Statistics about Real Estate in Poland
- Share of area of premises in total area of premises in retail parks in Poland 2022
- Monthly prime rents in shopping centers in Poland 2022, by region
- Retail stock structure in Poland 2000-2023
- Prime retail rents in Poland 2022, by city
- Modern retail stock in major agglomerations in Poland 2023
- Distribution of modern retail stock in Poland 2021-2023, by format
- Sales space growth in the modern retail segment in Poland 2023, by store format
- Share of existing supply of retail parks in Poland 2021, by store format
- Construction costs per square meter for retail buildings in Poland 2019, by type
- Retail parks' space under construction according to sqm of GLA in Poland 2021
- Retail parks' space under construction according to sqm of GLA in Poland 2021
- Retail parks completed in Poland 2018-2020, by area
- Retail space in shopping centers in Poland 2021-2023
- Vacancy rate of shopping center space in major agglomerations in Poland 2022-2023
- Retail stock in major city agglomerations in Poland 2022-2023
- Shopping center saturation in major cities in Poland 2023
- Area of shopping centers in major cities in Poland 2023
- Real estate investment market in the retail sector in Poland 2021, by transactions
- Gross leasing area of major retail completions in Poland 2023
- Gross leasing area of major retail schemes under construction in Poland 2024
- Use of self-storage in Europe 2024, by country
- Warehouse space in Poland 2004-2022
- Demand distribution in the warehouse market in Poland 2021, by tenants group
- Type of lease agreements in the industrial and logistics market in Poland 2023
- Warehouse space dedicated to e-commerce in Poland 2019-2021, by region
- Demand for industrial and logistic warehouse space in Poland 2021, by sector
- 3PL customers from e-commerce sector in Poland 2022, by branch
- Demand for industrial and logistic warehouse space in Poland 2019-2020
- Demand for modern warehouse space in Poland 2013-2020, by industry
- Share of warehouse stock in Poland 2023, by region
- Number of warehouses in Poland by region 2019