Statistics about Metals & Electronics in Italy
- Leonardo net cash 2019 to 2023
- Italy: average return on equity (ROE) of weaponry manufacturers 2015-2017
- Manufacture of air and spacecraft machinery revenue in Italy 2010-2022
- Number of employees of the company Leonardo 2018-2022
- Italy: enterprises manufacturing aircrafts & spacecrafts 2013-2022
- Italy: average return on investment (ROI) of weaponry manufacturers 2015-2017
- Italy: percentage change of production value of weaponry manufacturers 2015-2017
- R&D costs of the Italian company Leonardo 2011-2021
- Leonardo: share of new orders by sector 2021
- Leonardo liabilities 2019 to 2023
- Leonardo net income 2019 to 2023
- Leonardo revenue 2019 to 2023
- Revenue breakdown of the Italian company Leonardo 2021
- Leonardo total assets 2019 to 2023
- Forecast: weapons and ammunition manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Leonardo: total assets 2011-2021
- Leonardo operating profit 2019 to 2023
- Annual revenue of Leonardo 2011-2021
- Leonardo total equity 2019 to 2023
- Forecast: military fighting vehicles manufacturing revenue Italy 2009-2018
- Forecast: air- and spacecraft manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Forecast: air- and spacecraft maintenance and repair revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Leonardo employees 2019 to 2023
- Grid-scale battery energy storage capacity in Italy 2023-2027
- Employees of batteries and accumulators manufacturing industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Forecast: batteries and accumulators manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Production value of the batteries and accumulators industry in Italy 2017-2021
- EBITDA as share of production of batteries & accumulators industry in Italy 2017-2021
- ROI of batteries and accumulators manufacturing industry in Italy 2017-2021
- ROE of batteries and accumulators manufacturing industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Percentage change in batteries & accumulators industry production in Italy 2017-2021
- Average revenue per smart home in Italy 2019-2028, by segment
- Revenue of the smart home industry in Italy 2019-2028
- Revenue of the smart home segment control & connectivity in Italy 2019-2028
- Number of smart homes in Italy 2019-2028, by segment
- Smart Home revenue per segment forecast in Italy until 2028
- Forecast: electronic components manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Italy: export value of medical instruments or appliances 2013 to 2023
- Value of medical, surgical and dental equipment imported by Italy 2012-2023
- Forecast: electrical equipment repair revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Forecast: electronic and optical equipment repair revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Forecast: electric household appliances manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Forecast: loaded electronic boards manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Number of users of the smart home segment comfort & lighting in Italy 2019-2028
- Penetration rate of smart homes in Italy 2019-2028, by segment
- Number of users of the smart home segment control & connectivity in Italy 2019-2028
- Number of users of the smart home segment energy management in Italy 2019-2028
- Number of users of the smart home segment security in Italy 2019-2028
- Number of users of smart homes in Italy 2019-2028
- Number of users of the smart home segment home entertainment in Italy 2019-2028
- Revenue of the smart home segment energy management in Italy 2019-2028
- Revenue of the smart home segment security in Italy 2019-2028
- Revenue of the smart home segment comfort & lighting in Italy 2019-2028
- Revenue of the smart home segment home entertainment in Italy 2019-2028
- ROI of the electrical equipment manufacturing industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Italy: percent change in electric equipment production Q1 2016-Q1 2017
- EBITDA as share of production of the electrical equipment industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Production value of the manufacture of consumer electronics in Italy 2017-2021
- Production growth of the manufacture of consumer electronics in Italy 2017-2021
- EBITDA as share of manufacture of consumer electronics production in Italy 2017-2021
- ROI of the manufacture of consumer electronics in Italy 2017-2021
- ROE of the manufacture of consumer electronics in Italy 2017-2021
- Revenue of the electrical equipment industry in Italy 2018, by sector
- Number of employees of the electrical equipment industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Production value of the electrical equipment industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Annual growth rate in electrical equipment industry production in Italy 2017-2021
- Number of employees of the manufacture of consumer electronics in Italy 2017-2021
- ROE of the electrical equipment manufacturing industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Production value of the cables and wires manufacturing industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Number of employees of the electricity equipment industry in Italy 2017-2021
- ROE of cables and wires manufacturing industry in Italy 2017-2021
- ROI of cables and wires manufacturing industry in Italy 2017-2021
- EBITDA as share of production of the cables and wires industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Annual growth rate in cables and wires industry production in Italy 2017-2021
- Import value of therapeutic appliances in Italy 2013 to 2023
- Number of employees of the cables and wires manufacturing industry in Italy 2017-2021
- ROI of the electricity equipment manufacturing industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Production value of the electricity equipment industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Annual growth rate in electricity equipment industry production in Italy 2017-2021
- EBITDA as share of production of electricity equipment industry in Italy 2017-2021
- ROE of the electricity equipment manufacturing industry in Italy 2017-2021
- Italy: export value of steam generators 2018, by macro-region
- Italy: distribution of export value of steam generators 2013-2018, by macro-region
- Italy: import value of steam generators 2018, by macro-region
- Forecast: fabricated metal products repair revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Forecast: locks and hinges manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Italy: basic metals output 2004-2016
- Italy: leading destination countries for exports of steam generators 2016-2018
- Italy: distribution of import value of steam generators 2013-2018, by macro-region
- Forecast: light metal packaging manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Forecast: steel drums manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Italy: export value of metal cutlery, locks and tools 2018, by macro-region
- Forecast: tools manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Italy: distribution of export of metal cutlery and tools 2013-2018, by macro-region
- Forecast: steel castings manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Italy: leading suppliers of metal cutlery & tools 2016-2018, by import value
- Italy: total production of pig iron 2009-2018
- Revenue of the fabricated metal industry in Italy 2019, by sector
- Forecast: iron castings manufacturing revenue Italy 2008-2018
- Italy: destination countries of metal cutlery & tools 2016-2018, by export value