Statistics about Energy & Environment in Spain
- Number of jobs in the solar PV industry, by sector in Spain 2018-2023
- Contribution of the solar PV sector to the GDP in Spain 2016-2023
- New solar PV capacity added for self-consumption in Spain 2014-2023
- Motives for self-consumption of solar PV in Spain 2022
- Interest in self-consumption of solar PV in Spain 2022
- Largest prospective onshore wind energy farms in Spain 2023, by capacity
- Largest prospective offshore wind energy farms in Spain 2023, by capacity
- Forecast floating offshore wind energy capacity in Spain 2023-2029
- Hydropower capacity in Spain 2008-2023
- Thermal solar power generation by autonomous community Spain 2023
- Solar PV capacity per inhabitant in Spain 2013-2023
- Share of hydraulic energy generated in Spain 2023, by region
- Share of the hydroelectric power generation in Spain 2010-2023
- Share of renewable energy in final energy consumption in Spain 2004-2020
- Share of hydropower capacity Spain 2023, by region
- Share of wind energy generation Spain 2023, by autonomous community
- Hydropower energy generation Spain 2023, by autonomous community
- Share of utility-scale solar PV capacity in Spain 2023, by region
- Share of renewable electricity generation Spain 2023, by type
- Share of utility-scale solar PV energy generated by region Spain 2023
- Electricity generation from renewable sources Spain 2023, by region
- Share of solar thermal energy generated by region Spain 2023
- Installed power from renewable sources by type Spain 2023
- Share of solar PV over the total power generation in Spain 2023
- Solar photovoltaic power installed 2014 by EU member
- Wind power generation Spain 2023, by autonomous community
- Wind power capacity in Spain 2010-2023
- Forecast: hazardous waste treatment and disposal revenue Spain 2009-2018
- Forecast: wreck dismantling revenue Spain 2008-2018
- Forecast: non-hazardous waste treatment and disposal revenue Spain 2009-2018
- Waste management: number of enterprises in Europe, by country
- Packaging waste generation in Spain 2021, by material
- Amount of waste from batteries and accumulators treated in Spain 2010-2021
- Objectives for separate collection of technological waste in Spain 2023, by category
- Separate collection targets for domestic WEEE in Spain 2023, by category
- Light household packaging waste collection per capita in Spain 2015-2022
- Amount of paper and cardboard waste treated Spain 2010-2016
- Household plastic packaging recycled per capita in Spain 2000-2021
- Plastic waste imports in Spain 2022, by country of origin
- Packaging waste generation in Spain 2012-2021
- Leading beach litter sources in Spain 2023
- Glass packaging recycling rate in Spain 2012-2021
- Beach litter composition in Spain 2023, by material
- Amount of waste containing PCB treated Spain 2010-2018
- Most frequent beach litter items in Spain 2023
- Spain: enterprises collecting hazardous & non-hazardous waste 2008-2017
- Amount of used solvents waste treated Spain 2010-2016
- Packaging waste produced per person in EU countries 2014
- Sludge and liquid waste from waste treatment managed in Spain 2012-2021
- Amount of acid, alkaline or saline waste treated Spain 2010-2016
- Waste management: number of employees in Europe, by country
- Urban waste collected in Spain 2021, by autonomous community
- Waste management: turnover in Europe, by country
- Spain: enterprises collecting waste 2011-2022
- Turnover of the waste collection industry in Spain 2013-2022
- Concern with using plastic and non-recyclable products in Europe 2018
- Generation of plastic packaging waste per capita in Spain 2005-2022
- Packaging waste recycling rate in Spain 2021, by material
- Plastic packaging waste generation in Spain 2012-2021
- Plastic packaging recycled in Spain 2012-2021
- Plastic waste import value in Spain 2010-2023
- Forecast: waste management services revenue Spain 2008-2018
- Plastic packaging recycling rate in Spain 2012-2021
- Beach litter composition in Spain 2023, by location
- Forecast: hazardous waste collection revenue Spain 2008-2018
- Forecast: non-hazardous waste collection revenue Spain 2008-2018
- Plastic waste export value in Spain 2010-2023
- Plastic waste exports from Spain 2023, by country of destination
- Amount of textile waste treated in Spain 2010-2021
- Number of yellow recycling containers in Spain 2005-2022
- Amount of treated slurry and manure waste Spain 2010-2016
- Amount of industrial effluent sludge treated in Spain 2010-2016
- Concern with using plastic and non-recyclable products in Spain 2019
- Effective policies to reduce non-recyclable product waste in Spain 2018
- Actions that people are willing to take to reduce product waste in Spain 2019
- Plastic waste generation volume in Spain 2007-2018
- Amount of animal waste and waste from food products treated in Spain 2011-2021
- Plastic waste incineration in Spain 2015-2021
- Amount of discarded vehicles treated Spain 2010-2016
- Amount of household and similar waste treated in Spain 2010-2021
- Amount of vegetable waste treated in Spain 2010-2021
- Amount of glass waste treated in Spain 2010-2021
- Amount of common sludge treated Spain 2010-2018
- Plastic waste treatment in Spain 2021, by method
- Urban waste collected in Spain 2021, by type
- Amount of discarded equipment treated Spain 2010-2016
- Amount of medical and biological waste treated in Spain 2011-2021
- Amount of metallic waste treated in Spain 2010-2021
- Plastic waste recycled in Spain 2015-2021
- Light household packaging collection per capita in Spain 2022, by region
- Amount of used oils waste treated in Spain 2010-2021
- Plastic waste landfilling in Spain 2015-2021
- Municipal plastic waste collected in Spain 2021, by region
- Plastic waste export volume from Spain 2022, by destination
- Amount of waste resulting from waste treatment in Spain 2010-2021
- Amount of wood waste treated in Spain 2010-2021
- Amount of combustion waste treated Spain 2010-2018
- Amount of chemical waste treated Spain 2010-2016
- Amount of construction and demolition mineral waste treated in Spain 2010-2021
- Amount of drainage waste treated Spain 2010-2017