Statistics about Technology & Telecommunications in Norway
- Average number of computers in Nordic households 2018
- Number of connected devices per person in Norway 2012-2016
- Smartphone activities in Norway 2015
- Electronic device usage in Norway 2016
- Number of connected devices per person in Norway 2016
- Norway: preferred devices for internet access 2016
- Most common digital devices in households in Norway 2019
- Types of consumer electronics wished for Christmas in Norway 2020
- Internet of Things market size in the Nordics 2012-2017, by country
- Estimated number of earphone sold in Norway 2014-2020
- Average number of devices in Norwegian households 2018, by household size
- Number of stoves sold in Norway 2011-2020, by type
- Usage of smart speakers in Norway 2018 and 2020, by purpose
- Share of e-reader users in the Nordics 2018
- Wearable tech device users in the Nordics 2017
- Preferred devices for playing games in the Nordics 2018-2019
- Norway: number of consumer electronics manufacturers 2012-2022
- Types of consumer electronics wished for Christmas in Norway 2020, by gender
- Share of people who bought headphones in Norway 2014-2022
- Price in the computing segment Norway 2019-2029
- Most important technical home entertainment devices in households in Norway 2018
- Per capita sales volume in the computing segment Norway 2019-2029
- Do you consider smart home products safe to use?
- Range hoods sales value in Norway 2013-2016
- Most used consumer electronics in Norway 2022
- Share of people who bought headphones and/or earphones in Norway 2014-2021
- Ownership of connected wearables in the Nordics 2016-2017
- Share of people who bought smart wearables in Norway 2014-2020
- Tablet penetration in households in Norway 2015-2018
- Ownership of connected wearables in Norway 2016-2017
- Number of smartwatches sold in Norway 2014-2019
- Stoves sales value in Norway 2013-2016, by type
- Forecast: consumer electronics manufacturing revenue Norway 2008-2018
- Is smart home development driven by consumer demand or the industry?
- What is your opinion on future smart home connectivity?
- How much knowledge do you need to manage your connected products?
- Do you consider smart home products useful in your everyday life?
- Share of children who own a smartphone in Norway in 2022, by age
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the Telephony market Norway 2022-2029
- Share of children first time smartphone owners in Norway 2022, by age
- Penetration rate of connected products at home in Norway 2019, by gender
- Average number of devices per households in Norway 2018
- Share of individuals wanting consumer electronics for Christmas in Norway 2012-2018
- Daily use of screens for TV/video online in Norway 2018, by age and device
- Devices used by children to access Web-TV in Norway 2018, by age group
- Share of individuals with access to tablets in Norway 2018, by household type
- Reasons to use tablets among children in Norway 2018, by age group
- Reasons to use smartphones among children in Norway 2018, by age group
- Access to mobile devices among youths in Norway 2018
- Revenue of the consumer electronics market Norway 2018-2029
- Revenue of tablets market Norway 2018-2029
- Number of small electrical kitchen appliances sold in Norway 2016, by type of product
- Refrigerators and freezers sales value in Norway 2013-2016, by type
- Average price per unit (PPU) in the Telephony market Norway 2022-2029
- Per capita sales volume in the telephony segment Norway 2019-2029
- Number of refrigerators and freezers sold in Norway 2011-2020, by type
- Small electrical kitchen appliances sales value in Norway 2016, by type of product
- Attitudes towards consumer electronics in Norway 2024
- Consumer electronics ownership in Norway 2024
- Major electrical household appliances sales value in Norway 2016, by type of product
- Estimated number of headphones sold in Norway 2014-2020
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the consumer electronics market Norway 2019-2029
- Sales revenue of Elkjøp Nordic 2009-2018
- Distribution of consumer electronics sales in Norway 2015
- Leading consumer electronics retailers in Norway 2020, by turnover
- Leading consumer electronics retailers in Norway 2020, by number of outlets
- Photographic goods retail sales in specialized stores in Norway 2009-2023
- Operating profit of Elkjøp Nordic 2008-2018
- Largest providers of fixed telephony in Norway 2015-2020, by turnover
- Revenue of fixed data and voice telecommunication services in the Nordics 2017-2029
- Norway: number of fixed telephone subscriptions 2000-2022
- Penetration rate of smartphones in Norway 2014-2029
- Share of companies with fixed broadband connections in Norway 2014-2023
- Traffic minutes from fixed line network subscriptions in Norway 2012-2022
- Share of households with broadband access in selected Nordic countries 2020
- Revenue from fixed telephone subscriptions in Norway 2012-2023
- Size of the laptop market in the Nordics from 2019-2029
- Distribution of gaming platforms used in Norway 2017-2018
- Video game console penetration in households in Norway 2016-2018
- Type of adopted VR headsets in Norway 2017, by price range
- Video game console penetration in households in the Nordics 2018, by country
- Virtual reality device penetration in households in the Nordics 2018, by country
- Type of adopted VR headsets in the Nordics 2017, by price range
- Revenue growth rate of the electronic technology sector in the Nordics 2016-2018
- Robotics revenue in Nordic countries 2016-2028, by category
- Commercial service robotics volume in the Nordic countries 2016-2028
- Total expenses of the electronic technology sector in the Nordics 2016-2018
- Commercial service robotics revenue change in Nordic countries 2017-2028
- Consumer service robotics volume in the Nordic countries 2016-2028
- Consumer service robotics revenue in Nordic countries 2016-2028
- EBIT margin of the electronic technology sector in the Nordics 2016-2018
- Revenue per employee in the electronic technology sector in the Nordics 2016-2018
- Norway: manufacturers of computers & peripheral equipment 2013-2022
- Norway: electronic components manufacturers 2012-2021
- Value of exported goods in Norway 2012-2020, by commodity group
- Number of employees in the electronic technology sector in the Nordics 2016-2018
- Current ratio of the electronic technology sector in the Nordics 2016-2018
- Robotics revenue change in the Nordic countries 2017-2028, by category
- Debt of the electronic technology sector in the Nordics 2016-2018
- Chemical industry robotics revenue change in Nordic countries 2017-2028