Statistics about Transportation & Logistics in Luxembourg
- Air cargo volume at Luxembourg Airport 2009-2020
- Freight and mail transported by air in Luxembourg 2012-2023
- Air freight transshipment volume in the Benelux 2013-2014, by airport
- Net profit of Luxembourg Airport 2015-2020
- Investment in airport infrastructure in Luxembourg 2004-2015
- Net revenue of Luxembourg Airport 2013-2020
- Courier, express and parcel (CEP) market volume in Belgium and Luxembourg 2014-2021
- Domestic mail and parcels transported by road in Luxembourg 2010-2016
- Number of PackUp points and stations of POST Luxembourg 2013-2022
- Number of packages processed by POST Luxembourg 2013-2022
- Number of pick-up and drop-off locations in Luxembourg 2022, by courier
- Inland passenger water transport revenue in Luxembourg 2010-2022
- Freight transported by inland waterways in Luxembourg 2012-2023
- Investment in inland waterway transport infrastructure in Luxembourg 2004-2015
- Total tonne-kilometres of freight transported in Luxembourg 2006-2015
- Total investment in inland transport infrastructure in Luxembourg 2004-2015
- Luxembourg: road freight as share of total inland freight transport 2009-2022
- Warehousing and storage revenue in Luxembourg 2010-2022
- Total merchant fleet of Luxembourg 2012-2018
- Total inland waterways transport at Port of Mertert (Luxembourg) 2010-2018
- Volume cargo loaded and unloaded at Port of Mertert (Luxembourg) 2010-2019
- Average price per unit (PPU) in the motorcycles market Luxembourg 2016-2029
- Luxembourg: enterprises manufacturing of motorcycles 2015-2021
- Forecast: E-bike market growth in Europe by country 2024-2025
- Volume of freight handled by LuxairCARGO from Luxembourg 2013-2020
- Number of passengers assisted by Luxair at Luxembourg Airport 2013-2020
- Number of passengers at Luxembourg Airport 2009-2020
- Annual revenue of Luxair Group 2013-2020
- Leading airlines at Luxembourg Airport 2016, by passengers
- Leading airlines from Luxembourg Airport 2016, by passengers
- Luxembourg: number of new commercial vehicle registrations from 2014-2017
- Electric vehicle charging points in the Benelux 2023
- Age of Luxembourgish passenger car fleet in 2019
- Number of newly registered electric vehicles in the Benelux 2018
- Fuel consumption by European country 2015
- European countries with the highest number of congestion hours 2015
- Registered passenger cars in Luxembourg 1990-2016
- Luxembourg: number of cars per 1,000 inhabitants 1990-2018
- Benelux: BEV fleet by country 2023
- Volume of letters processed by POST Luxembourg 2013-2022
- EBITDA of POST Luxembourg Group 2013-2022
- Net result of POST Luxembourg 2013-2018
- Revenue of POST Luxembourg 2013-2022
- Investments (CAPEX) of POST Luxembourg 2013-2022
- Luxembourg: rail freight as share of total inland freight transport from 2010-2022
- Luxembourg: number of locomotives and railcars from 1990 to 2016
- Freight rail transport revenue in Luxembourg 2015-2022
- Transport and storage sector as share of GDP in the Benelux 2009-2014, by country
- Number of land and pipeline transport enterprises in Luxembourg 2005-2017
- Luxembourg: timeline of total motorway length 1990-2016
- Road infrastructure maintenance expenditure in Luxembourg 2004-2015
- Investment in road transport infrastructure in Luxembourg 2004-2015
- Luxembourg: length of road network in 2017, by road type
- Time loss per day during traffic congestion in the Benelux 2014, by city
- Number of road deaths in Luxembourg 2012-2021
- Luxembourg: share of GDP invested in inland transport infrastructure 2004-2015
- Luxembourg: modal split of passenger transport on land in 2017
- Average price per unit (PPU) in the electric vehicles market Luxembourg 2017-2029
- Service activities incidental to water transportation revenue in Luxembourg 2010-2022