Statistics about Media in Russia
- Most popular online audio services for paid content in Russia 2021
- Reach change of foreign audio streaming services in Russia 2022
- Share of radio listeners in Moscow 2020, by content type
- Radio and podcast revenue in Russia 2020-2025, by segment
- E-book APRU in Russia 2017-2027
- Revenue growth of eBooks in Russia 2018-2027
- Devices used for e-book reading on LitRes in Russia 2020
- eBook user share in Russia 2021, by age
- LitRes company group revenue growth 2019-2022
- Book users in Russia 2019-2029, by segment
- Digital book revenue in Russia 2013-2022, by segment
- Revenue of the e-book industry in Russia 2017-2027
- Most mentioned reading services in Russian-language social media 2021
- Public opinion on books as gifts in Russia 2024
- Revenue of the eBooks industry worldwide 2020-2029
- Leading book reading apps in Russia 2023, by IAP revenue
- Number of users of eBooks in Russia 2017-2027
- Age distribution of audiobook listeners in Russia 2022
- Gender distribution of digital book users in Russia 2022
- Most downloaded book reading apps in Russia 2023
- Digital book revenue in Russia 2013-2022
- Digital book market share in Russia 2023, by segment
- Average digital book circulation in Russia 2018-2019, by type
- Average digital book revenue in Russia 2018-2019, by type
- Digital book market share in Russia 2011-2022
- Leading digital book platforms in Russia 2022, by audience reach
- LitRes revenue share in Russia 2022, by book type and genre
- Number of users in the ebooks segment of the media market Russia 2019-2029
- Book and brochure titles published in Russia 2015-2023, by type
- Online bookstore social media presence in Russia 2018, by platform
- Book sales revenue in Russia 2015-2022, by type
- Most published children's book authors in Russia 2023
- Book and brochure titles published in Russia 2023, by language
- Books and brochure circulation in Russia 2015-2023, by type
- Book and brochure titles published in Russia 2023, by circulation
- Book and brochure titles published in Russia 2023, by theme
- Most common translated literature languages in Russia 2023
- Book and brochure titles published in Russia 2023, by target audience
- Revenue of the book market in CIS countries 2026 and 2029, by country
- Average book realization price in Russia 2019-2020, by sales channel
- Opinion on the greatest poets in the world in Russia 2021
- Most published fiction book authors in Russia 2023
- Leading printing companies in Russia 2023, by circulation
- Leading publishing houses in Russia 2023, by non-periodical titles
- Print book market share in Russia 2023, by segment
- Book reader share in Russia Q3 2023, by age
- Most-wanted books among Russians 2018-2019
- Favorite book genres in Russia 2021
- Book market size in Russia 2017-2022
- Scientific literature titles published in Russia 2009-H1 2023
- Print books sales share in Russia 2024, by channel
- Book market size in Russia 2022, by sales channel
- Leading book e-commerce platforms in Russia 2022, by revenue
- Book purchases by store brand in Russia 2022
- Educational literature titles published in Russia 2010-2022
- Book selling price in Russia 2016-2022, by type
- Publishing industry import volume in Russia 2022, by country
- Share of translated book titles published in Russia 2022, by language
- Average bill in bookstores in Russia 2016-2022, by region
- Share of book titles published in Russia 2022, by genre
- Book titles released by children's publishers in Russia 2020
- Adult entertainment literature retail sales growth in Russia 2020
- Publishing industry export volume from Russia 2022, by destination
- Leading online bookstores in Russia 2023, by print book titles
- Leading bookstore chains in Russia 2023, by number of stores
- Share of book circulation in Russia 2022, by genre
- Book publishing market revenue in Russia 2022, by company
- Print book sales volume in Russia 2018-2025
- Print books sales in Russia 2023, by region
- Print book market revenue growth in Russia 2020-2025
- Published book and brochure titles in Russia 2024, by category
- Fiction book titles published in Russia 2009-H1 2023
- Books and brochure circulation in Russia 2024, by category
- Book and brochure titles published per capita in Russia 2010-2022
- Print and digital book reading preferences in Russia 2020, by age
- Book sales share in Russia 2023, by price category and region
- Print books sales volume in Russia 2019-2021, by genre
- Average number of books read in Russia 2021, by age group
- Average monthly book spend in Russia 2021
- Most common ways to acquire books in Russia 2021
- Print book e-commerce revenue growth in Russia 2012-2022
- Average book and brochure circulation in Russia 2010-2022
- Number of publishing houses in Russia 2013-H1 2022
- eBook purchases by store brand in Russia 2022
- eMagazine / online magazine website purchases by brand in Russia 2022
- ePaper / online news website purchases by brand in Russia 2022
- Purposes of reading books in Russia 2022
- Number of users in the ePublishing market Russia 2017-2027
- Most popular devices for reading books in Russia 2022, by age
- Most purchased ePublishing products in Russia 2023
- Number of printed editions mailed in Russia 2016-2020, by type
- Leading films by box office revenue in Russia 2023
- Film origin preferences in Russia 2022
- Share of children visiting cinemas with parents in Russia 2019, by age
- Domestic film releases in Russia 2021, by genre
- Gross box office share in Russia & CIS 2018-2021, by screen format
- Premium Large Format gross box office in Russia & CIS 2018-2021
- Cinema audience share in Russia 2019, by gender and film origin
- Cinema attendance in Russia 2019, by accompanying group and age
- Cinema attendance at foreign films in Russia 2015-2022