Statistics about Society in Netherlands
- Number illegally residing third country nationals Netherlands 2011, by age and gender
- Immigration, emigration and migration balance in the Netherlands 2022, by age
- Forecast life expectancy at 65 in the Netherlands 2015-2060
- Forecast life expectancy at 65 the Netherlands 2015-2060, by gender
- Family reunification residence permits approved in the Netherlands 2015, by type
- Population of Sint Maarten 2007-2017, by gender
- Number of deaths in Sint Maarten 2014-2016
- Household composition Netherlands, by age of youngest child living at home 2016-2060
- Immigration, emigration and migration balance in the Netherlands 2022, by gender
- Registered emigration from Sint Maarten 2014-2016
- Number of illegally residing third country nationals Netherlands 2008-2011, by gender
- Registered immigration to Sint Maarten 2014-2016
- Number of immigrants to the Netherlands 1995-2022, by age
- Distribution of immigration to Bonaire (Caribbean Netherlands) 2016, by origin
- Number of divorces in Sint Maarten 2013-2016
- Number of immigrants Netherlands 1995-2022, by gender
- Number of UN invited refugees the Netherlands 2017, by age and gender
- Population of Sint Maarten 2017, by age group
- Number of UN invited refugees the Netherlands 2008-2017, by nationality
- Number of single parents in the Netherlands 2009-2023, by gender
- Number of road fatalities in the Netherlands per 100,000 inhabitants 2006-2016
- Average age of mother at birth in the Netherlands 2022, by child
- Population of the Netherlands 2023, by age
- Methods of suicide in the Netherlands 2021, by gender
- Population of Sint Eustatius (Caribbean Netherlands) 2023, by age group
- Population of Sint Eustatius (Caribbean Netherlands) 2011-2023
- Population of Bonaire (Caribbean Netherlands) 2011-2023
- Population of the Netherlands 2023, by gender
- Population of Saba (Caribbean Netherlands) 2011-2023
- Total population of the Netherlands 1950-2023
- Total number of households in the Netherlands 2023, by type
- Live born children in the Netherlands 1950-2022, by marital status of the mother
- Average number of marriages in the Netherlands 1950-2022, by gender
- Average age at death in the Netherlands 1950-2022, by gender
- Infant mortality rate in the Netherlands 1950-2022
- Opinions on equal opportunities for women in the Netherlands 2017, by gender
- Marriage dissolution rate in the Netherlands 1950-2022
- Young adults returning to their parents' home in the Netherlands 2011-2020
- Reasons to flee their home country for refugees in the Netherlands 2016
- Average number of children per woman in the Netherlands 1950-2022
- Distribution of the household size in Saba in the Caribbean Netherlands 2016
- Share of people perceiving refugees a threat in the Netherlands 2017, by orientation
- Total population of The Hague 2009-2023
- Total population of Rotterdam 2009-2023
- Total population of Amsterdam 2000-2023
- Total number of inhabitants in the Netherlands 2023, by province
- Total population of Utrecht 2009-2023
- Population of the Netherlands in 2023, by age and gender
- Life expectancy at birth in the Netherlands 1950-2022, by gender
- Total number of births, deaths and birth excess in the Netherlands 2008-2022
- Causes of death in the Netherlands 2021
- Total number of live births in the Netherlands 2008-2022
- Median age of the population in the Netherlands 2015-2050
- Young adults living at their parents' home in the Netherlands 2011-2021, by sex
- Population of the Netherlands in 2023, by background
- Netherlands: largest foreign-born groups in 2023, by country of origin
- Total number of deaths in the Netherlands 2008-2022
- Population of the Netherlands 2023, by marital status
- Average age at marriage in the Netherlands 1950-2022, by gender
- Average duration of marriage at divorce in the Netherlands 1950-2022
- Standardized mortality rate in the Netherlands 1950-2022, by gender
- Employed population in Aruba 2011-2017
- Number of end-of-life decisions the Netherlands 2001-2021, by medical decision
- Discrimination experienced at work in the Netherlands in 2022, by sector
- Workers experiencing intimidation and threats at work in the Netherlands 2022
- Number of homeless people in the Netherlands 2009-2022, by gender
- Distribution of the households in Saba in the Caribbean Netherlands 2016, by type
- Number of homeless people in the Netherlands 2009-2022, by age
- Number of homeless people in the Netherlands 2009-2022, by location
- Distribution of the household size Sint Eustatius in the Caribbean Netherlands 2016
- Number of cyclist road fatalities in the Netherlands 1996-2022
- Perceived influence of immigration on job chances the Netherlands 2017, by education
- Population density of Sint Eustatius in the Caribbean Netherlands 2015-2017
- Total population of Eindhoven 2009-2023
- Population density of Saba in the Caribbean Netherlands 2015-2017
- Number of cyclist road fatalities in the Netherlands 1996-2022, by sex
- Share of people who can write the Fries language in Friesland 2019
- Opinions on stricter integration policy for immigrants in Netherlands 2019
- Share of people worried about immigration in the Netherlands 2019, by political party
- Number of single-person households in the Netherlands 2009-2023, by gender
- Population aged 65 and above in the Netherlands 2009-2023, by age group
- Opinions about one-night stands in the Netherlands 2016-2017, by age
- Average age of the population in the Netherlands 1950-2023
- Share of young people being able to be happy without children in the Netherlands 2017
- Number of road fatalities the Netherlands 1996-2022, by sex
- Number of divorces in Sint Eustatius in the Caribbean Netherlands 2011-2016
- Average age of father at the birth of first child in the Netherlands 1996-2022
- Distribution of immigration to Saba (Caribbean Netherlands) 2016, by origin
- Education level of Dutch migrants living outside the Netherlands 2018
- Estimated and forecasted Muslim population share in the Netherlands and Belgium 2020
- Average age of the father at birth in the Netherlands 1996-2022
- Number of persons in institutional households the Netherlands 2009-2023, by type
- Distribution of immigration to St Eustatius (Caribbean Netherlands) 2016, by origin
- Grey population pressure the Netherlands 2009-2023
- Opinion on whether there is a problem with non-binary persons in the Netherlands 2020
- Number of divorces in Bonaire in the Caribbean Netherlands 2011-2016
- Average household size the Netherlands 2000-2023, by number of residents
- Opinions on whether a person is by nature a man or woman in the Netherlands 2020
- Public opinion about immigrant contribution in the Netherlands 2018
- Average household size the Netherlands 2009-2023