet users in Spain, by frequency of reading long texts
- Book industry sales revenue in Spain 2019-2022, by category
- Export value of the Spanish book industry to Guatemala in 2016, by type of book
- Book publishing company distribution in Spain 2016, by releases
- Italy: number of professionals not reading books, comparison with France and Spain
- Main criteria when choosing a book in Spain as of December 2014
- Translated books Spain 2023, by original language
- Active literary agents in Spain in 2016, by number of books published
- Book sales volume in Spain 2012-2015
- Import value of books from Asia to Spain in 2016, by country
- Export value of the Spanish book industry to Peru in 2016, by type of book
- Reasons for reading books during free time in Spain as of December 2014
- Import volume of books from Europe to Spain in 2016, by country
- Ranking of Spanish publishing companies based on turnover 2019
- Spain: import value of books from the European publishing industry in 2016, by type
- Book sales turnover in Spain 2020-2022, by distribution channel
- Average print run for children and teenagers' books in Spain 2002-2021
- Sant Jordi: book sales revenue in Spain 2013-2019
- Printed textbooks in Spain 2017-2018, by type
- Spain: import value of books from the African publishing industry in 2015, by country
- Translations of books in Spain 2013-2019
- Share of young people who could be happy without books in Spain 2020, by age
- Book purchases by store brand in Spain 2024
- Printed textbooks in Spanish in Spain 2020/2021, by type
- Publication of children's and young adult books in Spain 2006-2019
- Annual production volume in the comic book industry in Spain 2012-2019
- Average expenditure per student on textbooks in Spain 2011-2019
- Frequency of attendance at the bookstore of the population Spain 2016
- Export volume of the Spanish book industry to Portugal in 2019, by type of book
- Librerías Casa del Libro SL: sales value in Spain 2012-2019
- Grandes Almacenes FNAC España SA: sales value in Spain 2014-2019
- Santillana Global SL: sales value in Spain 2015-2019
- RBA Libros SA: sales value in Spain 2013-2019
- Export volume of the Spanish book industry to Peru in 2019, by type of book
- Number of comic titles published in Catalan in Spain 2012-2019
- Publication of comic books in Spain in 2019, by frequency
- Comic titles published in Spain 2012-2019
- Digital textbooks in Catalan language in Spain 2020/2021, by type
- Annual employment of the bookstore Prink Iberia SL in Spain 2010-2017
- Number of comic titles published in Spanish in Spain 2012-2019
- Share of commercial comic books published in Spain in 2018, by number of pages
- Share of books published in Spain in 2019, by regional language
- Export volume of the Spanish book industry to Asia in 2019, by type of book
- Sales of children's and youth books in Spain 2009-2016
- Industry revenue of “retail sale of books in specialised stores“ in Spain 2012-2025
- Forecast: book publishing revenue Spain 2008-2018
- Grupo Anaya SA: sales value in Spain 2012-2019
- Number of books exported from Spain to Germany 2019
- Forecast: binding and related services revenue Spain 2008-2018
- Number of books exported from Spain to America by category 2019
- Comic titles translated in Spain 2012-2019
- Bookstores recorded in Spain in 2015, by type of bookstore chain
- Export value in the book sector by category Spain 2018
- Ranking children's books publishers Spain 2016
- Planeta de Agostini SAU: sales value in Spain 2012-2019
- Employees of the publishing company Oxford University Press España in Spain 2011-2019
- Digital textbook share on the total textbook sales in Spain 2009-2020
- Children's and youth books exported from Spain to Latin American countries in 2019
- Employees of the publishing company Santillana Educación in Spain 2010-2019
- Publishers ranked by share of children's and youth books published in Spain in 2016
- Export volume of the Spanish book industry to Venezuela in 2017, by type of book
- Share of employees of Penguin Random House in Spain 2010-2016, by type of contract
- Book sales value breakdown in Spain in September-December 2014, by shop type
- Book sales volume breakdown in Spain in September-December 2014, by shop type