Statistics about Transportation & Logistics in Russia
- Average length of Yandex.Drive car sharing rides in Moscow 2020-2021, by car type
- Purpose of car sharing use in Russia 2020
- Number of passenger seats in Moscow public transport 2010-2020
- Road traffic fatalities rate in Moscow 2010-2020
- Use duration of Yandex.Drive car sharing vehicles in Moscow 2020-2021, by car type
- Average speed of private vehicles along the key highways in Moscow 2010-2020
- Daily mean count of Yandex.Drive car sharing rides in Moscow 2020-2021, by car type
- Number of stations in rail transport framework in Moscow 2019, by type
- Passenger traffic in public transport in Moscow 2010-2019, by mode of transportation
- Brand preference of car sharing in Russia 2022
- Electric public transport in Moscow 2017-2023, by transportation mode
- Container rail traffic in Russia 2021, by route
- Rail freight volume of lumber and timber in Russia 2015-2019, by destination
- Finland: number of freight carriages arriving from Russia 2022-2024
- EU rail freight import volume from Russia 2023, by country
- UTLC ERA container rail transit via Russia in 2021, by destination
- Annual rail freight volume of dark metals in Russia 2020-2023, by destination
- Russia: ton-kilometers of freight transported by rail 2006-2020
- Rail freight transport volume in Russia 2021-2022, by commodity
- Rail freight volume of mineral fertilizers in Russia 2015-2019, by destination
- Annual rail freight volume of coal in Russia 2020-2023, by destination
- China-EU rail container traffic via Kaliningrad 2020-2021, by mode
- Rail freight volume of oil & oil products in Russia 2020-2023, by destination
- Rail container cargo volume in Russia 2023, by commodity group
- Annual freight car parc volume in Russia 2014-2023
- Freight car parc size in Russia 2020-2021
- Average rental rate of freight transport in Russia 2021-2022, by type
- Rail freight volume of iron & manganese ores in Russia 2020-2022, by destination
- Major rail operators in Russia 2018, by transported freight share
- Eurasian container rail transit traffic volume 2018-2023
- Distribution of rail container cargo in Russia 2022, by commodity
- Total number of passenger-km by railway in Russia 2014-2029
- Investment in rail transport infrastructure in Russia 2004-2020
- Metro station availability within a radius of 1.2 kms in Moscow 2014-2019
- Number of public rail transport stations in Moscow 2010-2029
- Passenger transportation tariff index in Russia 2023, by type transport
- Number of transportation accidents in Russia Q1 2023-Q1 2024, by mode
- Transport service export structure in Russia 2015-2021, by type
- Pipeline freight transportation volume in Russia 2018-2019, by type
- Transportation services import structure in Russia 2016-2021, by type
- Leading transportation and logistics companies in Russia 2022, by revenue
- Transportation related fatal accidents in Russia 2023, by transport mode
- Rail freight volume in Russia 2023, by commodity
- Foreign trade volume in transport services in Russia 2021, by transportation type
- Domestic road transport of goods worldwide 2017
- Number of employees in Russian transportation 2023, by sector
- Freight transportation growth in Russia 2018, by mode of transport
- Volume of passengers in Russia 2023, by transportation mode
- Road freight volume in Russia Q1 2024, by federal district
- Average monthly salary in transportation companies in Russia 2023, by sector
- Transshipment volume in Russian seaports 2022-2023, by type of cargo
- Transported goods volume in Russia 2023, by transportation mode
- Freight turnover in Russia 2023, by transportation mode
- Transportation and logistics services market size in Russia 2019-2023
- Volume of commercially transported goods in Russia 2020-2022, by transportation mode
- Length of communication routes in Russia in 2018, by category
- Profit/loss before tax of transport organizations in Russia 2022, by sector
- Opinion on infrastructure investments in Russia 2019
- Freight turnover growth rate in Russia 2022, by mean of transportation
- Russia: 2018-2024 transport modernization budget, by sector
- Production of means of transportation in Russia in 2022, by type
- Freight tariff index in Russia Q1 2024, by transport type
- Satisfaction with infrastructure in Russia compared to G8 and the world 2019
- Opinion on infrastructure quality in Russia 2019, by type
- Monthly transportation costs of office workers in Moscow 2020
- Used EV sales breakdown in Russia 2018, by region
- Carpooling market: transaction volume in Russia 2017-2020
- Perception of car quality in Russia 2019, by brand's origin
- Number of kick-scooter rides in Russia 2021-2026
- Market share of car dealers in Russia in 2021, by origin
- Average order delivery time of car products in Russia H2 2020-H1 2021, by city
- Customer ranking of best designed cars in Russia 2019, by origin
- Vehicle sales volume in Russia 2005-2023
- Passengers transported by coach and bus in Russia 2006-2020
- Share of trips in Moscow, Russia in 2018, by type of transport
- Russian Infiniti sales 2014-2015
- Average price of taxi travel Russia 2014-2018
- Most common modes of transportation for commuting in Russia 2022
- Car production volume in Russia 2024, by type
- Number of road accidents in Russia 2015-2023
- Number of carpooling rides in Russia 2017-2020
- Share of high-quality regional roads in Russia 2023, by federal district
- Number of car loans in Russia 2014-2018
- Number of new and used electric cars sold in Russia 2013-2023
- Carsharing market revenue in Russia 2017-2020
- Year-over growth rate of diesel fuel in Russia monthly 2023
- New EV sales breakdown in Russia 2018, by region
- Ranking of Russian cities by congestion level 2021
- Car market sales share in Russia 2022, by segment
- Budget from traffic fines in Russia in 2018, by region
- Russian regions with the highest share of high-quality roads 2023
- Share of high-quality local roads in Russia 2023, by federal district
- Number of carsharing rides in Russia 2017-2020
- Import share of cars with mileage in Russia 2023, by country
- Number of new EV cars sold in Russia 2023, by model
- Regions with the lowest share of high-quality regional roads in Russia 2023
- Russian car market's production capacity use in 2020, by segment
- New car import share in Russia 2023, by country
- Russian LADA export volume in the EU in 2018, by major destination
- Number of traffic cameras in Russia 2020-2022, by type