Statistics about Travel, Tourism & Hospitality in North Macedonia
- Number of nights in short-stay accommodation North Macedonia 2013-2023
- Number of international arrivals in tourist accommodation in North Macedonia 2023
- North Macedonia: accommodation & food service activities industry employees 2012-2019
- North Macedonia: turnover of accommodation & food service activities industry 2022
- Number of domestic arrivals in tourist accommodation in North Macedonia 1997-2012
- Number of arrivals in tourist accommodation North Macedonia 2008-2019
- Number of travel accommodation establishments in North Macedonia 2008-2014
- Monthly arrivals in tourist accommodation in North Macedonia 2018-2020
- Number of tourist accommodation establishments in North Macedonia 2018. by type
- Production value of the food & beverage service industry in North Macedonia 2012-2019
- Turnover of the food & beverage service industry in North Macedonia 2013-2022
- Personnel costs of the food & beverage service industry in North Macedonia 2012-2019
- Overnight stays in hotel accommodation in North Macedonia 2008-2017
- Hotel bedroom occupancy rate in North Macedonia 201-2019
- Methods for booking holidays in Macedonia 2015
- Participation in tourism in North Macedonia 2018, by age group