Statistics about Travel, Tourism & Hospitality in Italy
- Online Online Travel Booking market - Average revenue per user in Italy 2017 - 2023
- Online Trains & Busses market - Revenue forecast in Italy 2017 - 2023
- User forecast in the online Trains & Busses market in Italy 2017 - 2023
- Revenue per user of trains in Italy 2020-2029
- Online Trains & Busses market - Average revenue per user in Italy 2017 - 2023
- Opinions on the Italian enotourism offering after COVID-19 as of April 2021
- Italy: biggest ski resorts 2016
- Domestic arrivals in tourist establishments in Milan 2019-2022, by month
- eTravel: Penetration rate in the Mobility Services market in Italy 2017 - 2023
- Revenue forecast in the Online Mobility Services market in Italy in 2023, by category
- Italy: distribution of tourism market value 2018, by origin and destination
- Quarterly inbound visits from Italy to friends and family in the UK 2015-2018
- Number of users of buses in Italy 2020-2029
- Number of users of buses in Italy 2020-2029
- Impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on international tourist spending in Italy 2020
- Number of users of ride-hailing & taxi in Italy 2020-2029
- Number of users of trains in Italy 2020-2029
- Visits to family and friends from Italy to the UK 2006-2017
- Quarterly holiday visit numbers from Italy to United Kingdom in 2015-2018
- Monthly inbound arrivals in tourist accommodations in Milan 2019-2020
- Share of European wineries expecting an increase in wine tourism 2020, by country
- Opinions on travel habits after the coronavirus in Italy 2020
- Revenue per user of shared rides in Italy 2019-2028
- Opinions on most important aspects of wine tourism in Italy 2021
- eTravel: Penetration rate in the Ride Sharing market in Italy 2019 - 2028
- Licenses for beach resorts in Italy 2021, by region
- Reasons for day trips among Italians 2015
- Leading inbound travel markets in Italy 2018, by arrivals
- Penetration rate of buses in Italy 2020-2029
- Italy: average daily expense in the selected beach destinations 2018
- Number of domestic holiday trips in Italy 2014-2023
- Italy: tourist arrivals in Reggio Emilia by origin 2014
- Opinions on weaknesses of the enotourism offering in Italy 2021
- Per capita spending by same-day enotourists in Italy 2019
- Average enotourism revenue of Italian wine cellars and wineries 2018-2019
- Revenue change from enotourism at wineries in Europe 2020, by country
- Italy: memorable holiday experiences 2017
- Italy: distribution of travelers' complaints by means of transport 2017
- Italy: number of US tourist arrivals in 2015, by month
- Italy: number of domestic tourist overnight stays 2009-2015
- Monthly spending of inbound tourists traveling to Italy 2015-2016
- Distribution of travel and tourism spending in Italy 2019-2023, by type
- Italy: distribution of tourism market value 2014-2018, by type
- Italian travelers willing to spend more for eco-friendly holidays 2020
- Share of domestic trips taken by Italians 2023, by purpose and means of transport
- Italy: number of Chinese tourist arrivals 2017, by region
- Monthly inbound overnight stays in tourist accommodations in Milan 2019-2020
- Share of international tourists on total tourists in Italy 2000-2017
- Spain: Italian tourists favorite neighbourhooods (barrios) in Barcelona 2014
- Italy: art city tourism key figures 2016
- Italy: itinerary vs sedentary tourism preference summer 2016
- Italy: turnover from the spa sector in 2010-2015, by category
- Share of international tourist spending in Italy 2019, by province
- Number of tour guides in Italy 2023, by month
- Revenue and volume of enotourism in Italy 2018-2019
- Italy: main causes for spoilt holiday in 2017, by reason
- Share of outbound holiday trips taken by Italians 2023, by destination type
- Number of same-day domestic trips in Italy 2019-2023, by purpose
- Italy: touristic bednights and arrivals 2016
- Italy: preferred vacation types by age 2016
- Italy: preferred travel season in 2017
- Spain: Italian tourists favorite GaudiĀ“s attractions in Barcelona 2014
- Italy: willingness to go on a space trip for leisure purposes 2018
- Penetration rate of trains in Italy 2020-2029
- Italy: number of British tourist arrivals in 2015, by month
- Revenue of the hotels industry in Italy 2020-2029
- Preferred alternatives to single-use plastics in tourist facilities in Italy 2019
- Quarterly nights from Italy in the UK in 2015 by gender
- Loss of tourism expenditure due to the impact of coronavirus in Italy 2020, by sector
- Opinions on nature holidays in Italy 2020
- Inbound visit numbers from Italy to the United Kingdom 2010-2018, type of trip booked
- Preferred accommodations for summer holidays in Italy during the coronavirus 2020
- Quarterly visits from Italy to friends and relatives in the UK in 2015 by gender
- Italy: annual value of tourism market 2014-2018
- Quarterly holiday nights from Italy in the UK in 2015 by gender
- Leading five regions for agritourism bookings in Italy 2018
- Share of international and domestic trips taken from Italy 2008-2017
- Quarterly visit numbers from Italy to the United Kingdom in 2015
- Travel habits of Italian individuals after the coronavirus pandemic 2020
- Quarterly holiday visits from Italy in the UK in 2015 by gender
- Travel spending from Italy to see family in the UK 2015, by gender
- Spending by inbound travelers from Italy in the UK 2010-2018, by booking type
- Share of outbound holiday trips taken by Italians 2023, by purpose
- Average daily expenditure of Japanese residents traveling to Italy 2010-2017
- Inbound North African tourists in Italy 2016 by country of origin
- Average per capita expenditure of inbound tourists in Italy 2019-2023, by country
- Number of inbound tourist overnight stays in Italy 2014-2023, by travel reason
- Overnight stays for holiday trips taken by Italians Q1 2016 - Q4 2019
- Types of risk to which European holidaymakers are covered by insurance 2016
- Opinion of Europeans on the greed of tourists by nationality 2014
- Opinion of Europeans on the importance of travel insurance benefits 2016
- Outbound Italian tourists in North Africa 2016, by country visited
- Forecast impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on international arrivals in Italy 2020
- Leisure and business overnight stays for trips made by Italians 2007-2022
- Share of holiday trips taken by Italians 2022, by purpose and destination
- Opinions on holiday travels due to the coronavirus in Italy 2020
- Average length of stay for trips taken by Italians 2022-2023, by type
- Average length of stay for trips taken by Italians 2014-2023, by type
- Impact of the coronavirus on tourist spending in Italy 2020-2024, by scenario
- Summer holiday planning in Italy during the coronavirus outbreak 2020