Statistics about Technology & Telecommunications in Italy
- Europe: New digital communication channels companies plan to add in the next year
- IT skill gaps in Italy 2022-2023, by area
- Mobile device market revenue in Italy 2021-2023, by segment
- Italy: share of firms using industrial analytics 2015, by process
- Italy: share of firms using advanced automation 2015, by process
- Leading information technology companies in Italy 2017-2018, by revenues
- Digital enabler market growth in Italy 2019-2027, by business area
- Devices provided by businesses to support flexible working in Europe 2020
- IT skill gaps in Italy 2022-2023
- Market size of the ICT training industry in Italy 2013-2023
- Digital market revenue in Italy 2021-2023, by region
- Share of municipal offices using e-learning systems in Italy 2015
- Number of employees of IT companies in Italy 2016-2018
- Company interest in metaverse in Italy 2023, by level
- Number of firms in the ICT and digital markets in Italy 2021-2023, by sector
- Number of employees in ICT and digital firms in Italy 2021-2023, by sector
- Market size of the ICT outsourcing sector in Italy 2013-2023
- Big data market revenue in Italy 2019-2027
- Most used CRM systems in Italy 2019-2023
- Italy: role of Data protection officer 2015
- Market value of smart manufacturing in Italy 2015, by category
- Revenue of the public cloud industry in Italy 2020-2029
- Cloud services market revenue by segment in Italy 2024-2029
- Revenue of the server market in Italy2015, by technology
- Italy: municipalities adopting disaster recovery plans 2009-2015
- Italy: technical security tools for applicative software 2016
- Share of selected online paid services used in Italy 2015
- Italy: policies adopted by firms for information security and privacy 2015
- Italy: countermeasures against cyberattacks undertaken 2016
- Level of digital innovation in companies in Italy 2017, by investment size
- Italy: share of IT budget expenditure on information security and privacy 2015
- Opinion on best digital innovations to increase competitiveness in Italy 2017
- Italy: software spending per company in mining and quarrying industry 2018-2024
- Investments needed to promote new business models in Italy 2017
- Europe: software spending per company in mining and quarrying industry 2021
- Italy: revenue of the information and communications industry 2019, by sector
- Italy: web developer salary 2016, by gender
- Italy: web developer salary 2016, by product market and professional category
- Italy: web developer salary 2016, by company size and professional category
- Italy: web developer salary 2016, by macro-region and professional category
- Europe: cloud spending per company in utilities industry 2021
- Europe: cloud spending per company in manufacturing industry 2021
- Europe: software spending per company in manufacturing industry 2021
- Europe: cloud spending per company in mining and quarrying industry 2021
- Italy: adhesion to ISO 27000 requirements in Italy in 2016
- Network security standards used in Italy 2016, by type
- Italy: revenue of the information and communications industry 2010-2019
- Revenue of the computer programming industry in Italy 2019, by sector
- Market share of smart manufacturing in Italy 2015, by segment
- Forecast: IT consultancies revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Forecast: computer programming revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Forecast: computer facilities management revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Share of companies using data protection measures in Italy 2016, by type
- Italy: ROE of IT industry 2017-2021
- Forecast: data processing and hosting revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Forecast: web portal operation revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Italy: share of companies using industrial IoT 2015, by process
- Italy: survey on best training activities to promote digital innovation 2017
- Share of SMEs using or planning to use digital technologies in Italy 2016
- Share of IT service firms using RFID in Italy 2017, by type of purpose
- Factors considered by companies when choosing IT service providers in Italy 2022
- Change in amount of hours worked by skill set in 2030 compared to 2016
- Weaknesses of companies' IT partners in Italy 2022, by frequency
- Reply employees 2019 to 2023
- Main physical protection systems used for data centers in Italy 2018
- Share of companies using badges at the workplace in Italy 2019, by purpose
- Expected results and potential of IoT projects among companies in Italy 2016
- Usage of tools to track employees in Italy 2019
- Data market value in Italy 2016-2025
- Opinion on transparent technology use by companies and government in Italy 2019
- Infrastructure investments to promote digital innovation in Italy 2017
- Italy: positions in charge to verify employees' attendance 2019
- Number of data user companies in Italy 2016-2025
- Awareness of innovative digital technologies in companies in Italy 2017
- Revenues of data companies in Italy 2016-2025
- Security standard systems used in companies in Italy 2018
- Number of data supplying companies in Italy 2016-2025
- ICT spending value in Italy 2016-2025
- Job satisfaction and security among digital workers globally 2022, by level
- IT-infrastructure outsourcing services market size in Italy 2020-2029
- Possibility to track employees in real time in Italy 2019
- Role of the chief information security officer in Italy 2019
- Market value of Big data and BI companies in Italy 2016
- Italy: digital innovation's effect on companies' revenue growth 2017
- Impact of COVID-19 on corporate cyber-security in Italy July 2020
- Reply total equity 2019 to 2023
- Italy: ROI of IT industry 2017-2021
- Interventions to promote corporate welfare for digital innovation in Italy 2017
- Methods to monitor hours of external workers in Italy 2019
- Revenue of the IT consulting & implementation industry in Italy 2020-2029
- Revenue of the administration outsourcing industry in Italy 2020-2029
- IT-outsourcing services market revenue, by segment in Italy 2024-2029
- Necessity to track working activities in Italy 2019
- Reply revenue 2019 to 2023
- Share of the EU28 data market in Italy 2016-2025
- Reply net income 2019 to 2023
- Reply total assets 2019 to 2023
- Enterprise readiness for Industry 4.0 in Italy 2015
- Opinion on lean management and Industry 4.0 in Italy 2015
- Share of GDP invested in the ICT sector in Italy 2010-2015