Statistics about Health, Pharma & Medtech in Italy
- Individuals with cardiac diseases in Italy 2010-2023
- Individuals with diabetes in Italy 2023 by age group
- Italy: number of hospital admissions 2016, by cause
- Italy: attitudes towards blood donation 2018
- Italy: share of allergic individuals 2009-2016
- Share of women who have ever resorted to cosmetic surgery in Italy 2018
- Italy: average age of female plastic surgery patients 2018
- Prevalence of adolescent obesity in Italy from 1975 to 2016, by gender
- Percentage change in coverage of not mandatory vaccines in Italy 2018, by vaccine
- Mortality rate increase due to heat waves in selected Italian cities July 2022
- Individuals suffering from depressive disorders in Italy 2017, by type and age
- Percentage change in varicella vaccine coverage in Italy 2018, by region
- Share of individuals who tried to quit smoking 2017, by method
- Share of women who have ever resorted to cosmetic surgery in Italy 2018, by age group
- Percentage change in coverage of mandatory vaccines in Italy 2018, by vaccine
- Italy: COPD hospitalization rate 2016, by region
- Italy: headache and technological devices use among students 2018, by gender
- Most common therapies and devices used in diabetes care in Italy 2017
- Italy: individuals feeling discomfort buying menstrual hygiene 2016
- Mean number of days of unable to work due to injury in Italy 2019-2023
- Height of boys aged 5-19 years living in urban areas in Italy in 2020
- Height of women aged 19 years living in urban areas in Italy 1990-2020
- Individuals with hypertension in Italy 2010-2023
- Height of girls aged 5-19 years living in urban areas in Italy in 2020
- Individuals with peptic ulcer disease in Italy 2010-2023
- Electronic cigarettes usage in Italy 2017, by frequency
- Italy: share of individuals suffering from stress-related disorders 2018
- Individuals with osteoarthritis and arthritis in Italy 2010-2023
- Individuals with nervous disorders in Italy 2010-2023
- Italy: elderly individuals suffering from vision or hearing impairments
- Total number of people with a general good health status in Italy 2010-2023
- Height of women aged 19 years living in rural areas in Italy 1990-2020
- Opinion on cigarettes' substitutes in Italy 2019
- Italy: patients receiving terminal sedation in palliative care 2017, by region
- Share of overweight minors in Italy 2017-2018, by region
- Height of girls aged 5-19 years living in rural areas in Italy in 2020
- Height of men aged 19 years living in urban areas in Italy 1990-2020
- Italy: opinions about slim cigarettes 2017
- Height of boys aged 5-19 years living in rural areas in Italy in 2020
- Height of men aged 19 years living in rural areas in Italy 1990-2020
- Distribution of diabetic individuals dealing with tooth loss in Italy 2018, by method
- Most common stress-related disorders in Italy 2018
- Opinion on electronic cigarettes in Italy 2019
- Women's life expectancy at 65 years in Italy 2002-2023
- Internal displacements of people from weather-related disasters in Italy 2009-2023
- Share of individuals who should increase physical activity in Italy 2008-2023
- Antibiotic prescription rate among children in Italy 2019, by age group
- People living a sedentary lifestyle in Italy 2008-2023
- People living a sedentary lifestyle in Italy 2022-2023, by region
- Share of overweight or obese adults in Italy 2022-2023, by economic condition
- Men's life expectancy at 65 years in Italy 2002-2023
- Females' life expectancy at birth in Italy 2002-2023
- Males' life expectancy at birth in Italy 2002-2023
- Italy: reasons people do not use WhatsApp to communicate with physicians 2018
- Share of deaths attributed to modifiable risk behavior in Italy 2017
- Cancer mortality rate among females in Italy 2006-2021
- Cancer mortality rate among males in Italy 2006-2021
- Italy: prevalence of glaucoma 2010-2017
- Italy: share of people who believed vaccines cause autism as of 2017
- Perceived impact of heat-not-burn cigarettes on health in Italy 2019
- Italy: prevalence of posture problems 2018
- Health status of 0-5 years old children in Italy 2017
- Italy: opinion about posture problems' causes 2018
- Italy: occasions to wash hands after using toilet 2019
- Share of overweight or obese adults in Italy 2022-2023, by education level
- Distribution of Body-Mass-Index (BMI) among adults in Italy 2010-2023
- Percentage change in meningococcus B vaccine coverage in Italy 2018, by region
- Distribution of ED visits for alcohol-related diagnoses in Italy 2022, by nationality
- Binge drinking among male consumers in Italy 2022, by region
- Binge drinking among female consumers in Italy 2022, by region
- Binge drinking among senior consumers in Italy in 2022, by gender and age group
- Binge drinking among young individuals in Italy 2022, by gender and age group
- Individuals getting treatment in alcohol rehab centers in Italy 2022, by age group
- Italy: number of deaths from passive smoking among females 2015, by disease
- Italy: share of allergic individuals 2016, by profession
- Italy: self-perceived health status among elderly population 2017
- Italy: opinion on cigarette package warning among high school students 2017
- Number of deaths in March 2020 compared to previous years in Italy
- Distribution of Body-Mass-Index (BMI) in Italy 2023, by region
- Opinions on the effect of novel Coronavirus on the economy in Italy 2020
- Italy: prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors 2008-2017
- Share of cigarette smokers in Italy 2019, by age and gender
- Share of individuals trying to quit smoking in Italy 2008-2018
- Prevalence of caries of deciduous teeth in Italy 2010-2019
- Prevalence of oral disorders in Italy 2010-2019
- Prevalence rate of edentulism in Italy 2010-2019
- Prevalence rate of periodontal diseases in Italy 2010-2019
- Prevalence of caries of permanent teeth in Italy 2010-2019
- Body mass index (BMI) of individuals in Italy 2023, by gender
- Italy: anorexia prevalence among females 2010-2017
- Secondary school's students with disabilities in Italy 2018-2019, by impairment
- Italy: number of deaths from passive smoking among males 2015, by disease
- Italy: individuals searching for health information online 2018, by situation
- Italy: responsibility of parent-child relations for suicide/self-harm games 2017
- Depression in hearing aid owners/non owners in select developed countries 2014-2015
- Total number of face grafting surgeries performed in Italy 2015-2023
- Distribution of fertility centers in Italy 2021, by region
- Services offered in eating disorder treatment facilities in Italy in 2024
- Share of Italians getting information on unnecessary use of antibiotics 2022
- Breast implants distribution in Italy 2019-2021, by type