Statistics about Internet in Italy
- Italy: municipalities having problems with ICT in Umbria 2015, by reason
- Italy: municipalities having problems with ICT in Marche 2015, by reason
- Italy: public administration employees and ICT trainings 2009-2015
- Daily online users among young people in Italy and Europe 2015
- Share of individuals not using the internet in Italy 2018, by gender
- Italy: maximum download speed declared by Marche firms 2014, by download speed
- Italy: number of individuals having access to the internet 2017, by device
- Share of male daily Internet users in Italy 2018
- Italiaonline unique users in Italy 2016-2018
- Users frequenting blogs & forums in Italy 2018, by frequency
- Italy: key figures about web traffic with consent management system 2018
- Weekly unique video users of broadcast and media websites in Italy 2019
- Weekly unique video users of food & cooking websites in Italy 2019
- Daily online reach of broadcasting company Rai in Italy 2019, by device
- Daily online reach of cooking website Giallo Zafferano in Italy 2020, by device
- Share of online audience in Italy 2022, by age group and device
- Rai digital audience in Italy H1 2016-H1 2020, by device
- Daily online reach of Italiaonline properties in Italy 2019, by device
- Italy: max download speed declared by firms in Aosta Valley 2014, by download speed
- Italy: municipalities having problems with ICT in Liguria 2015, by reason
- Italy: share of time spent on selected online categories 2022, by age group
- Leading news websites in Italy 2024, based on visit share
- Daily online reach of Virgilio web portal in Italy 2019, by device
- Daily online reach of Libero websites in Italy 2019, by device
- Weekly unique video users of finance websites in Italy 2019
- Daily online reach of the business newspaper Milano Finanza in Italy 2019, by device
- Italy: municipalities having problems with ICT Friuli-Venezia Giulia 2015, by reason
- Leading health websites in Italy 2023, based on visit share
- Leading video streaming websites in Italy 2024, based on visit share
- traffic in Italy 2023, by device
- Leading groceries websites in Italy 2023, based on visit share
- Europe: year-on-year growth of the mobile share of Pornhub website traffic in 2019
- Italy: share of time spent on selected online categories 2022
- Leading e-commerce websites in Italy 2021, by popularity score
- Italy: share of time spent on selected online categories 2021, by gender
- Italian Serie A football club websites with highest SEO visibility as of 2019
- Mobility trend in retail & recreation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy 2020-2022
- Daily online reach of Libero web portal in Italy 2019, by device
- Leading coupons and rebates websites in Italy 2023, based on visit share
- Italy: online most mentioned insurance companies 2017
- Leading fashion and apparel websites in Italy 2023, based on visit share
- Leading restaurant and delivery websites in Italy 2023, by visit share
- Leading online marketplaces in Italy 2023, based on visit share
- Italy: online most mentioned household insurance companies 2017
- Italy: motorcycles and vehicles wholesalers and retailers using social media 2014
- Share of Italian food service firms using social media 2019, by type
- Leading fashion star profiles on Twitter in Italy October 2020
- Italy: frequency of users accessing social media sites 2015
- Young adults using social media daily Italy vs Europe 2015
- Leading disc jockey profiles on Twitter in Italy 2020
- Leading celebrities profiles on Twitter in Italy 2020
- Italy: number of LinkedIn members in the food industry 2015
- Most popular Italian travel influencers on Instagram 2019
- VKontakte web visit share in Italy 2018-2019
- Leading music industry profiles on Twitter in Italy 2018
- Share of Italian travel agencies using social media 2019
- Italy: share of software production firms using social media by quantity used 2014
- Leading community profiles on Twitter in Italy 2020
- Leading sports star profiles on Twitter in Italy 2020
- Italy: share of Telco firms using social media by number of platforms 2014
- Italy: number of social network users 2014-2018
- Social network penetration in Italy 2014-2018
- Italy: La Repubblica users interactions 2018, by social network
- Italy: share of metallurgy firms using social media 2014, by social media usage
- Italy: firms producing computer and electro medical equipment using social media 2014
- Revenues of video games from social networks in Italy 2012-2014
- Share of construction companies using social media 2019, by usage
- Leading lifestyle profiles on Twitter in Italy 2020
- Italy: leading multi-author travel blogs 2014, by Twitter engagement rate
- Leading hobby profiles on Twitter in Italy 2019
- Italy: firms repairing computer and computer using social media 2014, by usage
- Italy: firms producing motor vehicles and means of transport using social media 2014
- Italy: leading travel blogs 2014, by Twitter engagement rate
- Italy: share of real estate firms using social media by number of platforms 2019
- Italy: reasons to follow influencers 2019, by age group
- Italy: publishing companies using social media 2019, by social media usage
- Share of utilities suppliers using social media in Italy 2019, by type
- Share of companies using social media for brand image in Italy 2019
- Influencer content during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis in Italy 2020
- Actions and views of coronavirus (COVID-19) content on social networks in Italy 2020
- LinkedIn social network web visit share in Italy 2017-2020
- Most popular Italian musicians or bands on Instagram 2019
- Value per post of leading Italian musicians accounts on Instagram 2019
- Share of Italian firms producing chemical products using social media 2019, by type
- Share of Italian textiles & apparel manufacturers using social media 2019, by type
- Value per post of leading Italian travel accounts on Instagram 2019
- Social media engagement of TV content in Italy 2019, by type
- Share of Italian electric equipment manufacturers using social media 2019
- Share of postal and courier firms using social media in Italy 2019, by type
- Value per post of leading Italian accounts on Instagram 2019
- Value per post of leading Italian athletes accounts on Instagram 2019
- Value per post of leading Italian fashion accounts on Instagram 2019
- Italy: LinkedIn members quoting Expo Milan 2015 in their profile by industry
- Share of Italian accommodation firms using social media 2019, by type
- Share of Italian IT firms using social media 2019, by type
- Time spending on web and social networks in Italy 2020
- Value per post of leading Italian food accounts on Instagram 2019
- AC Milan's Facebook fans August 2020 to March 2021
- Share of hospitality companies using social media in Italy 2019
- Top ten spirit brands on Facebook in Italy 2020