Statistics about Finance & Insurance in Russia
- Household funds inflow share in Russia 2021, by instrument
- Share of Russians saving money in 2021
- Reasons to save money in Russia 2021
- International reserves value in Russia 2013-2024
- Stock sales by non-residents in Russia 2021, by industry
- Return on assets in Russia 2021, by type of securities
- Local corporate bonds' market share Russia 2009-2021
- Number of active clients on the stock market in Russia 2017-2022
- Investors' distribution on the main bond market in Russia 2021, by type
- Total assets of financial corporations in Russia 2002-2017
- Sistema net profit 2014-2022
- Total value of issued bonds in Russia 2009-2021
- Yield of long-term government bonds in Russia 2010-2022
- Sistema revenue 2014-2022
- Local corporate bonds' market size Russia 2012-2022
- Distribution of bonds in circulation in Russia 2022, by rating
- Average annual yield of Russian government bonds in 2024, maturity
- Monthly value of foreign currency purchases by Russian government 2018-2020
- Number of unique clients on the stock market in Russia 2015-2022
- Non-resident stock investment share in Russia 2021, by sector
- Acquisition of start-ups in Russia 2021, by type of buyer
- Outward foreign direct investment (FDI) stocks in Russia 2013-2019
- Types of global partners of investors in Russia 2021
- Average business angel investment in Russia 2021
- Venture capital investment focus countries for investors in Russia 2021
- Investment activity indicator in Russia 2015-2022
- Pre-IPO vs. early-stage investment preferences in Russia 2021
- Planned bond offerings volume in russia 2021, by region
- Most important project characteristics for business angels in Russia 2021
- U.S. Treasury securities held by Russia monthly 2020-2024
- Domestic share in investment projects of investors in Russia 2015-2021
- Volume of VC investments with private funds participation in Russia 2015-2022
- Resident stock investment share in Russia 2021, by sector
- Trust management funds assets value in Russia 2021, by segment
- Number of VC investment fund exits in Russia 2015-2020, by type
- Volume of VC investments with state funds participation in Russia 2015-2022
- Value of B2B deals in Russia 2020, by sector
- Number of B2C venture capital deals in Russia 2020, by sector
- Number of B2B venture capital deals in Russia 2020, by sector
- Venture capital deals value in Russia H1 2020, by stage and investor type
- Shareholders count in real estate closed-end mutual funds in Russia 2020-2021
- Shareholders count in exchange-traded and open-end mutual funds in Russia 2020-2021
- Trust management funds growth rate in Russia H1 2021, by segment
- Trust management market funds growth in Russia 2021, by segment
- Non-resident-assets investment via individuals accounts in Russia 2019-2021, by type
- Share of investing Russians 2020-2022, by age
- Trust management market development in Russia 2017-2021, by indicator
- Venture capital investment value in Russia 2021-2022, by investor type
- Most profitable investment methods according to Russians 2022
- Safest investment methods according to Russians 2022
- Volume of VC investments with corporate funds participation in Russia 2015-2022
- Japanese outward FDI stock in Europe 2023, by recipient
- Value of domestic initial public offerings (IPOs) in Russia 2015-2022
- Median values of VC investment in Russia 2015-2020, by stage
- Share of VC investment funds exits with state participation in Russia 2015-2020
- Number of new VC investment funds in Russia 2015-2022
- Annual number of investments made per investor in Russia 2021
- Number of VC investment fund exits in Russia 2015-2021
- Venture capital investment in Russia 2022, by funding stage and investor
- International reserves value in Russia 2012-2022, by type
- Preferred investment methods in Russia 2021
- Reasons for making investments in Russia 2021
- FDI net incurrence of liabilities in Russia quarterly 2019-2020
- Stock market investments distribution in Russia 2021, by value
- Preferred investment instruments in Russia 2021, by type
- FDI net incurrence of liabilities in Russia 2014-2022
- Shares fall of Russian companies on Black Monday 2020
- Nonresident share in domestic bonds in Russia monthly 2019-2024
- Leading contributors to Russian stock market growth 2019
- Average value of VC investments in Russia 2022, by category
- Blockchain developing companies in Russia 2019, by segment
- Average market risk premium in Russia 2011-2024
- Investment deals in VC market in Russia 2022, by funding stage & type of investor
- Fixed capital investment in Russia 2010-2023
- Leading companies by capital investment in Russia 2023
- Value of B2C VC deals in Russia 2020, by sector
- Largest investment deals in Russia H1 2022, by value
- Number of venture capital deals in Russia 2021-2022, by investor type
- Average venture capital deal value in Russia 2022, by stage
- Financial product changes / acquisitions by type in Russia 2022
- Sources from which Russian customers learned about new banking products in 2019
- Number of bank accounts opened by individuals in Russia 2008-2023
- Bank cards' usage share in Russia 2020, by bank
- Satisfaction with primary bank in Russia 2022
- Financial consulting service usage in Russia 2022
- Primary bank by company / brand in Russia 2022
- Loyalty rate of retail banks in Russia in 2020, by service type
- Estimated worth of leading neobanks in Russia in 2018
- Reasons for changing financial service provider in Russia 2022
- RoboAdvisor usage (prospective) in Russia 2022
- Portfolio of factoring companies in Russia 2019-2024
- Annual deposit interest rate in Russia 2012-2023
- Bank capital to assets ratio in Russia 2010-2022
- Willingness to change primary bank in Russia 2022
- Change in assets for leading foreign banks in Russia 2014
- ROE and ROA of major neobanks in Russia in 2018
- Sources of inspiration for primary bank in Russia 2022
- Volume of devices for card payments Russia 2023, by type
- Financial product purchase intentions in Russia 2022
- Strengths of primary bank in Russia 2022