Statistics about Media in Norway
- Result of TONO 2009-2020
- ARPU in the digital music segment Norway 2017-2027
- Share of paying online music consumers in European countries 2015
- Leading iPhone music apps in Norway 2020, by downloads
- Leading Android music apps in Norway 2020, by revenue
- Leading iPhone music apps in Norway 2020, by revenue
- Ranking of music companies in Norway 2015, by value added
- Weekly music streaming and downloading in Norway 2020, by age
- Concert ticket sales revenue in Norway 2012-2022
- Weekly music streaming and downloading in the Nordic countries 2020
- Revenue of Warner Music Norway FY 2014-2021
- Largest music companies in Norway 2020, by revenue
- Recorded music sales volume in Norway 2018, by format
- Share of mobile music listeners in Norway 2011-2021
- Most popular music genres in Norway 2020
- Average number of live music events attended in Norway 2015-2020
- Services used for music streaming in Norway 2022
- Revenue growth of digital music in the Nordics 2018-2027
- Visiting live music events in Norway 2015-2020
- Music industry revenues from copyright royalties in Norway 2021, by sector
- Employees in the sound recording and music publishing industry in Norway 2010-2022
- Musicians' fear of losing their job after the coronavirus crisis in Norway 2020
- Musicians' opinion on COVID-19 impact on music market's digitization in Norway 2020
- Music companies' income loss due to cancellations during COVID-19 in Norway 2020
- Average monthly wages of musicians, singers and composers in Norway 2016-2024
- Revenue of Tylden & Co 2010-2020
- Monthly YouTube Music app DAU in Norway 2019-2020, by distribution platform
- Daily time spent listening to music media in Norway 2009-2023
- Revenue of Universal Music in Norway 2009-2023
- Music industry revenues from copyright royalties in Norway 2012-2022
- Recorded music industry revenue in Norway 2012-2022
- Recorded music revenue in Norway 2013-2022, by format
- Digital music sales revenue in Norway 2012-2022, by type
- Music industry revenue in Norway 2012-2022
- Revenues from music concerts in Norway 2012-2022
- Digital music revenue growth in the Nordics 2019-2027, by segment
- Monthly TIDAL Music app DAU in Norway 2019-2020, by distribution platform
- Most used audio and music video streaming services in the Nordics 2022
- Change in time spent on music streaming and downloading in Norway 2020
- Important factors when listening to online music in Norway 2020
- Revenue of Sony Music Entertainment Norway FY 2010-2023
- Most used digital music services pre- and post- the COVID-19 lockdown in Norway 2020
- Digital music consumption habits in the Nordics 2022
- Digital music revenue in the Nordics 2018-2027, by segment
- Musicians' income loss as a result of cancellations due to COVID-19 in Norway 2020
- Companies' opinion on COVID-19 impact on music market's digitization in Norway 2020
- Average daily time spent listening to music in Norway 2009-2023, by gender
- Profit of Universal Music in Norway 2009-2018
- Turnover of festivals in Norway 2011-2017
- Turnover of music publishers in Norway 2011-2017
- Turnover of record labels in Norway 2011-2017
- Revenue share of local content on recorded music sales in the Nordics 2017
- Ways to listen to music in Norway 2015-2017
- Use of music streaming services in Norway 2017, by version
- Use of selected music streaming services in Norway 2017
- Average daily time spent listening to music in Norway 2023, by age
- Employees in the movie, TV and music industry in Norway 2018-2020, by gender
- Quarterly number of musicians in Norway 2017-2020, by gender
- Average monthly wages of musicians in Norway 2017-2020, by gender
- Operating profit of Sony Music Entertainment Norway FY 2010-2020
- Profit of Sony Music Entertainment Norway FY 2010-2020
- Operating profit of Universal Music in Norway 2009-2018
- Revenue of TONO from abroad 2019, by business area
- Number of concerts per operator in Norway 2018, by music genre
- Concert revenue per event in Norway 2016-2018
- Ticket sales revenues per concert in Norway 2016-2018
- Share of individuals listening to music daily in Norway 2009-2023, by gender
- Share of individuals listening to audio media daily in Norway 2010-2023
- Number of bands and artists performed at concerts in Norway 2018, by music genre
- Turnover of concerts in Norway 2011-2017
- Share of individuals receiving a mobile news alert in the Nordic countries 2018
- Online news consumption in Norway 2013-2023
- Forecast: news agencies revenue Norway 2008-2018
- Ranking of online news brands in Norway 2024, by weekly reach
- Levels of trust in news brands in Norway 2024
- Share of people using selected sources of news in Norway 2024
- Online news sites as primary news source during COVID-19 in the Nordics 2020
- Share of internet users paying for online news in Norway 2016-2021
- Share of individuals concerned about internet news credibility in the Nordics 2020
- Ranking of offline news brands in Norway 2024, by weekly reach
- Fake news discovery on social media in Norway 2018, by frequency
- Share of individuals paying for online news in the Nordics 2022-2024
- Survey on reading fake news on the internet in Norway 2017, by frequency and age
- Mentions of immigration and integration in Norwegian media 2017, by theme
- Prevalence of fake news in Norway 2019
- Usage of digital news source in the past week in Norway 2020
- Survey on access to news media among young adults in Norway 2015
- Most important news source in Sweden 2019, by generation
- Survey on reading fake news on the internet in Norway 2017, by frequency
- Survey on using news aggregators among young adults in Norway 2015
- Prevalence of fake news in Norway 2019, by age
- Prevalence of fake news in Norway 2019, by gender
- Uncovering of fake news in Norway 2019
- Reactions to fake news in Norway 2019
- Leading social media and messaging platforms for news in Norway 2021
- Reading not entirely reliable online news in Norway 2017, by frequency and gender
- Willingness to pay for online news in Norway 2014-2019
- Share of individuals paying for online editorial content in Norway 2019, by topic
- Most important news sources in Norway 2018, by generation
- Reading fake news about the coronavirus in Norway 2020, by age and gender