Statistics about Finance & Insurance in Poland
- Non-life premiums distribution channels in Poland 2023, by gross written premiums
- Insurance compensation and benefits in Poland 2009-2023
- European insurance market: total non-life claims paid in Poland 2004-2016
- Average annual employment in insurance companies in Poland 2019-2022
- Gross claims paid on the insurance market in Poland 2013-2023
- Life premiums distribution channels in Poland 2023, by vale of gross written premiums
- Net financial result of non-life insurance companies in Poland 2009-2023
- Value of other personal and property insurance in Poland 2020-2023, by type of fraud
- Value of other personal and property insurance crimes in Poland 2014-2023
- Technical result of non-life insurance in Poland 2009-2023
- Value of assets of non-life insurance companies in Poland 2012-2018
- Financial results of the Group PZU SA in Poland 2022-2023
- Gross wages and salaries of the insurance industry in Poland 2012-2016, by job title
- Financial results of life insurers in Poland 2017-2023
- Value of non-life insurance sector in Poland 2009-2025
- Value of non-life insurance sector in Poland 2009-2025, by type
- Average full-time employees of the Group PZU SA in Poland 2020-2023
- Gross written premium per capita for non-life insurance in Poland 2012-2022
- Number of insurance and reinsurance companies in Poland 2012-2018, by sector
- Ranking of insurance companies in Poland 2023
- Financial results of non-life insurers in Poland 2017-2023
- Life and non-life insurance premiums in Poland 2017-2023
- Attitudes towards insurances in Poland 2024
- Industry revenue of »insurance« in Poland 2011-2023
- Life and non-life insurance gross claim payments in Poland 2017-2023
- Value of non-life insurance gross claims paid in Poland 2012-2018
- Number of accident insurance claims in Poland 2012-2018
- Household consumption expenditure on insurance in Poland 2012-2022
- Reason for purchasing an insurance policy in the online channel Poland 2020
- Reason for purchasing an insurance policy in the offline channel Poland 2020
- Number of accident and sickness (non-life) insurance polices in Poland 2014-2018
- Number of insurance and reinsurance companies in Poland 2012-2018
- Most common insurances by type in Poland 2024
- Value of marine, aviation and other transport insurance sector in Poland 2009-2025
- Insurance policy sales in Poland 2020, by channel
- Financial results of the Warta Insurance in Poland 2022-2023
- Financial results of Vienna Life in Poland 2022-2023
- Insurances taken out online by type in Poland 2024
- Number of non-life insurance claims in Poland in 2018
- Value of investments by life insurance companies in Poland 2012-2018
- Non-life insurance commissions reported in Poland from 2010-2022, by ownership
- Insurance companies' basic capitals & foreign capital share in Poland 2012-2022
- Financial results of Allianz in Poland 2022-2023
- Share of people who insured their apartment in Poland 2021, by apartment size
- Lack of confidence in insurance in Poland 2021, by type of insurance
- Coverage ratio of Social Insurance Fund expenses in Poland 2007-2023
- Trust in insurance companies in Poland 2021
- Financial results of ERGO Hestia in Poland 2021-2022
- Number of insurers with which fintech companies cooperated in Poland 2021
- Most funded InsurTech companies in Poland 2021-2022, by total funds
- Financial advisors ranked by M&A transactions value in Poland H1 2018
- Financial advisors ranked by M&A deal count in Poland H1 2018
- Breakdown of BPOs and SSCs services in foreign languages in Poland 2015, by language
- Venture Capital firms in Poland 2019, by total funds raised
- ARPU in the digital remittances segment Poland 2017-2025
- GDP ratio of pension funds financial assets in Poland 2010-2018
- Companies with highest growth on Warsaw Stock Exchange in Poland 2010-2019
- Combined market value of the top 5% of Polish startups 2013-2019
- Net home-domiciled UCITS and AIF assets for the funds industry Poland 2011-2015
- Number of venture capital (pre)seed round in Poland 2013-2019
- Venture Capital market size in Poland 2016-2019
- Leading Venture Capital firms in Poland 2018, by capital invested
- Quarterly number and value of Venture Capital transactions in Poland 2019-2020
- Average size of venture capital (pre)seed round in Poland 2013-2019
- Number of innovative enterprises financed by VC funds in Poland 2020-2023
- Venture capital investments value in Poland 2019-2023
- Sales distribution of treasury bonds in Poland 2007-2023, by channel
- Average market risk premium in Poland 2011-2024
- Investment funds revenues in Poland in 2008-2023
- China’s contracted engineering projects with Belt and Road countries 2015-2016
- Investment funds financial assets value in Poland 2022-2023, by asset type
- Average risk free investment rate in Poland 2015-2024
- Average required return to equity in Poland 2015-2024
- Number of Venture Capital funds in Poland 2016-2023
- Number of employees per business services centers in Poland 2015, by city
- Total weight of gold holdings by Poland 2014-2022
- Largest Venture Capital investments in Poland 2019-2023
- Venture capital transactions number in Poland 2019-2023
- Duration of the investment process in the PE and VC industry in Poland 2020-2021
- Average and median venture capital transaction value in Poland 2019-2023
- Distribution Venture Capital fund sources in Poland 2023, by transaction value
- Share of startups that received VC funding in Poland 2022, by branch
- Largest rounds for startups in Poland 2023
- Impact of the war in Ukraine on the economy in Poland 2022
- Impact of the war in Ukraine on the activities of PE and VC funds in Poland 2022
- Current financial situation of Polish households in Poland 2004-2024
- Distribution of startups in Poland and Europe 2019, by industry
- Most attractive investment targets for PE and VC funds in Poland 2021
- Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Private Equity and Venture Capital in Poland 2021
- Priorities of PE and VC funds in Poland 2021
- Inward flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Poland 2011-2023
- Outward flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Poland 2011-2023
- Largest active Venture Capital Funds in Poland 2022, by investments number
- Potential gross value added by blockchain migration in Poland 2014, by sector
- Sales distribution of treasury bonds in Poland 2007-2023, by age
- Sale of treasury bonds in Poland 2023, by type
- Sale of treasury bonds in Poland 2007-2023
- Net office prime yield in Warsaw 2013-2019
- Commercial real estate investment share in Warsaw 2016, by property type
- Expenditures of the central bank on the purchase of gold in Poland 2018-2019