Statistics about Chemicals & Resources in Russia
- Sibur: olefins and polyolefins EBITDA in Russia 2013-2020
- Benzene production in Russia 2017-2023
- Chemicals and pharma revenue share in Russia in 2017, by segment
- Chemicals and pharma revenue by segment Russia 2023
- Chemicals and pharma import value by segment Russia 2023
- Chemicals and pharma export value by segment Russia 2023
- Chemical import dependence in Russia 2021, by product
- Industrial accidents and casualties in Russia 2012-2020
- Russian export duty rates on oil products 2019-2024
- Industrial employment termination reasons in Russia 2021
- Russian chemical industry investment by 2030, by sector
- Mineral fuels and oils export value in Russia 2012-2021
- Mineral extraction and energy employee count in Russia 2017-2023
- Average chemical and petrochemical industry salary in Russia 2022, by segment
- Raspadskaya coal production in Russia 2020-2022
- Leading coal producers in Russia 2022, by volume
- SDS Ugol revenue in Russia 2016-2022
- Coal mine production capacity in Russia 2024, by company and status
- Profit and loss of coal companies in Russia 2020-2021
- Coal production in Russia 2020-2035, by scenario
- Coal export volume in Russia 2014-2019, by type
- Coal mine production capacity in Russia 2024, by region and status
- Leading coal producers in Russia 2021, by revenue
- Coal export volume in Russia 2012-2023
- Kuzbassrazrezugol coal production in Russia 2016-2020
- Coal reserves share in Russia 2020, by basin
- Russia’s proved coal reserves 2014-2020, by type
- Raspadskaya revenue in Russia 2016-2022
- Export share in brown coal production in Russia 2016-2020
- Hard coal sales volume in Russia 2015-2019
- Russia's share in coal exports worldwide 2010-2023
- Coal production in Russia 2020, by basin
- Employment in coal industry in Russia 2018-2035, by scenario
- Mechel production 2021-2023, by product
- Mechel annual revenue 2016-2023
- SUEK coal revenue worldwide 2016-2021
- Share of consumer coal reserves in Russia 2024, by sector
- Number of coal industry employees in Russia 2017-2022
- Average salary in the coal industry in Russia 2017-2022
- Coal consumption in Russia 2018-2035, by type
- Anthracite coal export volume in Russia 2017-2021
- Coal production in Russia 2010-2023
- Coal production index in Russia 2015-2024
- Сoal production per miner in Russia 2012-2019
- Russian coal export volume in the EU 2021, by type
- Hard coal import volume in Russia 2012-2021
- Coal export value share in Russia 2021, by region
- Coal export volume in Russia 2021, by destination
- Coal production in Russia 2015-2020, by type
- Coal consumption in Russia 2010-2023
- Coal processing volume in Russia 2018-2020
- Coal export volume share in Russia 2030, by region
- Coal import volume in Russia 2019-2020, by type
- Coking coal export shipments in Russia 2015-2020
- Coal consumption in Russia 2018-2019, by sector
- Coal mining accidents and casualties in Russia 2010-2020
- Coal production growth forecast in Russia 2019-2024
- Coal price in Russia 2019-2020, by consumer segment
- Coal export shipments in Russia H1 2021, by region
- Coal production share in Russia 2020, by federal district
- Thermal coal export volume from Russia 2011-2024
- Coal import volume in Russia 2023, by country
- Coal export volume share in Russia 2020-2021, by location
- Coal processing volume in Russia 2019-2021, by type
- Coal apparent consumption in Russia 2019-2021, by type
- Coal production in Russia in 2022, by region
- Hard coal and coke freight volume on Russian Railways 2020-2023
- Change in coal production in Russia 2020, by federal district
- Coal export shipments in Russia 2020, by company
- Coal export price in Russia 2013-2021, by destination
- Domestic coal supply in Russia 2011-2020
- Coal export value in Russia 2012-2023
- Russian coal concentrate output 2011-2020
- Coal production in Russia 2000-2020, by method
- Fixed capital investment in coal companies in Russia 2011-2020
- Paints sales volume in Russia 2017-2021
- Paints sales volume in Russia 2020, by type
- Dyes and pigments sales volume in Russia 2016-2020, by segment
- Crude oil production in Russia monthly 2021-2023
- Oil volume shipped by Caspian Pipeline Consortium 2022-2023
- Volume of crude oil imported in South Korea from Russia 2000-2022
- Surgutneftegas power generation 2016-2020
- Russian oil production adjusted to the war in Ukraine 2020-2030
- Crude oil export volume from Russia 2008-2021
- Liquid hydrocarbons production by Rosneft 2016-2023
- Russian oil pipelines by capacity 2016
- Rosneft's net income attributable to shareholders 2010-2023
- Largest companies purchasing Russian oil 2019
- Crude and oil product exports in Russia monthly 2021
- Seaborne crude oil flow from Russia weekly 2022, by global region
- Seaborne crude oil flow from Russia weekly 2022, by port location
- Russian oil production 2011-2017, by federal district
- Crude oil export value from Russia 2000-2021
- Lukoil's EBITDA 2014-2021
- Lukoil's net profit attributable to shareholders 2014-2023
- Oil share in merchandise exports in Russia 2019-2021
- Crude oil export price in Russia monthly 2019-2022
- Crude oil import volume in Russia 2012-2021
- Caspian Pipeline Consortium shareholder structure 2024
- Oil reserves in Russia 2009-2020