Statistics about Sports & Recreation in Malta
- Employment in the cultural sector in Malta 2011-2019
- Number of live shows at event venues in Southern Europe 2017, by genre
- Malta: approved gaming parlors 2016-2019
- Malta: revenue of the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) 2014-2022, by source
- Malta: employees of the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) in 2021, by category
- Malta: number of gaming devices 2016-2021
- Malta: total landbased spend and winnings by gamblers 2014-2015
- Malta: commercial bingo players visits 2016-2020
- Malta: average GGR per controlled gaming premise visit 2016-2018
- MGA: number of gambling licenses 2016-2022, by type
- Malta: self-exclusions from gambling 2014 to 2016, by duration
- Malta: distribution of registered golf players 2015-2017, by category
- Malta: turnover distribution Maltco Lotteries Limited 2017-2021, by game type
- Malta: number of online gambling licenses from 2014 to 2017, by license class
- Malta: online gamblers on MGA operated websites 2016, by age group
- Malta: distribution of gross online gaming revenue 2017, by license class
- MGA: online gambling customer payments 2016-2022, by method
- Malta: revenue distribution from type 1 online customer gaming activities 2019-2020
- Malta revenue distribution from type 2 online customer gaming activities 2019-2020
- Malta: revenue distribution from type 3 online customer gaming activities 2019-2020
- MGA: online gambling customer accounts 2017-2022, by type
- Malta: number of associated sport coaches in 2013, by type of sport
- Malta: number of associated sport club members in 2013, by type of sport
- Malta: number of associated sport clubs in 2013, by type of sport
- Malta: number of new players registrations in gaming premises 2016-2019
- Malta: number of gaming devices 2016-2019, per operator
- Manufacture of sports goods revenue in Malta 2010-2022
- Malta: distribution of how often people exercise or play sport 2013-2017