Statistics about Society in Malta
- Malta: average GGR per bingo visit 2016-2018
- Malta: gaming tax in controlled gaming premises 2016-2018
- Malta: number of casino junket players 2017-2019
- Malta: full-time equivalent direct employees in the casino sector 2016-2019
- Malta: average GGR per visit 2016-2018
- Malta: payout ratio in controlled gaming premises 2016-2018
- Malta: gaming tax in commercial bingo premises 2016-2018
- Malta: share of population with severe material deprivation 2007-2016
- Share of Maltese population living alone 2007-2016
- Number of accepted grants of asylum in Malta from 2008-2016
- Foreign-born population of Malta 2009-2016
- Number of people at risk of poverty in Malta 2011-2020
- Malta: pupil to teacher ratio 2003-2012
- Malta: public expenditure on education 2003-2011
- Malta: turnover of the professional & technical activities industry 2013-2022
- Share of internet users engaging in online learning activities in Malta 2015-2022
- Malta: adults with upper secondary or tertiary education attainment 2007-2016
- Share of internet users engaging in online learning activities in Austria 2015-2022
- Share of internet users of online learning activities in the Netherlands 2015-2022
- Malta: expected years of education over lifetime 2013-2015
- Malta: inflow of university students from European countries 2005-2012
- Malta: outflow of university students to other European countries 2005-2012
- Forecasted age of population in Malta 2015-2035