Statistics about Health, Pharma & Medtech in Italy
- Share of pharmaceuticals exported from Italy 1997-2019
- Value of imports of basic pharmaceutical products into Italy 2019, by macro-region
- Foreign capital companies in the pharmaceutical sector in Italy 2023, by country
- Italy: annual sales value of the summer best-selling pharmaceuticals 2018, by segment
- Market share of dermatology products in Italy 2018, by category
- Cost of antipsychotics in Italy 2023, by type
- Italy: market share of pharmaceutical products sold in supermarkets 2018, by segment
- Sales volume of non-Rx gastro-intestinal tract drugs in Italy 2023, by category
- Import value of the Italian pharmaceutical sector 2021, by country of origin
- Production value of the pharmaceutical industry in Italy 2012-2023
- Export value of pharmaceutical products in Italy 2023, by product
- Export value of pharmaceutical products in Italy 2010-2023
- Italy: products incidence on ethical pharmaceutical market 2017
- Leading health supplements purchase channels in Italy 2017
- Sales volume of non-prescription circulatory system drugs in Italy 2023, by category
- Sales volume of non-prescription dermatological drugs in Italy 2023, by category
- Share of GPs prescribing health supplements in Italy 2016, by frequency
- Consumption of antipsychotics in Italy in 2023, by area
- Italy: market share of antidiabetics 2016, by type
- Value of exports of basic pharmaceutical products from Italy 2019, by macro-region
- Pharmaceutical market revenue in Italy in 2023, by type of drug
- Market value of prescription drugs in Italy 2001-2023
- Consumption of antipsychotics in Italy in 2023, by region
- Italy: average return on equity (ROE) of pharmaceutical wholesalers 2015-2017
- Italy: survey on the awareness of the OTC label 2017
- Import value of pharmaceutical products in Italy 2023, by product
- Italy: distribution of export value of medicinal products 2013-2018
- Italy: market value distribution of veterinary drugs 2018, by type
- Net result of pharmaceutical companies in Italy 2016-2018
- Non-prescription drugs producers in Italy 2023, by region
- Italy: reasons for not using condoms 2015
- Italy: sources of information on the use of homeopathic drugs 2018
- Sales value growth rate of food for special medical purposes in Italy 2017-2018
- Operating result of pharmaceutical companies in Italy 2016-2018
- Italy: distribution of medicinal product import value 2013-2018, by macro-region
- Cost of antidepressants in Italy 2014-2023
- Consumption of antidepressants in Italy in 2023, by area
- Market volume share of consumer healthcare products in Italy 2021-2022, by type
- Sales volume distribution of non-prescription drugs in Italy 2022, by channel
- Italy: consumption of food supplements 2009 and 2016
- Italy: share of individuals purchasing pharmaceuticals online 2016, by segment
- Sales value of non-prescription painkillers in Italy 2023, by category
- Export value of the Italian pharmaceutical sector 2021, by country of destination
- Market value distribution of food supplements 2016-2018, by function
- Italy: pharmaceutical marketing channels according to GPs
- Sales value of non-prescription circulatory system drugs in Italy 2023, by category
- Sales value of non-prescription dermatological drugs in Italy 2023, by category
- Sales value of non-Rx gastro-intestinal tract drugs in Italy 2023, by category
- Italy: public pharmaceutical expenditure in 2016, by ATC
- Consumption of non-prescription drugs in Italy 2014-2026
- Sales value of non-Rx respiratory diseases drugs in Italy 2023, by category
- Italy: sales volume of pharmaceuticals for food-producing animals 2015-2016
- Sales value share of non-prescription drugs in Italy 2023, by therapeutic category
- Per capita expenditure for self-medication drugs in Italy 2023, by region
- Italy: supplements market in Italy in 2016, by product type
- Sales volume of the pharmaceutical market in Italy 2014-2023, by product
- Per capita expenditure for non-prescription drugs in Italy 2023, by region
- Market value of OTC drugs in Italy 2014-2023
- Number of employees in R&D of pharmaceuticals companies in Italy 2008-2021
- Production price of pharmaceuticals on domestic market in Italy 2005-2022
- Italy: leading cough medicines brands 2018, by sales value
- Gross public pharmaceutical expenditure per capita in Italy 2006-2021
- Leading pharmaceutical companies in Italy 2020, by revenue
- Most prescribed brand name drugs in Italy December 2023, by sales value
- Market value of food for special medical purposes in Italy 2017-2018, by segment
- Italy: growth rate of the pharmaceutical veterinary segment 2017-2018, by item
- Distribution of the value of basic pharmaceutical imports into Italy 2014-2019
- Frequency in supplements use in Italy 2019
- Consumption rate of drugs to treat hypertension in Italy 2022, by category
- Italy: monthly value of human blood exports from 2017
- Total expenditure on drugs to treat hypertension in Italy 2022, by type
- Sales volume of drugs in Italy 2023, by ATC
- Trend of expenditure for orphan drugs in Italy 2013-2023
- Personnel costs of pharmaceutical manufacturing in Italy 2010-2021
- Purchase of raw materials of pharmaceutical manufacturing in Italy 2010-2021
- Value of pharmaceuticals sold in Italy 2011-2022
- Italy: percentage of consumers of medical cannabis 2018, by age group
- Consumption share of food supplements November in Italy 2016, by region
- Share of adults worldwide who declared to be knowledgeable on AMR in 2022, by age
- Share of generics on public pharmaceutical expenditure in Italy 2022, by region
- Sales value of drugs in Italy 2023, by ATC
- Italy: hospital pharmaceutical spending growth rate 2017-2022
- Net pharmaceutical expenditure by the Italian NHS on prescription drugs 2012-2022
- Consumption rate of the most prescribed drugs in Italy 2022, by category
- Market share of the leading cholesterol-lowering supplements in Italy 2018
- Italy; net revenue generated by sunbathing products 2016-2017
- Main drivers for food supplements purchase in Italy 2017
- Italy: anti-allergenics sales value percentage variation 2017, by type
- Sales value of food supplements in Italy 2020, by category
- Market value of food supplements in Italy 2008-2020
- Italy: growth rate of advanced dressings market 2017-2018, by retail channel
- Consumption of most used active ingredients in Italy 2023
- Number of drug treatments in Italy in 2023, by ATC
- Revenue of the manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products in Italy 2010-2022
- Italy: average price of diabetes devices 2016, by type
- Respiratory drug prescription rates among children Italy 2023, by active ingredient
- Consumption of drugs for nervous system diseases in Italy 2014-2023
- Consumption of drugs for gastrointestinal disorders in Italy 2014-2023
- Consumption of drugs for respiratory system diseases in Italy 2011-2023
- Sales value of food supplements in Italy H1 2018, by distribution channel