Statistics about Health, Pharma & Medtech in Norway
- Number of orphan drugs used in Norway 2016-2018
- Rx drugs consumption by DDD usage in Norway 2010-2023
- Monthly value of medicament exports from Norway 2022-2023
- Number of users of antidepressants in Norway 2020, by age
- Share of the population who had drugs dispensed in Norway 2013-2021
- Number of prescription drug users in Norway 2021, by active ingredient
- Number of individuals who had pharmaceutical dispensed in Norway 2013-2021
- Rate of users of antidepressants in Norway 2008-2021
- Number of users of hypnotics and sedatives in Norway 2008-2021
- Number of users of melatonin in Norway 2009-2021
- Number of users of melatonin in Norway 2009-2020 by gender
- Monthly value of medicament imports into Norway 2022-2023
- Sales of pharmaceuticals in Norway by ATC main group 2021
- Monthly value of medicament imports into Norway 2022-2023
- Monthly value of medicament exports from Norway 2022-2024
- Monthly value of blood imports into Norway 2017-2018
- Number of users of prescription drugs in Norway by ATC main group 2021
- Monthly value of blood exports from Norway 2017-2018
- Monthly value of gland imports into Norway 2017-2018
- Monthly value of gland exports from Norway 2017
- Market share of generic pharmaceutical sales in Norway 2010-2022
- Cardiovascular system pharmaceutical consumption in Norway 2010-2022
- Diabetes pharmaceutical consumption rate in Norway 2011-2022
- Top drugs by DDD usage in Norway 2023
- Number of pharmaceuticals available in Norway 2013-2021
- Number of users of antidepressants in Norway 2009-2020, by gender
- Top drugs by sales value in Norway 2021
- Sales of the most used reimbursed drugs in Norway 2020
- Sales volume pharmaceuticals in Norway by drug category 2022
- Number of employees in pharmacies in Norway 2017, by profession and gender
- Total turnover of hospital pharmacies in Norway from 2008-2017
- Total turnover of hospital pharmacies in Norway from 2008-2017
- Total turnover of primary pharmacies in Norway from 2008-2017
- Turnover of pharmacies in Norway 2018, by type of pharmacy
- Number of independent and joint-owned chain pharmacies in Norway 2008-2018
- Total turnover of pharmacies in Norway from 2008-2017
- Number of hospital pharmacies in Norway 2009-2024
- Number of pharmacies in Norway by leading chains 2024
- Market share of pharmacies in Norwayby chain or type 2021
- Pharmacy sales in Norway by type of good 2023
- Number of Boots pharmacies in Norway 2009-2024
- Number of Apotek 1 pharmacies in Norway 2009-2024
- Number of Vitusapotek pharmacies in Norway 2009-2024
- Number of pharmacies in Norway 2009-2024
- Share of children vaccinated for measles in Norway 2012-2022
- Share of children vaccinated for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis in Norway 2013-2023
- Number of hospital admissions for heart attack in Norway 2017, by region
- Number of beds in nursing and care institutions in Norway 2023, by ownership
- Number of nursing and care institutions in Norway 2023, by ownership
- Number of nursing and care institutions in Norway 2009-2023
- Number of residents in long-term care home in Norway 2013-2023
- Number of institutions for elderly and disabled in Norway 2023, by ownership
- Share of hospital admissions for heart attack in Norway 2013-2023, by type
- Number of users of care services in Norway by age group
- Number of beds in nursing and care institutions in Norway 2009-2023
- Number of users of care services in Norway by type of service
- Number of receivers of health and care services in Norway 2017, by age and gender
- Share of receivers of health and care services in Norway 2007-2017, by gender
- Number of users of care services in Norway 2009-2018
- Number of users of care services in Norway 2009-2018
- Share of receivers of health and care services in Norway 2017, by age and gender
- Share of daily tobacco users in Norway 2009-2023, by type of product
- Alcohol-related deaths in Norway 2008-2023
- Share of ecstasy users in Norway 2019, by age group
- Share of amphetamines users in Norway 2019, by age group
- Internal displacements of people from weather-related disasters in Norway 2014-2023
- Perceived health status in Norway 2008-2023
- Frequency of drinking alcohol in Norway 2018
- Number of users of COPD and asthma medication in Norway 2008-2021
- Drug-related deaths in Norway 2008-2023
- Number of suicides in Norway 2008-2023, by gender
- Average price of illicit drugs in Norway 2017, by drug
- Number of deaths due to stroke in Norway 2008-2018, by gender
- Number of suicides in Norway 2019-2023, by gender and age group
- Survey on obtaining drugs from darknet in the Nordic countries 2018
- Median number of days of MDMA usage in selected Nordic countries 2019
- Share of daily smokers in Norway 2023, by gender
- Number of individuals with disabilities in in Norway 2008-2018
- Organ transplantation activity per million population in Norway 2021-2023
- Number of patients active on organ transplant waiting list in Norway 2021-2023
- Number of patient deaths on the organ transplant waiting list in Norway 2021-2023
- Average times of alcohol consumption in Norway 2017, by age group
- Consumption volume of cannabis in the Nordic capitals 2018
- Weekly alcohol consumption in Norway 2018, by age
- Weekly alcohol consumption of six units or more in Norway 2018, by age
- Number of patients treated for atrial fibrillation in Norway 2012-2017
- Number of individuals with disabilities in Norway 2008-2018, by gender
- Share of individuals with disabilities in employment in Norway 2008-2018
- Share of daily smokers in Norway 2023, by gender and age group
- Share of newborns with low birth weight in Norway, 2009-2023
- Number of patients with implantation or replacement of an ICD in Norway 2012-2022
- Number of patients with coronary bypass surgery in Norway 2012-2022
- Number of patients with a transcatheter aortic valve replacement in Norway 2012-2022
- Number of patients with a percutaneous coronary intervention in Norway 2012-2022
- Number of patients with a surgical aortic valve replacement in Norway 2012-2022
- Number of stillborn children in Norway 2009-2023
- Number of patients with vascular surgery of carotid arteries in Norway 2012-2022
- Number of patients with cardiac angiographies in Norway 2012-2022
- Number of deaths due to cardiovascular disease in Norway 2008-2023, by gender
- Number of deaths due to ischemic heart disease in Norway 2008-2023, by gender