Statistics about Consumer Goods & FMCG in Luxembourg
- Value of milling industry products exported from Luxembourg 2010-2023
- ARPU in the meat segment of the food market Luxembourg 2019-2029
- Leading export countries of vegetables from Luxembourg 2019, by export value
- Value of fruits and nuts imported to Luxembourg 2009-2023
- Value of vegetables, roots and tubers imported to Luxembourg 2009-2023
- Value of vegetables imported to the Benelux 2022, by country
- Value of vegetables, roots, and tubers exported from the Benelux 2022, by country
- Leading suppliers of fruits and nuts to Luxembourg 2022, by import value
- Value of fruits and nuts exported from the Benelux 2022, by country
- Value of fruits and nuts exported from Luxembourg 2009-2023
- Value of vegetables, roots and tubers exported from Luxembourg 2012-2023
- Consumption of table grapes in Luxembourg 2006-2016
- Turnover of office and shop furniture manufacturing in Luxembourg 2008-2011
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the furniture market Luxembourg 2019-2029
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the Furniture market Luxembourg 2019-2029
- ARPU in the bedroom furniture segment of the furniture market Luxembourg 2019-2029
- Turnover of office furniture wholesale in Luxembourg 2016-2021
- Manufacture of kitchen furniture revenue in Luxembourg 2010-2022
- Manufacture of other furniture revenue in Luxembourg 2010-2022
- Turnover of furniture manufacturing industry in Luxembourg 2013-2022
- Manufacture of furniture revenue in Luxembourg 2010-2022
- Value of furniture imported to the Benelux 2022, by country
- Value of carpets exported from the Benelux 2021, by country
- Value of carpets imported to the Benelux 2021, by country
- Value of carpets imported to Luxembourg 2010-2023
- Leading suppliers of carpets to Luxembourg 2023, by import value
- Leading suppliers of furniture to Luxembourg 2023, by import value
- Value of trees, plants and flowers exported from Luxembourg 2010-2023
- Monthly value of sunflower seed exports from Luxembourg 2017-2018
- Monthly value of sunflower seed imports into Luxembourg 2017-2018
- Value of trees, plants and flowers imported to the Benelux 2023, by country
- Value of trees, plants and flowers exported from the Benelux 2023, by country
- Leading export countries of trees and plants in Luxembourg 2021, by export value
- Leading suppliers of trees, plants and flowers to Luxembourg 2021, by import value
- Christmas trees in homes in Luxembourg in 2017, by type
- Consumer expenditure on glassware, tableware and utensils in Luxembourg 2008-2022
- Consumer expenditure on household appliances in Luxembourg 2008-2022
- Purchase criteria of expensive household items in Luxembourg 2019
- Luxembourg: online purchases of household goods 2016-2019
- Average price per unit (PPU) in the Dairy Products & Eggs market Luxembourg 2019-2029
- Per capita consumption of butter in Luxembourg 2010-2019
- Price in the yogurt segment of the food market Luxembourg 2019-2029
- Value of the dairy products imported to Luxembourg 2013-2023
- Price in the dairy products & eggs segment Luxembourg 2019-2029
- Price in the milk segment of the food market Luxembourg 2019-2029
- Value of the dairy products exported from Luxembourg 2011-2023
- Per capita consumption of fluid milk in Luxembourg 2010-2019
- Revenue of Arla Foods Central Europe 2009-2015
- Leading supplier countries of dairy products to Luxembourg 2022, by import value
- Per capita consumption of cheese in Luxembourg 2010-2021
- Leading export countries of dairy products in Luxembourg 2022, by export value
- Manufacture of ice cream revenue in Luxembourg 2010-2022
- Revenue share of Arla Foods Central Europe 2015, by product group
- Average price per unit (PPU) in the Food market Luxembourg 2019-2029
- Value of beverages imported to Luxembourg 2011-2023
- Leading suppliers of coffee and tea to Luxembourg 2022, by import value
- Value of coffee and tea imported to Luxembourg 2009-2023
- Value of beverages exported from Luxembourg 2011-2023
- Luxembourg: number of soft drink and bottled water manufacturers 2010-2021
- Value of coffee and tea imported to the Benelux 2022, by country
- Value of beverages imported to the Benelux 2022, by country
- Leading export countries of coffee and tea from Luxembourg 2022, by export value
- Value of beverages exported from the Benelux 2022, by country
- Leading suppliers of beverages to Luxembourg 2022, by import value
- Manufacture of soft drinks and bottled waters revenue in Luxembourg 2010-2022
- Value of coffee and tea exported from the Benelux 2022, by country
- Leading export countries of beverages from Luxembourg 2022, by export value
- Number of organic food processors in the Benelux 2021, by country
- Per capita consumption of organic food in the Benelux 2021 by country
- Organic retail sales market share in the Benelux 2021, by country
- Organic retail sales in the Benelux 2021, by country
- Number of organic food processors in Luxembourg 2009-2017
- Organic retail sales percentage change in the Benelux 2016-2018, by country
- Distribution of organic retail sales in Luxembourg 2021, by marketing channel
- Number of organic food importers in the Benelux 2021 by country
- Number of organic food exporters in the Benelux 2021, by country
- Organic retail sales market share in Luxembourg 2010-2021
- Organic retail sales value in Luxembourg 2010-2021
- Per capita expenditure on organic products in Luxembourg 2010-2021
- Luxembourg: number of perfumes and toilet preparations manufacturers 2012-2021
- Price in the pet food segment Luxembourg 2019-2029
- ARPU in the pet food segment Luxembourg 2019-2029
- Manufacture of prepared pet foods revenue in Luxembourg 2010-2022
- Purchase frequency of tinned seafood in Luxembourg 2018
- Monthly value of pasta imports into Luxembourg 2017-2018
- Value of cereals imported to Luxembourg 2009-2023
- Value of cereals exported from Luxembourg 2009-2023
- Leading suppliers of cereals to Luxembourg 2018, by import value
- Monthly value of pasta exports from Luxembourg 2017-2018
- Leading footwear companies in Luxembourg in 2021, by revenue
- Value of footwear imported to the Benelux 2020, by country
- Value of footwear exported from Luxembourg 2011-2023
- Footwear import trade volume in the Benelux in 2020, by country
- Footwear export trade volume in the Benelux in 2020, by country
- Footwear imports to Luxembourg in 2020, by type
- Manufacture of leather clothes revenue in Luxembourg 2010-2022
- Footwear trade in the Benelux 2015-2020, by volume
- Footwear trade in the Benelux 2015-2020, by value
- Average revenue per unit (ARPU) in the Skin Care market Luxembourg 2019-2029
- Average price of a pack of cigarettes in the Benelux 2021, by country