Statistics about Energy & Environment in Poland
- Wind electricity generation in Poland 2021-2024
- Share of benefits resulting from windfarms investments in Poland 2022
- Employment in the wind industry in Poland 2013-2018
- Turnover in the wind industry in Poland 2013-2018
- Photovoltaic electricity generation in Poland 2021-2024
- Renewable energy installations power installed in Poland 2021-2024
- Biomass and biogas power generation in Poland 2021-2024
- Wind power installed in Poland 2021-2024
- Biomass power installed in Poland 2021-2024
- Total PV power in micro-installations in Poland 2019-Q1 2024
- Biogas power installed in Poland 2021-2024
- Ranking of photovoltaic farms in Poland 2024, by installed capacity
- Value of the PV investment market in Poland 2023, by PV installation type
- Number of PV micro-installations in Poland 2019-2024
- Opinion on the impact of wind farms on tourist attractions in Poland 2022
- Share of people not willing to live near a wind farm in Poland 2022
- Opinions on building wind farms offshore rather than on land in Poland 2022
- Capacity of small PV installations in Poland 2018-Q1 2023
- RES electricity in gross energy consumption in electric power sector Poland 2008-2023
- Volume of renewable and biofuel gross inland consumption in Poland 2000-2022
- Energy production from renewable sources in Poland 2016-2023, by carriers
- RES electricity in gross energy consumption in heating & cooling in Poland 2008-2023
- Volume of renewable and biofuel production in Poland 2000-2022
- Share of RES in electricity generation in Poland 2015-2023
- Ranking of photovoltaic farm developers in Poland 2023, by capacity
- Power installed in solar panels in Poland 2011-2024
- Forecasted capacity of connected offshore wind farms in Poland 2025-2030
- Total power installed in photovoltaics in Poland 2021-2023
- Ranking of wind farms in Poland 2023, by installed capacity
- Biodiesel trade in Poland 2008-2018
- Development of wind on counter production and storage capacity in Poland 2022-2040
- Development of photovoltaic production and storage capacity in Poland 2022-2040
- Average unit price of solar installation depending on power in Poland 2020
- Forecast of energy production in solar power plants in Poland 2020-2040
- Installed capacity of installations using wind energy in Poland 2005-2040
- Hydroelectricity generation in Poland 2013-2023
- Renewable energy source installations used by micro companies in Poland 2022
- Installed wind and solar power capacity in Poland 2017-2022
- Opinion of Poles on building wind farm near their place of residence in Poland 2023
- Planned resignation from on land wind energy by the government in Poland 2005-2040
- Forecast of solar power development in Poland 2020-2040, by scenario
- Implementation of changes in the production and use of energy in Poland 2023
- Biomass electricity generation in Poland 2010-2019
- Support on the development of onshore wind farms in Poland 2023
- Ranking of photovoltaic companies in Poland 2023, by market value
- Biogasoline trade in Poland 2008-2018
- Offshore wind cumulative capacity low scenario in the European Union 2030, by country
- Most important advantages of renewable energy sources in Poland 2022
- Electricity production from RES in Poland 2023-2024
- Biomass electricity generation in Poland 2021-2023
- Biogas electricity generation in Poland 2021-2023
- Share of renewable energy in electricity in Poland 2007-2018
- Share of renewable energy in final energy consumption in Poland 2006-2015
- Photovoltaic capacity installed and cumulated in Poland 2013-2023
- Photovoltaic capacity connected and cumulated in Poland 2013-2023
- Solar photovoltaic power electricity production volume in Poland 2012-2023
- Structure of primary energy production from renewable sources in Poland 2020-2022
- Development of offshore wind production and storage capacity in Poland 2022-2040
- RES net generation of major energy companies in Poland 2018-2022
- Renewable energy consumption in Poland 2010-2023
- Renewable energy generation in Poland 2011-2023
- Increase in new PV micro-installation capacity in Poland Q3 2017-Q1 2023
- Most used energy storage manufacturers in Poland 2023
- Number of RES micro-installations in Poland 2018-2023
- Renewable energy shares in electricity consumption in Poland 2005-2040
- Trade turnover of the PV industry in Poland 2023, by PV installation type
- ROI that would encourage the purchase of PV installations in Poland 2022
- Total capacity of electricity storage facilities in Poland 2023
- Opinion on RES technological opportunities in energy value chain in Poland 2022
- Energy injected into the grid by RES micro-installations in Poland 2018-2023
- Total power installed in biogas power plants in Poland 2021-2023
- Total capacity of heat storage facilities in Poland 2023
- Total power installed in biomass power plants in Poland 2021-2023
- Total power installed in hydroelectric power plants in Poland 2021-2023
- Total power installed in wind turbines in Poland 2021-2023
- Wind farm capacities in Poland 2005-2023
- Type of renewable energy source used in enterprises in Poland 2023
- Consumption of total energy from RES in Poland 2018-2023
- Share of companies that have implemented smart electrification in Poland 2023
- Turnover from RES industry in Poland 2022, by sector
- Turnover in the renewable energy industry in Poland 2018, by sector
- Main factors limiting the increase in the renewable energy usage in Poland 2021
- Solar photovoltaic power installed 2014 by EU member
- Ranking of photovoltaic companies in Poland 2023
- Installed solar-energy capacity in Poland 2016-2023
- Geothermal heat pumps sold in Poland 2013-2020
- Energy production from renewable sources in Poland 2020-2023, by carriers
- Total hydropower capacity in Poland 2008-2023
- Total renewable capacity in Poland 2008-2023
- Investment expenditure of electricity from renewable installations in Poland 2023
- Average cost of electricity production from renewable installations in Poland 2023
- Forecast of energy production in wind power plants in Poland 2005-2040
- Biogas energy capacity in Poland 2013-2023
- Solid biofuels and renewable waste energy capacity in Poland 2013-2023
- Bioenergy capacity in Poland 2013-2023
- Solar energy capacity in Poland 2013-2023
- Onshore wind energy capacity in Poland 2008-2023
- Total installed wind power capacity in Poland 2008-2023
- Equipping of enterprises with intelligent energy management systems in Poland 2022
- Annual production of electricity from renewable installations in Poland 2023