Statistics about Internet in Russia
- Internet freedom violations in Russia 2020, by type
- Most targeted industries by Russian state cyber threat actors 2023-2024
- Most targeted regions by Russian state cyber threat actors 2023-2024
- Platforms used to spread cyber attacks during COVID-19 in Russia 2020
- Number of cyber crimes in Russia 2018-2023
- Number of data breaches in Russia quarterly 2020-2023
- Share of data leaks in Russia 2023, by channel
- Share of cyber crimes in Russia 2018-2021
- Share of countries hosting child pornography content deleted in France 2019
- Digital civility index in Russia 2016-2021
- Information security incidents share in Russia Q4 2023, by type
- Perception of the internet environment safety in Russia 2019, by age
- Perception of the internet environment safety in Russia 2019
- Reasons for content removal requests from Google in Russia 2023
- Number of computer information crimes in Russia 2012-2018
- Number of information security incidents in Russia Q4 2022-Q4 2023
- Number of internet freedom violations in Russia 2016-2020
- Number of content items requested to be removed from Google in Russia 2016-2023
- Number of content removal requests from Google in Russia 2016-2023
- Number of web pages blocked in Russia Q2 2023, by reason
- Opinion on manipulations with personal data online in Russia 2020
- Actions taken to protect personal data in Russia 2020
- Digital behavior wishes in Russia 2020
- Expected digital civility contributors in Russia 2020
- Cyber threats share in Russia 2020, by country of origin
- Number of governmental website bans in Russia 2022, by authority
- Most common internet risks faced by Russians in 2020
- Number of cyber attacks via RDP in Russia 2020
- Information security incidents share in Russia 2020, by initiator
- Number of blacklisted websites in Russia since the start of the Ukraine invasion 2022
- Internal information security incidents share in Russia 2020, by type
- External information security incidents share in Russia 2020, by type
- Digital civility Index in Russia in 2020, by generation
- Online safety issues discussed with children in Russia in 2019
- Colombia: digital civility index by generation 2020
- National Cyber Security Index of Russia 2021, by indicator
- Measures taken for protecting devices from malware in Russia 2021
- Revenue in the cybersecurity market Russia 2017-2029
- Key indicators of cyber security in Russia 2021
- Methods used to bypass cyber security in companies in Russia 2019
- Share of blocked spam sent from Russia 2020
- Success of cyber security outcomes in businesses in Russia 2020
- Leading spam detection methods in Russia 2024
- Information security tools used by companies in Russia 2021
- Information security tools used in companies in Russia 2019
- Internet penetration in households in Russia 2019, by region
- Internet penetration rate in Russia 2019, by gender
- Regional distribution of regular internet users in Russian households 2010-2014
- Cosmetology market size in Russia 2019-2023
- Age distribution of internet users in Russia 2021
- Monthly internet penetration in Russia 2023, by age group
- Russian population with basic online skills in 2018, by age and gender
- Share of kids owning an online gadget in Russia 2018, by age
- Internet penetration rate in Russia 2019, by education level
- Children's internet use in Russia 2022, by device
- Devices regularly used with an internet connection in Russia 2020
- Average age of Russians by digital competence level 2020
- Emotions that Russians felt while having no internet in 2020, by age
- Public sentiments while having no access to the internet in Russia 2020
- Survey on frequency of no internet access situations in Russia 2020
- Leading online services among Gen Z in Russia 2020, by reach
- Online content audience in Russia 2019, by genre and generation
- Leading websites and portals among Gen Z in Russia 2020, by reach
- VPN usage frequency in Russia 2023
- Russia: ability to use computers 2018, by education background
- Digital literacy index in Russia in 2020, by age and level
- Most common internet accesses by type in Russia 2023
- Willingness to change internet provider in Russia 2022
- Share of youth with ICT skills in Russia 2017-2021, by area
- Share of population with digital skills in Russia 2022, by area
- Satisfaction with internet provider in Russia 2022
- Digital skills level of Russians 2022, by age group
- Most used internet providers / brands in Russia 2022
- Russia: ability to find online information 2018, by age
- Russia: responses to links in emails from unknown senders 2018
- Attitudes towards the internet in Russia 2023
- Addiction to gadgets and the internet in Russia 2024, by age
- Access to online means of communication in Russia in 2018, by age
- Distribution of Russians by digital competence level 2021
- Internet usage frequency in Russia 2022, by area
- Public opinion on digital detox in Russia 2018-2020
- Russia: primary purpose for using a computer 2018, by age
- Russia: interest in technological innovations 2018, by age
- Russians on how their lives would change without the internet 2020
- Internet penetration in Russia 2020, by age group and device
- Russians on how their lives would change without the internet 2020, by age
- Household internet usage Russia 2022, by area
- Russia: number of internet users 2013-2019
- Website terms of use awareness in Russia 2020
- VPN penetration rate in Russia 2020-2022
- Number of VPN downloads in Russia 2020-2022
- VPN usage frequency in Russia 2024, by age group
- Cost and duration of internet shutdowns in Russia 2022-2023
- Google revenue in Russia 2014-2022
- Digital Quality of Life Index in Russia 2023, by indicator
- VK annual revenue 2010-2023
- VK's EBITDA 2010-2023
- VK's net profit 2010-2023
- VK community internet value-added services revenue 2010-2023
- Annual revenue of RuNet infrastructure segment 2013-2019